Choose the most effective anti-cellulite massager

Choose the most effective anti-cellulite massager


A good anti-cellulite massager is your ally in the pursuit of beauty. With its help you improve the contours of the body, make the skin supple and get rid of the "orange peel". But only to choose a reliable assistant is not easy: there are so many different models in stores. What anti-cellulite massager is better? Everything depends on the tasks that you set for him.


  • 1The fight against cellulite: how it happens
  • 2Types of massagers
  • 3What's better?

The fight against cellulite: how it happens

Any anti-cellulite massager performs the same work: it causes blood to circulate more intensively in those areas where we need it. Due to this fatty deposits begin to decrease, and the "orange peel" itself becomes almost imperceptible or (with regular and prolonged massage) disappears altogether.

Of course, the lower the degree of cellulite, the easier it is to get rid of it. If the problem has just appeared, it will be enough to be the simplest and inexpensive device. If the fat deposits for a long time spoil your mood, you will have to find an anti-cellulite massager that can deeply massage the body.

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Types of massagers

First we need to understand what choice we have. Depending on the principle of work, massagers are divided into:

  • mechanical;
  • vibratory;
  • vacuum ones.

A mechanical anti-cellulite massager is an ideal tool to combat the initial stage of cellulite. It can be roller (massaging nozzle in the form of balls) or needle (with a tip in the form of needles). There are wooden and plastic models - the choice depends on your personal preferences. In addition, it is better to choose a model with a long handle, so you can get to any problematic places.


Important: apart from the mechanical devices for massage are special mittens for the shower. They can only be used in the bathroom, when the skin is sufficiently heated. It is advisable to buy them in a kit with special gels or creams.


Vibrating massager works from the network. The device creates a certain vibration, with which the skin and the upper fat deposits are well massaged. It can also be roller or needle. It is better to buy a model with the ability to switch gears and different attachments, as this will help you make such an anti-cellulite massage that is right for you.

Vacuum massager will help to get to the deep layers of subcutaneous deposits. True, anti-cellulite massage with its help is quite painful, since the most "stubborn" fat cells are affected. It can be electric (a special device draws the skin inward) or by hand (massage with silicone cans). Suitable for combating a very pronounced orange peel.


What's better?

To answer the question, which anti-cellulite massager is the best, you need to get acquainted with the merits and demerits of each model. It is also desirable to know exactly how the device works and what it is intended for. For your convenience, we have created a table for you:





Principle of operation

Mechanical impact on problem areas

Vibration device helps to disperse blood and speed up the metabolism

Due to intensive retraction of the skin, a deep study of fat deposits occurs




in the form of mittens.



in the form of a belt or special shorts.





easy to handle;


different speeds and nozzles help to achieve a better effect;

easy to handle;

suitable for other types of massage.

helps to get rid of the deep stage of cellulite;

Electric models are easy to handle.


requires effort;

not suitable for severe cellulite.


Some models are suitable only for small cosmetic problems.


massage with it is quite painful;

manual models are difficult to use.

As you can see, you can only understand what kind of massager is the best. Choose a model that will help solve your problem. In addition, you must remember that a good anti-cellulite massage can only be done with the device that you like to use. If the device is uncomfortable and difficult to handle, there is a high probability that soon you will abandon it. And regularity is the main condition for the effectiveness of massage.

A few words about the massage itself. Whichever massager you choose, use it better in conjunction with other means of cellulite: creams, gels or essential oils. Before the beginning of the procedure, problem areas should be warmed up (take a shower or visit the steam bath), as this will help make anti-cellulite massage more effective. On the skin it is desirable to apply a special softening gel.

Remember that completely get rid of the "orange peel" will help not only regular massage sessions, but also intense physical activity in combination with proper nutrition. A anti-cellulite massager - this is only an additional tool in the struggle for beauty, in itself, he is not capable of doing miracles.

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