Diy curtains on eyelets: step by step instructions

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Compared to curtains on conventional bindings, curtains with eyelets look much more elegant. But for the use of such rings, it is necessary to take into account some features that affect the choice of the cornice and the periodic care of the curtains. In this article, we will consider making curtains on eyelets with your own hands with step-by-step instructions. Read also Hinged curtains.

Curtains on eyelets

What are eyelets

A grommet is a sleeve designed to be fastened to the holes of garments. When stringing the curtain onto the cornice with the help of such accessories, the fabric takes on a wavy shape. The folds are even, which adds aesthetics to the interior of the room.

According to the material of manufacture, the rings are divided into metal and plastic. And the variety of shapes and colors of fittings allows the most daring design ideas to come true. However, round rings are the most popular among consumers. In addition, designers recommend combining the colors of eyelets and curtains, or, on the contrary, choosing the color of the fittings, which is clearly contrasting with the fabric.
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In addition to the material of manufacture, as well as shape and color, eyelets are divided by size into:

  • small - from 1.5 cm to 3 cm;
  • large - up to 6 cm in diameter.

Hardware advantages

Grommet curtains in the kitchen
The curtain, suspended from the cornice by means of eyelets, practically does not wear out. This is due to the fact that the products do not have sharp ends that can catch on the material and leave puffs on it. In addition, the fabric will not tear, even if you pull the curtain hard, since the main load will be on the cornice.

No effort is required to move, as the rings glide perfectly along the cornice. In addition, the curtain comes off quite easily.

These curtains will complement the interior of the room, made in almost any style. The elegant waves created by the eyelets will fit perfectly into any design idea.

Kitchen interior design with grommet curtains

How to sew curtains and tulle on eyelets on your own - step by step instructions

Sewing curtains on your own using eyelets will take some time. However, unlike products purchased or ordered from an atelier, hand-made production will cost significantly less. The costs will be associated only with the purchase of the required material.

Calculation of fabric

Calculation of fabric for curtains
The peculiarity of using the rings is that the curtains have wavy folds, as well as a comb, which is located at the top of the curtain. Accordingly, measurements are made based on these nuances. In particular, a too wide canvas will make the curtain heavy, and if there is not enough material, the folds will be subtle. Because of what, the curtain will be taut, making it difficult to move. To achieve a positive result, first of all, the length of the cornice is measured, and the resulting value is multiplied by a factor of 2–2.5. If light and mesh fabric is used, then the multiplied factor can be reduced to 1.5.

Having determined the total amount of material, calculations are made taking into account the folds, where the allowance is:

  • bottom edge - 8-10 cm;
  • the top can be up to 25 cm. Such a stock is required, since the eyelets must be fastened on several layers of fabric;
  • lateral edges - 3-4 cm.
Sizes of curtains on grommets

In the case of sewing a curtain consisting of two parts, to fit the pattern, the material is taken with a margin.

Tools and materials

To attach the eyelets to the curtains you will need:

  • eyelet tape;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pins for labels;
  • chalk with a pointed end;
  • pliers.
Eyelet tape

To install the metal rings, you also need a hammer drill, a hammer, and a rubber gasket. The latter is necessary to soften the hammer blows on the fittings during fastening.

Initial material processing

Before fixing the rings, the fabric is pre-compacted. After all, even a dense material is not able to withstand the loads from the fittings installed on it for a long time. This applies to both plastic and metal products.

Curtains on eyelets

Therefore, to reduce the load on the curtain, an eyelet tape is previously attached. However, if it is not possible to use such a tape, then dublerin can act as an alternative sealant. Although this material is inferior in its characteristics, it will still fit in the role of a reinforcing element. In any case, the tape is selected in such a way that its width is greater than the outer diameter of the rings.

The upper part of the fabric is folded twice to the width of the tape to be installed, and the fold is ironed with an iron. In turn, from the sides, the seal is cut off with a margin equal to the fold width. After the performed manipulations, the canvas unfolds, and the tape is fitted along the intended upper fold and fixed with an iron. So that no traces of a hot electrical appliance remain on the canvas, the work is carried out through a sheet of paper. For a more reliable fastening of the eyelet tape, a seam is made along the very edge of the hem.

