Cabbage than to handle from pests - practical advice

Most gardeners want their cabbage to grow. Than to process from the pests carefully grown crop, what treatment is more effective? Unfortunately, cabbage is loved not only by us, but also by multiple bugs, fleas, caterpillars, butterflies that seem to be only wait for the appearance of sprawling rosettes in our kitchen gardens, to gnaw out not only holes, but also completely eat our harvest.

  • Cabbage pests and control
  • Cruciferae flea
  • Butterfly cabbage and cabbage gray shovel
  • Aphids on cabbage
  • Snails and slugs
  • Cabbage leaf beetle
  • Steblebone secretive (weevil)
  • The crucifix
  • Rapeseed sawmill

Noting the traces of pests, each of us thought about how to save cabbage, how to treat it, how to destroy slugs, caterpillars, cruciferous fleas and other uninvited guests. In this case, we will benefit from many years experience experienced gardeners, truck farmers. Let's find out what enemies we have in our cabbage in the garden, we will look at the methods and methods of fighting harmful insects.

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Most parasites cause damage to the crop at all stages of growth and development of cabbage. In specialized stores, we can always buy a reliable chemical agent for processing vegetables in beds. But first you need to learn about more environmentally friendly ways of protection.

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Cabbage pests and control

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Cruciferae flea

If you notice on the leaves of cabbage a scattering of small holes, most likely, that your garden was visited by a cruciferous flea. This small pest is hard to notice because of its size, but gluttony can only be surprised, especially on the likes of young leaves. The enemy is painted black with a silvery tint, moves swiftly, actively multiplies. During the day the cruciferous flea eats volumes of food that exceed its weight by three times. If the time is not taken, the cabbage leaves will turn into a sieve and the harvest will die.

Cruciferous flea on cabbage seedlings, photo:

Methods of pest control:

  1. You can periodically sprinkle cabbage beds with wood ash or a mixture of ash with chopped tobacco leaves. This method is pretty good, but after every rain, fog or dew in the morning, all the actions will have to be repeated anew.
  2. Crucifera flea on cabbage does not like sharp smells, a good repellent effect has eucalyptus or fir oil (15-20 drops per 10 liters of water). For the same reason, gardeners recommend planting garlic between the rows of cabbage, and it is sown in the first place, and then cabbage.
  3. Very simple, but this is no less effective way - diluted in water vinegar. This method gives very good results. Irrigate beds with this solution can be using a spray. Take 2 tablespoons 9% vinegar, dilute in 10 liters of water, water cabbage after sunset (to avoid burns). According to reviews, sometimes one spraying is enough.
  4. Chicken litter, diluted in water and infused for 24 hours, will not only be a means for expelling the pest, but also an excellent natural fertilizer for your harvest. For 10 liters of water, 150-200 g of the product of the vital activity of birds is sufficient.
  5. You can also cover the young cabbage with special covering material for the beds, thus creating a barrier to the access of cruciferous fleas. After the cabbage gathers strength and grows up, the canvas can be removed.

Like most other cabbage parasites, the cruciferous flea does not like the aroma of spicy herbs. Plant near the cabbage basil, dill, mint, sage, rosemary or parsley - these plants not only scare away the pests, but also attract their enemies (flairnets, beetles, riders, ladybirds).

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Butterfly cabbage and cabbage gray shovel

Harmless with the sight of a butterfly cabbage is actually almost the most dangerous enemy of cabbage crops.

Butterfly cabbage

Cabbage gray shovel, more like a night moth, acts similarly.

Cabbage shovel

These butterflies are able to lay a countless number of eggs, from which later caterpillars hatch, destroying entire plantations of cabbage. Fight with a butterfly cabbage and cabbage scoops need to be integrated, try not one method of protection, but several.

Caterpillars butterfly cabbage, photo:


Caterpillars cabbage scoops, photo:

Spraying beds with a solution of soap and ash produces good results: grinded laundry soap (1 cup) and wood ash (2 tablespoons) should be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Onion husks, infused for two or three days, give a good deterrent effect and at the same time serve as a fertilizer for cabbage. Half a kilo of shells need to be poured with 4 liters of boiling water, to insist the specified time, you can also add a tablespoon of finely grinded tar soap - it will only get better. Received infusion should be irrigation beds approximately every 4-5 days.

You can additionally sprinkle young seedlings with ordinary kitchen soda, but not too abundant.

