Instructions for the use of magnesium sulphate or magnesium sulfate


Magnesium sulphate has been widely used in agriculture as a quality effective fertilizer. In the composition there are very important for the growth of garden and ornamental crops: oxides, copper, sulfur and other microelements. Inorganic matter is known by other names - magnesium sulfate, magnesium, English salt.


Table of contents

  • Signs of magnesium deficiency in plants
  • What magnesium gives to plants
  • Composition and function of fertilizer magnesium sulfate
  • Mechanism of action
  • Advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other means
  • Instructions for use
  • Safety measures when working with the product
  • Compatibility with other drugs
  • Storage conditions and shelf life

Signs of magnesium deficiency in plants

The lack of this element is more common on sandy soils. The main sign of a lack of substance is a weak growth, with different cultures it manifests itself in different ways.

  1. At an apple tree this moment is called magnesium starvation. Symptoms are similar to a lack of iron, the apple leaves start to turn yellow. Gradually the leaves
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    frown, become arched with torn edges. First, magnesium starvation manifests itself on old leaves, later on young ones.
  2. On the stone fruit trees, the deficiency of the sulphate element causes prematureyellowing, shedding of leaves. In pears, leaves get a black putrefactive shade. Cobs of currants are deformed, begin to curl downward.
  3. The lack of an element in strawberries or strawberries can be determined by the state of the leaves. Appearsyellow streakson the leaves, they can later turn red. If you do not notice it, the leaves of the berry crops wither.
  4. Plants are observedstunting. Formed small buds, unripe fruit. The above-ground part of plants is severely affected, as the lower leaves turn yellow.
Yellow veins on the leaves - a sign of lack of magnesium
In order to avoid the above reasons, it is necessary to carry out regular feeding.

What magnesium gives to plants

An important microelement, is involved in the growth of vegetable and fruit and berry crops. Because of the lack of an inorganic element, the root system suffers. In addition to magnesium, you need to remember about potassium, these substances are well complementary.

The deficit has a detrimental effect on the crop (the fruits grow smaller or fall off). Magnesium isthe main source of energy, its abundance triggers important processes of plant life.

If the feeding composition is too small, the growth of the root system is inhibited. Roots lose the ability to get moisture from deep layers of soil, which is especially dangerous in a dry summer.

The obvious lack of useful composition is manifested after 10-15 days. Deficiency of the substance is found on the lower leaves - this happens because the content of this trace element is reduced inside.

In the presence of magnesium deficiency, the strongestroot system suffersplants.


Composition and function of fertilizer magnesium sulfate

The main components are sulfur and magnesium, theytake an active part in photosynthesisplants, without this process, culture can not develop. Therefore, the role of these components is very important. Integrated top dressing, an indispensable preparation for successful crop production. Thanks to its use, you can achieve a significant increase in yield.

Magnesium participates in the process of plant photosynthesis

Main characteristics:

  • is made by the form of small crystals;
  • the color of the crystals is white, sometimes grayish;
  • the crystals are completely dissolved by water;
  • powder requires protection from direct sunlight;
  • the shelf life of the magnesium-containing substance is unlimited.

It is impossible to overdose, since the plant takes magnesium in the process of growth as much as necessary. Its overabundance improves the quality of the soil, contributes to high yields.


Mechanism of action

This amazing element is involved in the process of photosynthesis. The role of magnesium on plant life is very important accumulating in the buds, itprovides enhanced growth, affects the maturation of the fetus. Also, magnesium acts as a catalyst.

Due to its content, there is a correct assimilation of phosphorus, calcium, vegetable and fruit-berry crops. Simply put, fertilizer provides the plant with the necessaryinflow of important substances. In the process of such a mechanism, growth is accelerated, the quality of the crop and the taste of fruits improves.

Magnesium sulfate powder for water dilution
Useful top dressing with magnesium increases the amount of vitamins, microelements, starch, sugar.

Advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other means

This fertilizer is successfully applied on many farms and garden plots. Experienced gardeners noted the following advantages:

  • the useful substance additionally contains sulfur;
  • improves efficiencyapplication of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • the element has a fairly wide range of uses;
  • its actionneutralizes toxic impuritiescarbamide biurets;
  • combined with other fertilizers that contain nitrogen, phosphorus;
  • can be used for fertilizingpractically all cultures.

Among the shortcomings can be identified only one point - an overabundance prevents the assimilation of calcium, potassium, manganese by plants. This trouble can be avoided if the proportions of fertilizer application are correctly observed.


Instructions for use

Serno-magnesium supplementation is normalized, according to the instructions, the fertilizer ratio depends on the soil composition, geographic location and plant type. Top dressing is carried out during the growing season2 times per month. Breed better in warm water.

  • for preseeding treatment take 10 grams of substance per square meter;
  • for a radical top dressing 30 grams of powder and 10 liters of water;
  • for sprinkling of leaves on the same amount of water will need 15 grams;
  • when planting seedlings of fruit trees under the root, 30 grams are added;
  • for berry bushes under the root will be enough to put 20-25 grams.
For spraying plants, 10 grams of magnesium sulfate is used per 10 liters of water

When fertilizing root crops after the main application of magnesium, the soil is necessaryloosen. Observing the application rate, it is possible to avoid an overabundance in the soil of this substance.

Safety measures when working with the product

When working with any agrochemical, safety measures must be followed. Use gloves, gently prepare the solution, avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. During the spraying of plants, use a respirator. No smoking.

Compatibility with other drugs

Combination with other fertilizershas a positive effect. Fertilizer is easily digested by the root system and improves the chemical composition of the plant.

Storage conditions and shelf life

When storing, you must carefully monitor that the powder does not wake up.

The storage location must beprotected from access of children and animals. Shelf life of the substance is not limited.

The use of fertilizer magnesium sulfate is very important in the care of vegetable, fruit and berry and flowering plants. Due to the depletion of the soil, its quality composition deteriorates, therefore any type of agricultural activity requires additional feeding. Thanks to this approach, you can get a good harvest every season!

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