Chandelier for the kitchen: photos of the best solutions, selection rules

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In design, lighting is not the last place - it is a guarantee of safety, comfort and coziness. The kitchen is not just a place to prepare and eat food. At the table, the family gathers before and after the working day, communicates, solve household problems, share news, events, meet close friends and relatives.

chandelier in the yellow kitchen
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How to choose the right lamp for a small kitchen?

It is difficult to choose the right chandelier with such a variety on the market. There are a number of parameters that you should be guided by when selecting. These are the size of the kitchen space, height, the presence of a natural source, the interior. It is worth noting that the smaller the room, the more compact the lamp is needed and, conversely, a miniature lamp in a room with a large area will look inappropriate.

ball chandelier
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There are ceiling and pendant lamps. In low dining rooms, ceiling ones will be the best solution, they are located on the ceiling and it is difficult for even a tall person to touch him. Hanging are ideal for tall rooms. Most often they are used for zoning a room, they illuminate the dining area and are located directly above the table.

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chandelier over the table
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The best way to illuminate the work area is the chiseled LEDs built into the furniture. They do not blind the eyes, the light flux is even, not pulsating and powerful enough. They are also inexpensive, so they are often used as a light source.

Which trendy style suits your kitchen?

  1. The classic style is back in fashion - these are candelabra chandeliers with pendants, crystal, wood, art forging with floral motifs, loft, tiffany - from colored glass;
  2. Modern - simple geometric and unusual creative forms.
  3. Hi-tech - metal and glass, graphic, geometric shapes, innovative technologies.
  4. Country, ethnic - designs made of natural materials, corresponding to the style of a particular country.

Lots of ideas:

How to choose a material?

There are a lot of materials for manufacturing - they are bronze, glass, metal, crystal, wood, fabric and even paper. But for the kitchen, it is necessary to choose more practical materials, the care of which will be minimized.

  • Fabric lampshades can absorb odors and drops of grease, and dust can settle on them, which is difficult to wipe off. Therefore, it is better to immediately abandon them or purchase them for a large kitchen, where the dining area is not located next to the working area.
  • You should think carefully before taking chandeliers with a large number of forged monograms, patterns - it is difficult to care for, a lot of dust usually accumulates on the curls.
  • It is advisable to cover metal immediately after purchase with a special mastic.
  • Wood - you can choose wooden structures treated with varnish or special agents that do not absorb odors and dust.
  • Chandeliers made of rice paper, papyrus perfectly absorb odors and fumes, drops of fat. It is extremely difficult to look after them. It turns out that this is a disposable paper flashlight.

Optimal - glass or plastic lampshade, the smooth shape of the structure itself. Their care is simple and cost-free.

chandelier in the white kitchen
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Ceiling lighting of the interior: photos and nuances 

Shades are varied in shape, color scheme, fit perfectly into any design, are undemanding in maintenance, are optimal for small sizes, for example, in Khrushchev design 5-6 sq m. It is believed that for a small kitchenette, you should hang a compact chandelier, but you can deviate from this rule.

ball chandelier
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Small recessed ceiling luminaires. They are mounted directly into the stretch ceiling and are most convenient for the kitchen area. They can be selected with different colors, mounted with a pattern, a pattern that matches the style, which will give the design originality and individuality.

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Swivel soffits are convenient, they are also attached to the ceiling, but they can be directed in different directions at different angles.

Swivel lights
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Classic lamps for stretch kitchen ceilings

The combination of spotlights built into the stretch ceiling looks spectacular. Photo:

lamp for kitchen
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They are most often located in the working area, and the shades are located above the dining table, dividing it into two parts. There are no special requirements for a matte ceiling: it does not glare, does not shine, so you can buy any light source for such a surface. A glossy ceiling surface is more demanding: the light will be reflected, which means that less powerful lamps should be chosen.

kitchen lighting
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When choosing, pay attention that the horns do not look up, but lie horizontally or were lowered down. An exception is with LED lamps.

For a light ceiling, it is undesirable to take horizontally located shades: in the summer, insects can fly in there, dust collects - all this will be reflected on the ceiling surface.

