Planning to connect to the system of centralized gas supply? This is a justified decision, because the cost of trunk methane in Russia is cheaper than any other fuel. However, gas communications should still be brought into the house from the nearest highway, which, you see, can be a rather expensive undertaking.
We will help you deal with the nuances of organizing the supply of blue fuel and show you how to calculate the demand for natural gas and how to find out how much it costs to connect gas to a private house. Detailed examples of calculations and possible costs during commissioning are discussed in our article.
Preliminary calculations will allow you to plan your expenses and plan an action plan for entering gas into your house in the future. The formulas given below in the article, along with illustrative photo instructions and thematic videos will help independently calculate the cost of connection and find out whether it will be beneficial to use in your case gas supply.
The content of the article:
- Nuances of cottage gasification
- Categories of gasified objects
- Calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption
- Calculating the cost of connecting gas
- The cost of commissioning the pipeline
- Price of gas connection in the regions of Russia
- Belonging to the centralized gas pipeline
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Nuances of cottage gasification
According to the terms of the Russian Federation Government Resolution â„–1314 from 12/30/2013, which has been in force since March 2014, the landlord is not obliged to independently decide on the issues of connecting his estate to the gas pipeline.
Coordination of the passage of the gas pipeline through the lands of other owners, preparation of TU and the resolution of other “gas” issues became the prerogative of the gas distribution organization (abbreviated as GDO).
It is OblGas or RayGaz that are obliged to withdraw the gas pipeline to the borders of the applicant’s site upon the completed application.

If the gas pipeline is further than 200 m from the household - the cost of gasification will be quite high
The technical conditions for connecting gas to a private house, as well as the price of gasification are part of the contract with the GPO.
Before, before Resolution â„–1314, TU was a separate document that served as a justification for the design and construction of the gas pipeline. Now technical conditions are only an annex to the gasification contract, i.e. not a standalone document.
Note that the technical conditions provided by the address of the homeowner in a two-week period are preliminary.
By submitting them to the gas distribution organization, it only reports the admissibility of gasification and it is impossible to use this data for the gas pipeline. However, preliminary specifications are necessary only for industrial consumers with methane consumption above 300 m.3/ h
Categories of gasified objects
According to Resolution No. 1314 of the Government of Russia, homeowners need to find out how much it costs now. to hold gas in their homes through an appeal to the regional gas distribution service.
First of all, household expenses for technological connection depend on the amount of gasification work. In this regard, three categories of capital objects are defined.
The first category of objects. The first category consists of private households, the total consumption of natural gas in which is not higher than 5 m3/ h
Small business enterprises are equated to them, the technological equipment of which consumes no more than 15 m3/ h mixture of propane with butane. Those. the lowest fee for connection to the gas distribution network is charged to the cottages of less than 300 m2 and small businesses from the utility area.

Installation work on the connection of the gas pipeline will be completed at the border of the site. Gas wiring
pipes for consuming household equipment in its territory are carried out according to a separate project
Possible amount of installation work connecting gas communications the first category household is limited to:
- the greatest distance from the main gas distributor to gas consuming equipment is less than 200 m;
- gas pressure in the gas supply source - up to 0.3 MPa.
In addition, laying of introductory gas pipelines is carried out without the construction of points of reduction (pressure reduction) of the main natural gas.
Pipeline connection fee for objects of the first category is 20 000-50 000 rubles (Clause 8 of the Annex to the Order of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation No. 101-e / 3 dated April 28, 2014). The exact price is determined by the local GPO according to the conditions in the area, but cannot exceed 50,000 rubles.
The second category of objects. Among the objects of the second category are households, the connection of which requires distributing gas pipelines and / or the creation of gas main reduction points. Their approximate gas consumption is higher than normal for objects of the first category, a higher pressure of gas supply is required (ie, 0.6 MPa or more), etc.