Cabbage pests (most of them) are afraid of wasps, because they are very fond of eating their larvae, eggs. This feature can be beaten with the benefit of the harvest - for sure you have in your pantry there is a couple of cans of stagnant jam that you can dilute and pour cabbage to attract wasps. Insects immediately smell the smell of sweet food and flock to the beds, and then it's up to them - the jam will also be good for jam. For lack of jam, you can make a thick sugar syrup (water with sugar).


Another way to fight a cabbage soup looked at one of the forums: in a garden with cabbage, place a few sticks-pegs with eggshell dressed on them. Authors of this original method are sure that white butterflies of cabbage will not sit on cabbage to lay eggs, considering that the place is already occupied. So butterflies think or not, it is difficult to say, but this method helps.

Eggshell from butterfly cabbage butterflies
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Aphids on cabbage

Photo of aphid on cabbage leaf:

Sweet love not only wasps, but also ants, before using the sweet bait for wasps it is worth considering that the ants will also run for a treat. Thus, here there is an additional problem - aphids, which are very friendly with ants (it gives off a sweet substance that ants love). It's not for nothing that the experienced truck farmers say: they saw a cluster of ants near the plants - check the presence of aphids.

Aphids prefer the young cabbage leaves, which after acquaintance with it are covered with black dots, wrapped, the cabbage does not develop further. These pests nest in groups and suck the life juices from the plant. Aphids on cabbage - what to process the beds? Here, again, you need to use several methods at once.

  1. You can prepare a mixture of wood ash, grinded soap and tobacco, as described above, but still add to the composition 1 tablespoon of dry mustard. Proportion: 1 spoon of soap and mustard, 250 g of tobacco and ash, mix ingredients, pour 10 liters of boiling water, insist 24 hours, strain through gauze before use. The resulting composition should be watered cabbage beds, preferably in the evening, after sunset.
  2. Cabbage aphids are afraid of onions, its sharp odor, the way of cooking infusion of onion husks is described above. A more "hard" option - take 800 g of onions, cut each bulb into 4 parts (do not clean), pour a bucket boil, simmer for 2 hours, then dilute with water one to one, then use it by spraying. This way you can use garlic.
  3. Sprinkling cabbage heads with wood ash - update after each watering, as well as after the rain.
  4. Plant nearby herbs or flowers - marigolds, nasturtium, feverfew.

Marigolds between rows of cabbage, photo:

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Snails and slugs

When the evening comes or after the rain, slugs and snails creep out to enjoy your harvest. They are attracted by moisture, which is retained for a long time at the base of the cabbage outlets. Here you can advise dilute ammonia in water (50 ml per 5 l), which should be poured on top of each head. A similar procedure, carried out several times, provides a persistent deterrent effect for these pests.


Traces of snails and slugs, photo:

The old "grandfather" way, which has not lost its relevance today - on cabbage beds, dig in different places containers with diluted yeast or fermented kvass, beer. For these purposes, it is very convenient to use cut up to half plastic bottles. Such an "aroma" will attract gastropod mollusks, and from the capacity they will not be able to escape.

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Cabbage leaf beetle

Another applicant for your harvest. This little bug is even beautiful - black with a bronze tint.

Cabbage leaf and its caterpillar

Smoothes the edges of the cabbage leaves and makes holes in them. His activity is activated by the end of spring, he makes his way to the base of the head, gnaws himself a cell into which he lays eggs. After a while, the larvae hatch from the eggs, which are sent straight to the ground, from which, after 10-12 days, they get out already as adults. A new generation of beetles is immediately taken for food, because of their actions, the cabbage rosettes become like a sieve, the crop is dying.

To combat them, the same solution of tobacco and ash is used, as well as most of the methods described above for combating butterfly caterpillars of cabbage and cabbage scoops.

If you do not take into account the national means of protection, then a very good result in the fight against cabbage leaf eaters are chemical preparations "Aktellik "Karate".

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Steblebone secretive (weevil)

A stealth secretivist is another cabbage pest.

Steblebone secretive (weevil)

Weevil gnaws tunnels in the head to the very roots. I could not make a photo of cabbage cabbage injuries with a stem secretlyhistoric (fortunately, I do not have it). Below on the left photo you can see the puncture site in the stalk of cabbage kohlrabi, made by a secretive sphinx, and the stalk, damaged by the weevil larva.

The activity of the pest is aimed at sucking life juices out of cabbage, why its growth slows down considerably, then it dies.