LED lights
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Hanging light sources above the table

They give a directional flux of light. Suitable for the design of tall dining rooms. Stylish suspensions are available with adjustable lengths, which are convenient for creating more powerful or diffused lighting.

hanging chandeliers
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Elongated lamps with medium-sized shades look beautiful.

Fashionable pendant lights with upward-facing canopy provide overall illumination and visually enlarge the space of the room.

hanging chandeliers in the kitchen
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Beautiful ceiling chandeliers

Plafonds come in various shapes, volumes, sizes, colors. The materials from which they are made are no less diverse - metal, plastic, glass, crystal, fabric, paper. The most popular are glass shades, caring for them is not difficult, they look impressive, and it is not difficult to choose a color. Plastic shades and durable metal shades are no less popular. True, they are more demanding and will look harmonious only in certain design solutions.

chandeliers plafonds
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For rooms with a light finish, shades should be used that give soft, diffused light, for rooms with a dark interior finish, on the contrary, they increase the light flux power.

lighting over the table
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If the plafond is directed downward, then a directional glow is created, which is perfect for a dining, work area. When the luminaire is directed upwards, the space of the room visually increases.

kitchen ceiling
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DIY chandelier

A creative person has an individual approach to design your home. The lamp can be made with your own hands from improvised means or from what we often consider just rubbish and throw it into the trash as unnecessary. There are many sites on the Internet that offer a large number of extraordinary ideas for their creation. They can be made from Tetra Pak cartons, plastic spoons, plastic bottles, wooden hangers, tree branches, knitted decorative napkins, and other materials. Fantasy, a little work - an exclusive is ready! In Provence or country style, this option is very welcome.

Technical features of lighting installation

A kitchen is a room where something is constantly being cooked, steamed, fried, baked, baked, boiled, and the dishes washed. Therefore, there are special requirements for the chandelier itself, for its installation. It must be resistant to temperature extremes, high humidity, environmentally friendly, fireproof.

There are two types of fastening: hanging from a hook and screwing to a surface. Hanging on a hook - the advantage is that the chandelier is easy to remove in order to wash or change to another model. Screwed directly upwards - this type of installation is the safest. It is inconvenient because it will be more difficult to replace the outdated model.

A lamp mounted to a false ceiling should not be placed too close to its surface. Ceiling lamps are mounted so that moisture and drops of grease do not get on them. All wires must be carefully placed in a special casing. It is safer to entrust the installation to a professional electrician.

kitchen lighting
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Popular manufacturers of kitchen chandeliers

Every day more and more manufacturing companies appear on the light market. But there are companies that won the hearts of buyers with an interesting design and excellent quality. These are such companies as Italian Lussole, Lightstar, Arte, Austrian Eglo and Globo. No less popular are the Spanish manufacturer Brizzi, the famous Czech Elite Bohemia, and the German Favorite. Do not forget about domestic producers - "Sonex", "Dino", "Sferon", Evrosvet, "Svetresurs" - companies whose products are in demand not only in our country, but also abroad.

pendant lights
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Lighting nuances

Illumination of the working area should be bright enough, without a flickering effect, not irritating the eyes, optimally - LEDs built into the furniture. A backlit hood will help illuminate the tiled surface; wall lamps can be placed above the tabletop. Mobile luminaires with clamps are very convenient, which can be easily moved to the required place.

multilevel lighting
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Lighting above the dining room (see. Combined kitchen-dining room) is often softer, muted, and cozy. Ceiling lamps with a regulator are comfortable, and for a hot climate with a fan. Also convenient are the models, the brightness of which can be adjusted using the remote control.

lighting by zones
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Correctly selected lighting will help the hostess to get tired less when preparing dishes, will give a special coziness, comfort, and will contribute to creating a good mood among the household.

modern kitchen
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Countertop lighting

LED lights
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Lighting by zones

Bright kitchen
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LED lightening

Kitchen in dark colors
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Hanging shades

Classic kitchen
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Lamp over the table

Kitchen lighting
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Purple backlight

Modern kitchen
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Multilevel lighting

Lighting a bright kitchen
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Luminaires above the work surface

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