Compliance with the cost of connection in the first category is observed if the input of the pipeline is performed in
gas mains low pressure. If gas reduction is required, the connection price will exceed 50 thousand. rub.
In the private residential sector, objects falling under the second category usually have an area of ​​more than 300 m2. For their gasification, standardized tariff rates are applied, calculated according to the method developed by the FTS of the Russian Federation (annex to order No. 101-e / 3 dated April 28, 2014).
Note that the applicants consumption of natural or artificial gas from 300 m3/ h and above is required to coordinate the connection of gas with the GPG, which has a technological connection with the pipeline of the contractor.
The approval of the amounts of tariffs for connecting gas to households of the second category is made by the local executive authority of the REC (ie the regional energy commission).
The third category of objects. The objects of capital construction of the third category are farms that need an individual gasification project. For them, the amount is determined by the design and estimate documentation, previously passed the examination.
The amount of gasification costs for households of the third category is set by the REC, relating to the location of the economy connected to the main gas.

The rates for forwarding the pipeline along the section from the border entry of different companies vary.
However, it is worth considering the need for numerous approvals of the gas project. Full-scale gasification will happen faster with an experienced implementing company.
Characteristic features of the objects of applicants who need gasification are the following conditions:
- planned consumption of natural gas from 500 m3/ h;
- work on joining the gas pipeline requires the removal of the pipeline through the territory of the forest fund, on rocky soils, swamps and water obstacles;
- gas pipeline installation work requires passage through obstacles that force horizontal drilling to be used.
Those. On Government Decree â„–1314 There are practically no fixed rates for technological connection of applicants to the gas network. The cost of gasification works depends on a number of conditions that determine its size in the framework of the relevant methods of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation.
Calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption
Owners of private farmsteads may well focus on the gas consumption rate of 5 m3/ h (the first category of gasified farms) - this volume for household use is often enough.
However, it is possible to make an independent calculation of the approximate gas consumption of heating equipment, using the formula:
B = q · 103/ nP·1,163·8000,
- B - consumption of natural gas by household equipment, m3/ h;
- q - productivity of gas-consuming equipment for heat, kW;
- nP - Efficiency of gas-consuming equipment (usually 90-92%);
- 1,163 - the value of the conversion factor kW to kcal;
- 8000 - calorific value of natural gas (lower), kcal / nm3.
Using this formula, we consider peak consumption of heating equipment. For example, the heated area of ​​the cottage is 120 m2 and for its heating it is planned to use a 12 kW boiler with an efficiency of 90%.
We consider:
B = 12 · 1000 / 0.9 · 1.163 · 8000 = 12000: 8373.6 = 1.5 m3/ h (rounded)
Thermal power of other household appliances must be found out from the technical passports. A four-burner gas stove with an oven, for example, usually has 10 kW of power.
Then its peak gas consumption will be (efficiency is not taken into account):
B = 10 · 1000 / 1,163 · 8000 = 10000: 9304 = 1.1 m3/ h (rounded)
By calculating the maximum natural gas consumption per hour of each consumer in the house and adding it up, we obtain the value of the required gas consumption per hour (CDMG) throughout the household.
Calculating the cost of connecting gas
Works on connecting natural gasand are subdivided into two groups of tasks - leading the gas pipeline from the gas distribution network to the applicant's section and withdrawing the gas pipeline from the section to the consuming equipment.
However, the gas distribution organization (if the household is allowed to connect to the gas pipeline) is responsible only for laying the gas pipeline to the border of the site.
The internal segment of the gas pipeline is designed and built for a fee, and not necessarily by the same enterprise that was involved in bringing gas pipes to the section.

