DIY autumn peacock from natural materials

Russia, Moscow region, Moscow+79041000555

DIY kitchen repair
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Autumn. A drop of wonderful colors will not be superfluous to any home interior. An easy-to-make and charming-looking peacock can decorate a fruit vase, shelf, or just sit well on the table.

Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. To make such a little thing, it will be enough to take a piece of a thick and thin branch. It is better if they are dry - it is easier to process and over time the craft will not dry out.
Master class on making an autumn peacock

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  1. In a thick branch, you need to cut half the diameter.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. This cut will be enough.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. Now you need to cut off round pieces 3-4 cm wide.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. This is a preparation for the body of the future peacock.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. With an ordinary knife, cut off a part of the workpiece. This must be done so that the craft stands confidently on the plane.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. For the head with the neck, select a part of the branch and cut it off with a knife.
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Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. Here is the future neck.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. We drill this neck and body - these are the assembly holes.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. To connect the body and neck, a toothpick is fine.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. We connect the elements. And we remove all unnecessary things.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. Cut the head from a piece of the same branch and attach it to the neck with a toothpick too.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. There is more than enough material for the peacock's tail. If desired, our peacock will be able to change his outfit many times a day.
Master class on making an autumn peacock
  1. Today he decided to dress like this. When there are no leaves, pine needles or pieces of bark can easily replace them.
Master class on making an autumn peacock

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