How to get rid of midges in the kitchen quickly and efficiently

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Who doesn't love cleanliness and order in the room? Of course, diligent housewives and other household members enjoy the cozy atmosphere of a tidy house. It turns out there are those who like garbage, dirt, and the luscious aromas of decay. We are talking, of course, not about people, but about all the well-known midges that live both in the apartment and in the country, especially in the summer season. In this article, we'll show you how to get rid of midges in the kitchen. Read also what to do if there are ants in the kitchen.

Drosophila, also called fruit or fruit flies, are familiar to each of us. These unpleasant insects have visited almost every home at least once in their life. Most often, they visit living quarters in autumn or spring, much less often in winter. If now they have appeared in your home, then it is clearly time to drive them out.

You don't have to worry, however. Drosophila are considered the most harmless of similar insects. They cannot bite, unlike the gnat, which is always in the eye. They rarely act as carriers of any terrible diseases, which distinguishes them from mosquitoes and large flies. The only problem can be the ingestion of fruit midge eggs into the body along with the swallowed food. There is a risk of infection of the digestive tract, which will then be quite difficult to remove. And, of course, fruit flies cause a lot of trouble by their very existence and their constant presence in the kitchen. The guests will clearly not be delighted with such a company, and neither will you.

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Drosophila - kitchen midge

How do midges get into the house?

"There are midges in the kitchen, what should I do?" - you can ask. First, it is important to understand the root of the problem. Understand where these annoying little insects come from.

  1. They can fly from the street through the window, attracted by the smell emanating from your home.
  2. Larvae can be brought from the street by pets in thick fur. You can also carry the flies into the house yourself on the soles of your boots.
  3. Insect eggs may have come with store-bought vegetables or fruits.
  4. Flies can grow in seedlings in flower pots and parasitize on your favorite houseplants.
  5. May appear in the trash can or sink drain if you do not clean them often enough. Organic food waste for fruit flies is the best treat.
  6. Sometimes they wind up in dirty rags or mops, they can appear in the cracks between furniture, if something edible got there.

We figured out the reasons why midges can appear. But how to get rid of midges quickly and easily, find the most effective way?

Life cycle of fruit flies

Ways to get rid of midges in the kitchen

There are many different options and solutions on how to defeat midges in the kitchen once and for all, but they are divided into traditional methods and methods using chemistry.

Before using any means, the first step should be a general cleaning - a kind of universal remedy for midges in the kitchen. Throwing away or storing all potential fruit fly food in a refrigerator or other secluded area can solve part of the problem. Most of the insects will fly away on their own as soon as they realize that there are no more nutrients left in the room. More about cleaning:

  • throw out vegetables and fruits that start to rot or seem overripe to you;
  • look into all the corners and crevices where the remnants of food could roll;
  • thoroughly wipe all horizontal surfaces from sticky spots and crumbs;
  • clean the drain in the kitchen sink, wash the trash can with a disinfectant solution;
  • for bulk products (like cereals), take away special moisture-proof containers;
  • in pots with indoor plants, loosen the soil, throw out the fallen leaves, wash the pan.

Chemical control agents

Progress is moving inexorably forward, and more and more inventions appear to help us in everyday and minor matters. One of these inventions is special traps. The most famous are BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Fly Traps, TERRO Fruit Fly Trap T2500, Aeroxon. Fighting annoying insects just got easier with these little bolls.

  1. VEARSO are made small, but roomy for a large number of caught flies. The trap always contains a non-toxic liquid chemical that is safe for humans and not fatal for an insect. It simply has no way to escape due to the design of the trap.
  2. TERRO looks like a delicious small apple, which additionally attracts midges. This trap uses natural apple cider vinegar and not some kind of chemical solution.
  3. You can buy Aeroxon without huge material costs, and the benefits will turn out to be colossal. The kit includes two traps filled with a mouth-watering vinegar-scented liquid bait.

Apple fly trap

Folk ways

The good old folk methods have never failed. Here are the most famous ones:

  1. You can catch midges with a regular vacuum cleaner. Chasing them around the kitchen with a hose in hand may be a tedious process, but very effective. In addition, such a pastime can replace a couple of hours spent in the gym.
  2. You can hang special adhesive tapes on the ceiling, after sprinkling them with something sweet. When the tape is full, you must destroy it by throwing it outside in the trash can.
  3. Also, judging by the reviews and photos, aromatic oils do well. Fruit gnats do not tolerate pungent odors, so lemon, lime, ylang-ylang oils, as well as the aromas of cloves, mint, horseradish, are suitable.

DIY fly traps

How to prevent their appearance?

The recipe for prophylaxis against fruit flies is simple, it is only important to follow simple rules of hygiene. Throw out the garbage in time (once a day), carrying out wet cleaning, wipe the surfaces after yourself dry, do not leave fruits and vegetables on the table for too long, eat them right away or put them away fridge.


Fruit flies, although not dangerous to human health, are capable of delivering many unpleasant sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them, good, now it is not difficult. A wide selection of both folk and modern remedies, as well as hygiene and timely cleaning, will help to cope with the misfortune.

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