Cultivation of Big 6 turkeys at home


Cross turkeys Big 6 was created through breeding breeding, the British company "Brutiss Unaited Tyurrkss" in 2007. For breeding, the father's line BUT 8 and mother BIG 5 were used.

The bird refers to the meat type of productivity. Big 6 is a young cross that appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but has already proved itself due to a large mass, early maturity and vitality.


Table of contents

  • Cross-country description Big 6
  • Contents and breeding of turkeys at home
    • Tips for beginners: how to grow broilers correctly
  • Characteristics of the cross Big 6
  • Feeding and keeping turkeys and turkeys
  • Conditions for growing turkeys
    • What food should be given
  • Detailed description of turkey diseases
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
  • Conclusion
  • Reviews

Cross-country description Big 6

Big 6 turkeys are large and massive farm birds, characterized by a stocky body and a relatively small head. By white color and fluffy plumage, this cross is easy to distinguish from other species. Throughout the body there is a white plumage, not counting a small black speck on the chest.

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Females are not as fluffy as males.

The plumage is rather dense and dense, with a characteristic luster. Highly appreciated down the turkey turkey Big 6, due to its softness and lightness it is in demand in the industry. The back of the birds is even and wide. Thoracic muscles expressed, convex. Wings of large sizes.

Appearance of the breed

The bird stands on large, strong and sinewy legs. On the long neck is a small head. A distinctive feature of turkeys - the presence of corals, skin folds of red color, located in the head and neck. On the upper part of the beak there is a dermal, dangling vertically downward appendage, which, in the period of the excitation of the bird, can reach 12-15 cm.

Bright red ornaments on the body of the turkey testify to the health of the bird.

The turkeys have a lively temperament, they are strong enough and can stand up for themselves. But, as for the community with other birds, there may be a conflict, therefore it is recommended to keep broiler turkeys separately and families. Below you can read more about this.


Contents and breeding of turkeys at home

In industrial conditions turkeys are kept in specially equipped wide-dimensioned windowless poultry houses on litter, with controlled lighting and microclimate, cell content.

Herd of turkeys in the range

Cross Big 6 is bred not only in industrial enterprises, but also in household plots. The basic conditions for keeping turkeys are practically the same as those for poultry for other breeds. At home farms in the summer, the turkey is kept on the go-ahead and only at night they are driven into the shed.Bird for turkeys should be capital.

The walls are made of bricks or other strong materials, the floors are poured with concrete. If there are windows in the poultry house, then they must be opened, and if the bird does not fly away, they are closed with lattices.

Turkeys do not tolerate dampness and cold, so the premise must be insulated, so that in winter the minimum cost of heating the house is minimal.

Big 6 shows high productive results only in dry and warm climates, therefore it is very important to provide the birds with all necessary conditions.

On the southern side of the poultry house is made laz, the height from the floor should not be more than 15 cm. The floor in the poultry house is covered with a litter of sawdust, hay or straw. It is important that the litter is dry. Since the turkeys are not very friendly, then when the large herd is kept, it is better to split the room into compartments.

Tips for beginners: how to grow broilers correctly

In one department it is not recommended to grow more than 30-40 individuals. There are 6 females per 1 male. Poultry for breeding broilers are built with the calculation of 1-2 adult birds per 1 sq. Km. m.

Nuts for keeping turkeys

Turkeys, like chickens, need roosts. The height of the perch from the floor should be 90-100 cm. Nasties are made from thick, round wooden beams, in the calculation of a minimum of 40 cm for 1 turkey.The birds are equipped with nests with the calculation of 4-5 females per 1 nest.

The parameters of the nest are 60x60x60 cm, with a height of 15 cm. The normal temperature in the room is 16-18 ° C, in winter it should not fall below 13-15 ° C. The birds are equipped with artificial lighting systems, for making a short winter light day.

For turkeys it is necessary to put baths with ash and sand so that they can clean feathers from parasites. As the baths are used wooden boxes: 125 × 80 × 25 cm. proportional ratio of sand and ash 1k1.

Feeders and drinking bowls are an integral part of any livestock complex. Cages for turkeys are built high and covered with a grid from above, so that the bird can not fly away.

Since turkeys fly well, wings are cut off to avoid problems.

Characteristics of the cross Big 6

The breed is famous for its heavy weight

Live weight of males is 20-25 kg, and females 10-12 kg. Characteristics of egg production of turkeys is up to 100 eggs per year. Females begin to lay eggs in 7-9 months. Weight of 1 egg is 80 g.

The incubation of eggs lasts for 26-28 days. Withdrawal is 85%. The slaughter yield is 70-75%. Muscle mass is 80%, of which 30% is on the chest. For 1 kg of a gain of live weight there is 2 kg of a forage.

In a day for 1 turkey eats 250-350 g of feed.In 90 days, the turkey weighs -5 kg, and in 150 days - 11-12 kg. Slaughter turkeys in 3-4 months, because after this period, the growth of the bird stops.


Feeding and keeping turkeys and turkeys

Feeding small turkeys does not present any difficulties. In the first 3 days of life, the chicks are given boiled eggs and boiled cereal grains. The turkey must have unlimited access to water. Feed the kids every 3 hours, while the feed should always be fresh.

The feed is mixed with finely chopped greens and grated carrots. Portions should be small, but for the turkeys to have enough to eat. On day 4, the ration is made from wet sticks on milk and with the addition of grass.

Feeding chicks

The first 2 months of life for birds are extremely important, therefore during this period the turkey should be provided with a full-fledged ration rich in dairy products. It is recommended to feed cottage cheese, buttermilk, curdled milk and the reverse.

