How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen: the most popular methods

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In any kitchen where a gas stove is used, supply pipes will be used. Such engineering communications spoil the appearance of the premises, irritate the residents. If the water supply and sewerage system can be easily disguised, then the gas lines will have to tinker with. There are certain rules for handling such communications. Next, we will figure out how to hide the gas pipe in the kitchen without harm to the residents, in accordance with legal acts.

Gas pipe masking

What do the regulatory documents say?

Before deciding on masking a gas pipeline, you need to understand the requirements for the operation of such pipes in a private house or city apartment. This is what the legal acts say:

  • The user must provide unimpeded access to the lines to eliminate gas leaks and carry out repairs. Failure to comply with such standards can cost human life.
  • It is forbidden to close the pipe tightly, for example with a box. This will tend to build up fuel, ultimately increasing the likelihood of an explosion. It is not recommended to hide engineering communications in the structure of the walls. To do this, you need to use decorative ventilated products.
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  • It is forbidden to independently replace pipes and other elements of the gas pipeline. This should be done by a qualified technician.
  • The pipelines must be painted. A layer of paint prevents metal corrosion and prolongs the service life of the pipeline.
  • Do not hang heavy objects on the pipes or try to repair them in case of breakage or gas leakage.

When carrying out repair work, be sure to turn off the supply tap. Do not try to make the interior of the kitchen ideal; when choosing a decor, follow the recommendations of a gas specialist.

Gas pipe in the kitchen


The cheapest and safest way to camouflage a gas pipeline is painting. With the right approach, interfering parts can be disguised as the overall interior of the kitchen. Anyone can perform such operations, even those who are not associated with the construction industry. During the work, the pipe remains in the same place, the specialist's access to the main is not difficult. You can paint the internal pipeline in any color you choose; yellow paint is used to protect external engineering communications from corrosion.

There are several ways to paint:

  • Use of pigment dyes that match the tone of the walls. If the shades coincide, the interfering part will not stand out against the general background, it will simply merge with the enclosing structure.
  • The use of contrasting colors in relation to the general background. This option is typical for a kitchen rich in pastel colors. It will be good if the engineering communications repeat some piece of furniture, for example, a kitchen set or curtains. Such a non-standard solution can be used in avant-garde or kitsch style. When using the interior, minimalism or high-tech pipe is painted with metallic paint.
  • In some cases, decoupage (painting) is used, especially if an ornament is applied in the room, on any interior items (vegetation, images of dishes, geometric patterns). Similar patterns can be applied to pipes, hand-painted or stencils are used for this. With drawing skills, the pipeline can turn into a beautiful birch or bamboo trunk.

For painting engineering communications, acrylic or oil paint, as well as nitro enamel, is used. Before applying a decorative coating, you must turn off the gas and carefully clean the surface with sandpaper. After that, a layer of primer is applied, when the soil is dry, they begin to paint the product with the selected color. Using a spray paint is ideal, but some users use a regular paint brush for this purpose.

Pipe painting

Using the roof rail for camouflage

Regulatory documents prohibit hanging heavy objects on the pipeline, but this element can be successfully disguised as a hanger for kitchen appliances. A railing is a product on which hooks, shelves and holders are fixed.

The essence of the method is to paint the pipe to match the color of the hanger. The railing can have a copper or bronze surface, some products are made with a special chrome coating. A real hanger is mounted slightly below the gas pipeline. All cutlery is placed on the railing, and the communication itself will look like a part of the system. This is especially true for a modern interior style.

Disguise as roof rails

The nuances of masking pipes over furniture

Not every user knows how to hide pipes in the kitchen if they are at a height. In this case, a shelf is fixed under the gas pipeline and various kitchen utensils are installed there. Such items will hide engineering communications from prying eyes, but the installation of the shelf must be carried out with special care so as not to accidentally damage the highway. The pipe itself must be hidden against the background of the wall, it is painted in the same color as that of the enclosing structure.

To further mask the gas pipeline, you can position it behind cabinets or other furniture. In this case, the user must comply with all safety requirements, ensure normal ventilation and unhindered access to the pipe. A similar method is used to mask horizontal sections of engineering communications.

How to hide piping behind a kitchen façade

Kitchen furniture allows you to mask horizontal and vertical sections of pipelines, as well as some gas equipment, for example, columns or meters. It is better to install the kitchen facade during the repair work, for this they order a false cabinet of the required size or modernize the existing furniture.

Before closing the pipes in the kitchen, you need to make holes in the facade from the side of its lower and upper parts. The inner space of the cabinet will not only hide the gas main, but will also be used for its intended purpose, for storing cutlery and kitchen utensils.

The main condition for such masking is considered to be sufficient ventilation of the space, which will prevent the accumulation of gas during a leak. For this, several holes are made in inconspicuous places, but they should not be blocked by pots or jars. The ideal way out of the situation would be the installation of the lattice. Vertical pipes are usually hidden in a pencil case, and horizontal ones are placed in a cabinet. The main condition for such camouflage is considered to be unhindered access to utilities.

Piping behind the kitchen facade

Is it possible to mask a pipe in a box

The above methods allow you to disguise the pipe, but you cannot hide it from prying eyes. If there is a desire to hide the gas main, then for this you need to make a decorative box. To ensure maximum safety, you must follow these rules:

  • Part of the box must be removable, which will provide access to utilities if necessary.
  • In the protective structure, it is necessary to provide a grill or perforation for ventilation of the space. If this is not done, then a possible gas leak will provoke its accumulation and explosion.

Many users ignore these requirements and build a sealed box. They believe that a thick sealed pipe will not be able to let the gas through. Perhaps this statement is correct, but such a design does not meet safety requirements. The first check of the gas service will reveal inconsistencies. The owner of the apartment will receive a fine and will be obliged to release utilities from such a box. It is better not to create problems for yourself and make the camouflage element in accordance with all the rules. The decor of the box can be any, it is mandatory to provide a removable grill.

Masking a pipe in a box

If it is necessary to mask the meter and gas pipes, the box can be made from sheets of drywall and a metal profile. The entire workflow follows the following algorithm:

  • We make markings on the wall, determine the places of fixing the metal guides. When designing a structure, it is necessary to take into account that the width of the product must be sufficient for servicing the pipeline.
  • We carry out the installation of the steel frame, while using the building level.
  • Cut out parts of the required size from a drywall sheet.
  • We fix the drywall to the frame, we fix the removable decorative grill on the box.

If you only need to hide the pipes, then the box can be made from wood or any other suitable material. After the frame is installed, a metal grate is attached to the guides, the part is fixed with a screwdriver and screws.

Polycarbonate is often used for the box. A part of the required width is cut from a whole sheet. In places in the middle of the stiffness lines, cuts are made and the element is bent, so that the product gets the outline of the P. Several holes are drilled in the box for ventilation, then fixed on the wall.

Instead of drywall, wood or polycarbonate, plywood sheets, organic glass, plastic and wooden lining can be used to construct a decorative box. Any available material is suitable for making the panel, but it must be removable, provide ventilation and be easy to remove. There are various designs on sale for masking gas pipes, they are quickly installed on the surface of the wall and just as quickly disassembled. The main advantage of the box is the ability to mask the pipeline, but this product occupies a certain area.

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