Ceiling in the bathroom: which is the best to do?

The bathroom is a special room in the house, to which increased requirements are imposed.

For finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, we recommend choosing moisture-resistant materials.. This is a stretch canvas, PVC panels or slatted ceiling. They are resistant to temperature changes, easy to clean and do not deteriorate from water ingress.

Let's consider each method in more detail.

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The content of the article

  • What is the best way to make the ceiling in the bathroom?
    • Tension cloth
    • PVC panels
    • Rack
  • Alternative options
    • Drywall
    • Dyeing
    • Tile

What is the best way to make the ceiling in the bathroom?

Bathroom ceilings are regularly exposed to high temperatures, steam and water drips. Whitewashing, painting or wallpaper on the ceiling, habitual in our country, will quickly become unusable in such conditions.

Modern interiors require new design solutions using materials that are resistant to moisture conditions.

We offer three finishes to suit the environment and operating conditions:

  1. Stretch canvas.
  2. Finishing with PVC panels.
  3. Rack ceiling.
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All three options easy to install - not even a professional can handle the installation.

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Tension cloth

The most difficult method of finishing in terms of self-installation, since additional equipment is required for installation. The range of fabrics and films for stretch ceilings is amazing. In the catalogs of manufacturers there will be an option for any design, the most unexpected colors.

The advantages of stretch canvases include:

  • strength;
  • versatility;
  • attractive appearance;
  • variety of colors and textures;
  • installation speed;
  • the ability to hide wires and communication pipes.

The advantage of the canvas is its sealing. If the neighbors upstairs unexpectedly flood you, the ceiling will be able to keep the moisture oozing from above for several hours. However, excellent sealing can be considered a disadvantage as well. By closing the draft ceiling, we do not give access to oxygen and we shut off natural ventilation. Vapors, accumulating under the canvas, contribute to the formation of mold and mildew, which are dangerous to health.

To avoid the formation of fungus, it is necessary to install fresh air ventilation under the canvas.

Otherwise, it is the ideal type of bathroom finish. The web stretches quickly and forms an absolutely flat surface. The plaque formed from fumes can be easily washed off with a soft cloth moistened with water or soapy water.

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PVC panels

A budget way of finishing, which attracts many with its simplicity. Installation on a level can be done with ease even by a beginner in repair. Textured panels are available in any store building materials. You only choose what suits your taste and your surroundings.

No preliminary leveling of the rough ceiling is required. The panels are attached to the lathing.

The main advantage of this finishing option is considered to be budgetary and easy to maintain. It is easy to wipe the panels with a damp cloth in case of contamination. Spotlights fit perfectly into the plastic surface and do not damage the coating.

The presence of a powerful hood in the bathroom is also considered an important point. This is due to the good sealing that PVC panels provide. So that evaporating moisture does not accumulate under the finish, you need to have a powerful hood or supply ventilation located inside the structure.

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Rack ceilings are at their peak of popularity today. This is a simple and affordable way of finishing that you can do yourself. The installation principle is similar to PVC panels. First, a frame is made, on which the slats are then installed.

Stylish finish has anti-corrosion spraying and gets along well in constant humidity. There are several installation methods that are selected depending on the selected room design.

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Alternative options

We consider the first three methods to be correct, since they are durable and easy to maintain, do not require additional work during the entire period of operation. But there are other options as well. They are less resistant to moisture in the bathroom, but also have a place to be used for decoration.

The main thing is to choose materials recommended by manufacturers for rooms with high humidity. The marking is usually indicated on the packaging.


We all know how original and beautiful you can decorate the ceiling using GKL sheets. They open up tremendous opportunities for the formation of complex shapes and textures, multilevel ceilings.

Multilevel designs look original in large bathrooms, for example, in a private house.

The advantages of such a coating are:

  • attractive and solid appearance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • preventing the formation of mold and mildew;
  • creation of unusual shapes and level ceilings;
  • the ability to hide irregularities, wiring or communications under the structure.

It is important to purchase drywall sheets marked with the label "moisture resistant". Otherwise the material at high temperatures and humidity will quickly fail. Also note that designing a plasterboard ceiling is only half the battle. It will have to be putty and then painted or covered with waterproof wallpaper.

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Simple but short-lived finishing method. It is produced in several ways:

  1. On a rough ceiling without prior alignment.
  2. On a rough surface with preliminary plastering.
  3. On gypsum fiber.

In all cases, a waterproof paint is used that can withstand the atmosphere of the bathroom.


The designer brain is very tricky. Some even use ceramic tiles for ceiling decoration. But we do not recommend this method, as the tiles are heavy and can quickly come off under their own weight. In addition, to form a flat surface have to plaster the ceiling to perfect evenness along the lighthouses.

You can use decorative styrofoam tiles. Cheap and short-lived finishing method. The tile will quickly deteriorate from constant humidity and temperature changes. But for those who are prone to constant changes of scenery - a great option.

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Each design is unique, and you can use materials not listed in this article in your design. Again, we we recommend using only the first three methods for the bathroom. They are easy to install and will last for many years without losing their original appearance.

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