The beetle of the secretive sphincter appears in April - in the south, and by the end of May in the middle zone of Russia, closer to the stems lays its eggs, from which voracious larvae hatch with a characteristic feature - the yellow head large-sized. To protect the vegetable you need to stock up with birch tar. Tar is bred with water. And this solution should be carried out regular irrigation beds (every three days).

If the situation with the secretive sphinx has gone far, then chemical compounds will come to your aid - the same "Actellik" or "Fosbetsid".

At first, young cabbage bushes can be covered with plant material.

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The crucifix

A cruciferous bug is a real disaster for cabbage beds and plantations. Adult individuals (as well as their larvae) make holes in leaves, feed on vegetable juice. We all know a soldier - this is a cruciferous bug, his brethren with a similar coloring also belong to this category.

Crucifer bug

As a prevention of the appearance of this pest is the careful cleaning of all plant residues with the onset of autumn (it is better to burn them), since they winter on them. The saliva of the cruciferous bug contains an enzyme damaging to the plant - in that place of the leaf where it has gnawed through the hole, the tissues will eventually become dead. Noteworthy is the fact that with the onset of heat and drought, the bug becomes only more active, and the population of its population increases.

Tobacco dust, infusion of onion husk, garlic broth - all these means are good for combating the cruciferous bug.

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Rapeseed sawmill

There is one more pest in cabbage. Very voracious pest. This is a rape sawmill.

Rapeseed sawmill - fly (photo left) and larvae (right photo)

On the left is a fly of a rapeseed sawmill, and on the right is a rape-larva larva. It is not entirely correct to call the larvae of a rapeseed sawfly caterpillars. These are false caterpillars. Their difference from caterpillars is the presence of 6 pairs of legs on the abdomen.

The fly, by cutting the edge of the cabbage leaf from below, lays eggs, from which the larvae appear. Their length is from 16 to 18 mm. The wrinkled skin is dotted with several small papillae. Recently hatched larvae have a color from pale gray to greenish. The older larvae change color, becoming dark green, almost black.

Young larvae eat out the lower part of the leaves or make holes in them (the economic damage is negligible), then as older larvae, dark in color, almost completely eat leaves, leaving only streaks.

Ogorodniki successfully use the decoction of tomato leaves to combat the rapeseed sawmill.

Protection cabbage from the sawmiller: every two weeks, sprinkle cabbage rosettes (in seedling stage) with a protective mixture: naphthalene (1 part), sand and wood ash (5 parts). You can also use slaked lime (20 parts) and creolin (1 part).

If you find a cabbage sawmaker in your garden, do not think that he will not appear next season. Be sure to destroy the remainder of the harvest in the autumn when harvesting the leaves, remove the weeds in time, plant the cabbage early, be sure to loosen the soil, as the new generation appears from there.

Chemicals "Actellik "Fosbetsid suspension of DDT (,%) will also help you in the fight against this parasite.

Processing cabbage protective mixture, photo:

Chemical means of protecting cabbage from pests are used mainly when the invasion of pests has taken on a critical scale. For large cabbage plantations, chemical protection is also used - Fury, Kemifos, Bancol, Iskra-M.

Methods of application and proportions of insecticide dilutions are always described on the package, for example 1 ml of "Fury" is diluted in 10 liters of water, 2 liters of solution will be sufficient for processing 100 m² of the territory. The maximum number of procedures is 2 times, until the harvesting time must pass at least 25 days from the last irrigation.

It is worth mentioning one unconventional method of protecting cabbage crops from aphids and cruciferous fleas - this is flea shampoo for our four-legged pets. Surprisingly, the fact is - 3 tablespoons of shampoo (the cheapest one is suitable), diluted in a bucket of water and applied to cabbage rosettes by an excellent way to expel pests. Try and you this way, at least too active chemicals and poisons certainly will not be part of the means of caring for a living being. Procedures against parasites should be done once every 7-10 days.

Summing up, it is necessary to say that pests not only spoil and destroy our crop, but also are carriers of various diseases. Comprehensive measures in this case give the best result, as for folk remedies, they can be combined even with chemical procedures (if the situation is aggravated). Preventive measures are also of great importance. Try to still manage alternative methods of protecting cabbage, because chemistry is chemistry, and this popular vegetable will be you and your family.

Let your cabbage be healthy and healthy. And how to treat this culture from pests, how to protect it - you now know.


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