What to buy a heater for the apartment

Modern technical heating devices - with different functions, power and possibilities are many divorced. Oil, gas and electric heaters, infrared lamps - a variety of dizzy. Not to understand the variety, it is difficult to choose a good home, nice and practical heater suitable for the set parameters (type, size, location) particular room. This article is considered separately, the most popular types of heaters with their features, designed to help in the selection.

Gas heater

Gas heater

Gas or electric heater

Installing a gas heater in the apartment requires a long, expensive and tedious procedure, project redevelopment and reconstruction of apartments, but the payoff in terms of money and clear kilowatts. At high heat loss reasons not to buy a few elektoobogrevateli:

  1. Expensive.
  2. Do not pull the flap.
  3. It is necessary to coordinate the project with Moscow.
  4. Need a good-quality electrical - fire safety.

Known simple solution - a private house to heat the boiler running on multiple fuels. But today, we talk about the apartments. For them, usually characterized by:

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If the heat loss is greater than 3 kW in the amount of space in heated rooms, the gas heater does not make sense. In this case, to achieve thermal insulation of the house.

Calculation of heat loss can help you make a simple trick:

  1. Calculate the difference between the temperature in the beginning of the experiment and at the end of experiment.
  2. Find the difference between the temperature in the beginning of the experiment and the desired.
  3. In the second step, more value is obtained. Divide the result of the first step, and multiplying the result by power Cycled heater.

This is a simple technique that is based on the fact that the heat loss through the wall grow in proportion to the temperature difference on both sides of the wall. This means that when adding each kW of heat will be added in neighboring rooms the same number of degrees.

If the insulation of the house administration refused to reduce the heat loss will help the oil cooler modified bimetallic thermostat. As a result, the device may consume 2 kW (the maximum nameplate capacity), but the reaching mode off. This means that the real power needed to heat the room below. How can you be.

Electric heater

Electric heater

It requires exhaustive search, starting from the smallest, to find a mode in which the temperature is maintained at the desired level. Doctors and building codes is recommended to maintain 18 - 22 degrees Celsius in the living room - a favorable mode of human life, work and leisure.

How to choose a heater power

Calculating the heating power is assumed to determine the type of heater. If one room, an economical solution is to buy oil cooler. Oil heaters show a relatively low cost and high safety class. The oil cooler is able to safely dry the clothes, the biggest danger - a breakthrough oil tank and soiling the floor. Outs will only massiveness and weight of the device - if the floor area allows to install this type of heater in the room - why not set.

A small cozy room, where every centimeter is used, will warm floor or convector heaters Micatermic. The main advantage of these heaters is considered to be attached to the wall - the best result would be achieved by placing a heater under the window. The difference between Micatermic floor convector heaters, and in that the first radiating heat (in both directions), and passed through a second upward flow. This means that the convector warms the room at once, and Micatermic - initially warms the living organisms.

Infrared heater type

Infrared heater type

Manufacturers of the newest infrared heaters on the economy put exotics in a row with convectors. Correctly placing overhead infrared heaters, we cover and heated part of the space used, leaving cold places visited infrequently. Along with the obvious savings Useful infrared heaters emit infrared radiation. The question remains, what kind of infrared heater to purchase. Question solve 2 aspects:

  • Find out infrared heater material - are available in 2 types. Glass lamp with an inner spiral is well heated and osveschayut- good heating and lighting ensures heating up inside the spiral. Steel heaters strong, they can not be beat.
  • The radiation pattern of an infrared heater. About her know the manufacturer and the dealer. Go to the website and see how the illumination depends on the height. Select the appropriate model that fits the contours of the bed or table.

Conclusion - infrared heaters sparingly fired with the whole apartment:

  • Bedroom - glass tube with spiral.
  • Kitchen - in the absence of children hang quartz emitter.
  • Bathroom - hang Baseboard heater, protected from moisture. Installation location the name suggests the type of heater.
action heater

The action of the heater.

When choosing a heater, refer to the rule - the total capacity of the heaters should be significantly below capacity electrical panel - otherwise knocks out traffic jams. In modern apartments are many appliances that load the counter, often work at the same time. More ask local electricians. Please note that at the same time are able to be included:

  1. Fridge.
  2. TV set.
  3. Personal Computer.

Acceptable buy several heaters to heat different rooms, capacity of which in the amount of more than 5 kW reasonable, in turn, they are using. For example, to assemble the internal circuit switching.

Release film heaters type Warm floor and ceiling. This type of heating is quite expensive - profitable for large expensive houses. In this case, these innovations are designed for relatively high power.

Can I split the system to use as a heater

Split-system operates on the principle of the heat pump - heating efficiency amazing. Manufacturers heaters for apartments have learned to produce equipment. Being equipped with a winter package, it takes the energy from the frost. Other split-system in the indoor unit contains a heating coil (forming vetroduvku), which deals with the duties in the cold. A huge drawback is the inability to use a split-system at temperatures less than minus 5 degrees.

Important! Air conditioning does not work properly. This equipment is devoid of prospects. Aware that the engineering staff of large companies. When the time comes, a new type of equipment will be released. Properly set the direction of energy flows between nature and structure.

Conclusion: The split - or air conditioning as heaters used irrationally.

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