The obligatory components of the diet of turkeys are green fodder. In the feed, chopped greens of alfalfa, dandelion, nettle, plantain and clover are mixed. It is allowed in the diet to add a little green onions, as a preventive against intestinal diseases.


As the bird grows, the number of feedings decreases. In 2 months turkeys enough 4 feedings. For feeding chicks special feeders are bought or made independently from plywood.In no event should metal be used, because striking his beak, a turkey can hurt himself.

On day 7, the chicks are given vitamin D in the diet, the repeated procedure is performed after 50 days. On day 15, nystatin is added to the diet, aimed at preventing aspergillosis. As prevention, the chicks from 6 to 11 days are propionized with antibiotics.


Conditions for growing turkeys

Chicks of this breed

The main requirement for growing turkeys is the control of the microclimate. The first month of chicks are kept in specially designed compartments on the litter.

At 1 week the temperature in the room should vary from 32 to 35 ° C, at 2 weeks the heat level drops to 29-32 ° C, and at 3 weeks it's enough 27-29 ° C.

The light day is 12 hours. The room is prohibited from drafts and high humidity.

If you compare the feeding of turkeys with other poultry, you can see some features. Rations for Big 6 are formed taking into account a large number of protein foods and vitamins.

What food should be given

Feeding turkeys 3 times a day, it is undesirable to overfeed these birds, since large individuals are prone to obesity. In the morning and in the afternoon they feed wet mash-ups with the addition of cereals, and in the evening they get dry grain.

Cereals and legumes in the diet of turkeys are up to 65%, most of all turkey fed oats and buckwheat. Grain feed provides 70% of the turkey and is a source of fat. Cakes and oilcakes make up a small percentage of the diet (1-2%), but in spite of this, they fully provide the birds with amino acids.

To provide the body with calcium and phosphorus to the birds, meat, meat-and-bone, fish and blood meal are introduced into the diet. To improve digestion, the body needs fiber, which is contained in hay and straw.In the summer, turkeys are fed grass.

Feed for turkeys Big 6

Green fodder, sprouted grain and feed of animal origin are rich in vitamins A, B, E, N. The diet of turkeys is balanced on all elements and vitamins, in the case of their lack in the young growth slows down, and in adults the egg production decreases.


Detailed description of turkey diseases

Newcastle disease. This disease most often affects young animals and causes a large case. Symptoms: paralysis of the extremities, green-gray-yellow diarrhea, in the goiter accumulates slimy masses. The disease is incurable, and timely vaccination is used to prevent it.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis. When this disease is a disease in birds, eyes swell, coughing and wheezing appear, growth slows down. The mortality rate is minimal. For treatment, use different drugs prescribed by a veterinarian.

Aspergillotoxicosis. The disease appears when eating a poor-quality feed, and the source can be a litter. The bird becomes inactive, sits in place, sleeps a lot, breathes often, worships, eats badly, lags behind in growth and dies suddenly in cramps.

When the first symptoms manifest, feed and litter change, the house is disinfected. In the diet you must immediately enter the lactic acid production.

Histomonosis. The disease affects the liver and causes diseases of the blind intestines in young animals. An ailment can result from poor-quality disinfection of the house. In turkeys appears foamy diarrhea of ​​green-yellow color.

The turkeys stop eating food, weaken, lose weight, feathers become disheveled and dirty. The disease is treated with such drugs: furazolidone and sarsols. AlsoDeworming of turkeys with such drugs as phenothiazine and piperazine is carried out.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Turkey carcass Big 6


  • The biggest weight crossing. Meat turkeys reach 25 kg.
  • Early ripeness. Young growth is rapidly gaining weight, while fattening leaves a minimum of costs.
  • The output of meat products is 80%, of which 30% weighs the breast.
  • Plumage in quality is not inferior to goose and is used in industry for the production of various products.
  • If compared with other species, Big 6 carries more eggs.


  • Poorly tolerated by cold and dampness, which entails the cost of warming and heating the house in the winter.
  • Turkeys have poor contact with each other and with other birds, so they are kept in separate rooms and families.


Big 6 refers to cross meat direction and is considered a heavyweight of its kind. Turkeys in care are unpretentious, and for gaining benefits it is enough to observe several rules of feeding and growing. Considering that birds grow rapidly and consume a little fodder, during the season it is possible to grow not one kilogram of tasty meat.

It is believed thatturkey meat has the best tastein comparison with chicken, it is dietary and is well absorbed in the body.


Why is it considered that it is a troublesome occupation to raise turkeys. Nothing like this! Time and effort should be given no less than chickens and ducks, and meat is obtained in 2 or even 3 times more. Yes, there are some nuances, but they are present in any farm animal.

Young growth in the range

There are no drawbacks with the breed, it is almost ideal, to the tips of its snow-white feathers. Breed Big 6 not only for meat, but also for the pen. With proper feeding and maintenance, the young grow healthy and strong. Cross Big 6 is the best, from the now existing species.

Since the Cross Big 6 has appeared relatively recently, it can not be found in all yards, but only among breeders engaged professionally.

Due to its productive qualities cross easily eclipses other breeds. The bird grows for 3-5 months, gaining up to 20 kg of weight and eating 350 grams of food per day. Gives more eggs, compared to other crosses and breeds.

The chicks are taken out, both under the turkey and in the incubator. Adult birds look very beautiful, especially males. Maintenance at home does not require any excesses and heavy technology. Even the beginning farmer will cope: a spacious warm shed, without drafts and dampness.

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