PVC pipes, marked with a yellow stripe, it is permissible to use in the creation of low-pressure gas lines
pressure. The only communication they should be underground
The amount required for the pipeline to the site for households of the first category will not exceed 50,000 rubles. For other categories, the cost of withdrawing a gas pipeline is determined by calculating standardized tariff rates using the formulas specified in Chapter III of the Annex to the order of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation No. 101-e / 3rd.
As for how much it costs run a gas supply pipeline on the plot, the size of the final cost depends entirely on the regional and territorial location of the household.
For example, the approximate composition and sum of estimates for the installation of a gas pipeline from the border exit to gas consumers inside a house in the Moscow Region are as follows:
- Preparation of project geological base (plan of the topography of the site), its coordination in state agencies - 20 000-35 000 rubles.
- Gas supply project development - 35 000-55 000 rubles. Its price depends on the pressure in the supply gas pipeline, on the number of gas-consuming equipment.
- Project approvalgas supply - 15 000-30 000 rubles. This amount contains payment for the accounts of enterprises and services whose coordination is mandatory. For example, 5,000 rubles are paid to the MSC regional architecture, 5,000 rubles to MOESK (electric power), 4,000 rubles to Mosoblgaz. and so forth
- Project registration and its technical supervision in Mosoblgaz will be 5% of the amount of work on the installation of the pipeline.
Next are the construction and installation work on the finished and agreed project, which determines their value. For example, for a cottage with an area not higher than 300 m2 the price of these works may be 165 000-250 000 rubles. depending on the complexity of the device and the system connection.
The cost of commissioning the pipeline
The actual construction of gas communications at the site does not mean the end of costs. The pipeline still needs commissioning, otherwise it cannot be used.
For delivery of the gas pipeline at the site are required:
- control and executive survey (preparation, registration) - 15 000-35 000 rubles. The shorter the gas pipeline, the cheaper the CIS;
- inspection of ventilation ducts and chimneys in the form of an act - approximately 5 000 rub.;
- boiler grounding (protocol and circuit sketch) - order 5 000 rub.;
- examination isolating compounds in the form of an act - 7 000 rub. for each;
- verification of the documentation of executive-technical - 4 000 rub.;
- call inspectors Mosoblgaz - approximately 3 000 rub.;
- preparation of gas input service contract - up to 2 000 rub;
- re-approval of the project will cost a maximum of 4 000 rub.
At the end of work on the commissioning of the pipeline must be issued technical documentation in the RES of the local gas service, sign it in the trust gas farm and archived.
Then make an entry for the gas inset and the initial start-up. For the Moscow region, the costs of ITD and the launch of the pipeline will be about 35,000-5,000 rubles.
Price of gas connection in the regions of Russia
Costs gasification of the site in many related to his whereabouts. The largest amount for connection to the gas network will have to pay homeowners of the Moscow region - 400 000-700 000 rubles. (most expensive within the boundaries of the city Moscow).
Carrying out gas will cost less for owners of country cottages in the Leningrad Region than in the capital region - around 300,000 rubles.

If the applicant wishes to have a gas pipeline under the rivers, highways, etc. - this is possible. But the application
horizontal directional drilling will increase the cost of gasification of household
Gasification costs most cheaply in the European regions of the Russian Federation, where a gas pipeline can be put into the area for 70,000-120,000 rubles. And in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the connection between the home gas network and the natural gas pipeline costs about 150,000–200,000 rubles.
The gas pipeline network is poorly developed in the regions in the east of Russia, since there are significantly fewer industrial centers there than in the western regions. For example, in the Novosibirsk region the costs of private homeowners for gasification will be at least 200,000 rubles.
The most difficult situation with gas pipelines in the regions of the Far East, where gas and pipelines are extremely small. Local landowners, even those belonging to the first category of applicants, will spend an average of 200,000-250,000 rubles. for gas supply of his cottage.
Belonging to the centralized gas pipeline
Most of gas mains low pressure in Russia belongs to local GROW, i.e. state-owned enterprises responsible for gas supply and gasification in the region. But the nearest gas pipeline to a site in need of natural gas may be not state, but departmental or private communications.

The costs for the reduction unit, and even more so for the gas fuel distribution complex for one
households will be extremely large. It is more rational to agree on their installation with the neighbors in the clubhouse
For example, gas pipelines in regions that are relatively remote from the district centers often belong to local residents on the basis of a partnership agreement. Also in the dacha settlements - in them gas transmission networks, as well as other local infrastructure, are private, owned by dacha associations.
Negotiations on connecting to such gas networks will have to be conducted with their owners, and state tariffs will most likely not be suitable for them.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video # 1. Allowance for the homeowner, how to gasify your site:
Video # 2. The successive stages of connecting a gas pipeline to a private household:
To find out the actual situation with the gasification of your site, you do not need to waste time. Turning to the local gas distribution organization, you will be able to establish the ability to connect, to determine its cost. Still, heating a house with natural gas is cheaper than wood or coal.
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