Marking for eyelets

Marking for eyelets

After the eyelet tape is fixed, points are applied to the curtains, indicating the centers of the hardware location. The marked places are marked with pins. Then the contours of the holes along the inner diameter of the eyelets are marked on the fabric, along which the intended part is cut out with a margin of 2 mm. After that, rings are installed on both sides and snapped in or pressed with a press.

Advice: use a flare tool and punch to speed up and facilitate work.

Sewing curtains on eyelets with your own hands

At this stage, the main task is to evenly apply the center points. In order for the edges of the curtain to be in the same position, there must be an odd number of gaps between the eyelets.

Metal or plastic rings - which is better?

Although metal rings look more spectacular, plastic products are more suitable for self-sewing curtains. Due to the design features, plastic eyelets are installed without special equipment. A small amount of effort is sufficient to secure them. In addition, plastic, unlike metal, does not creak during the movement of the curtains. But metal products, when interacting with the cornice, can emit unpleasant sounds.


Also, these two materials differ significantly in cost, and here again the advantage remains with plastic fittings. In addition, after washing the curtains, metal fittings can oxidize and leave traces of rust on the fabric. The positive qualities that metal products have are durability, a wide range of colors, and the ability to withstand a heavy curtain.

Which cornice to choose?

Curtain rod for eyelet curtains
A wide range of curtain rods, of course, makes it possible to choose an option based on personal preferences. However, only one type of curtain rod is suitable for grommet curtains - round. Although other geometric shapes are found in design work, a circle is still the standard solution.

Like the eyelets, the curtain rods themselves differ in the material of manufacture for:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.
Curtain rod for eyelet curtains
Plastic curtain rods, in comparison with other types, are much cheaper and do not make noise during operation, but they are not suitable for heavy types of fabrics, since they can not withstand the load.

Metal curtain rods are highly durable and can even be made to order. Forged ornaments along the edges are characteristic of such products. But the cost and weight of metal curtain rods is much higher than that of wood or plastic.

Curtain rod for eyelet curtains
In turn, wood is in no way inferior to metal in terms of strength and decoration. But it is much more difficult to choose the necessary color of the wooden cornice for the fittings due to the properties of the material of manufacture. And if plastic fittings are chosen for the wooden cornice, then before hanging the curtains, the bar is abundantly rubbed with wax.

Whatever material the cornice is made of, it is selected under the eyelets so that its diameter is slightly less than the width of the holes of the fittings. The rings should be free to put on the cornice and move along it without difficulty.

Curtain rod
Also, an important factor is the material from which the curtains are made. The weight of the curtains influences the choice of the curtain rod. Lightweight tulle and other lightweight fabrics are perfectly suspended from thin plastic rods. But dense and heavy materials can render the entire suspended structure unusable.

Eaves fasteners

In order for the curtains on the eyelets to reveal their potential for elegance, first of all, they must hang on an evenly fixed cornice, and for this:

  • using a tape measure, the window opening is measured;
  • the places where the brackets are installed are marked with a pencil; with a pencil, marks are made in the holes;
  • holes are drilled in the marked places;
  • the bracket plate and rack are fixed;
  • a cornice is hung on the rack, and a building level is placed on top of it;
  • the height of the second bracket is adjusted, after which it is installed.
Fastening the cornice to the ceiling

Eyelet Curtain Care

Laundry is an integral part of garment care. This also applies to curtains with eyelets. Manufacturers of products are allowed to wash curtains with rings. Moreover, on the tags or packaging of the products used, the recommended parameters for automatic washing are indicated.

Washing curtains

If there are no factory stickers on the products themselves or their packaging, then hand washing will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. In this case, the curtain with eyelets is soaked in warm water for several hours and then rinsed thoroughly.

Video: how to make curtains on eyelets with your own hands - master class

A wide variety of fabrics and eyelets allows you to choose products that will match the style of the room. Accessories, in the form of rings built into the curtain, will perfectly fit into almost any room design. In addition, the curtains on the eyelets, despite the myths, just like ordinary curtains, are perfectly washed. And not to expose the curtain and rings to premature failure, factory labels will help, which indicate the necessary parameters for washing and care.

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