Choosing a multicooker: an overview of the functionality and configuration of the device

Multicooker - a miracle of technology, most recently appeared on the market. In a short period of time, this device won the love of consumers who had the good fortune to purchase it. In the modern rhythm of life, cooking takes a catastrophic amount of time. Engineers have solved the problem by creating a multicooker - a kitchen appliance, in essence resembling a saucepan with an integrated heating element. Cooking does not need to be monitored, it’s enough to load the ingredients, set the temperature and time, and the device will do everything on its own and will signal the readiness of the dish.
The choice of multicooker is very difficult, because with a large assortment it is not easy to choose a specific model. There is a chance to choose the wrong option, overpay for unnecessary features. In the article we will tell you how to choose the slow cooker, reveal the features of cooking modes and programs, and also show you what you should pay attention to when buying this device.
- 1 Top-5 rules for choosing a multicooker are the main parameters of
- 1.1 1. Type of multicooker
- 1.2 2. Bowl coating material
- 1.3 3. Management
- 1.4 4. A volume of templates that have a cushion of templates that have been added. Multicooker design - what you should pay attention to
- 2.1 Housing material
- 2.2 Housing cover
- 2.3 TRA
So, you decided to purchase the necessary kitchen assistant. The price of this device varies in a fairly large range - the model of the same company can cost as much as 1,500, and up to 35,000 rubles. Select a multicooker on the required parameters is easy. When buying, you should evaluate the device according to the following criteria.
1. Type of multicooker
There are two basic types of multicooker: the multicooker and the multicooker / pressure cooker. The latter is characterized by the presence of a valve on the lid of the appliance, which, when closed, allows high pressure inside the device to be injected, which significantly speeds up the cooking process. With the valve open, the pressure cooker works in a normal multicooker mode.
bowl coating material The durability of the device depends on the type of coating of the multicooker bowl. If you are in doubt about which choice to make, then you should pay attention to the most durable and wear-resistant material. To date, the coating can be of three types:
- Teflon, the most common coating that creates a non-stick effect. At the slightest damage to the surface with a metal object( as happens when it touches it with a spatula, spoon, knife), it loses its non-stick properties, food begins to burn, Teflon is destroyed. Use only plastic or silicone accessories;
- ceramic, considered the most environmentally friendly coating. When high temperature is not destroyed and does not emit harmful substances in food. Scratch resistant. Devices with a ceramic bowl differ in higher price, than from teflon. But there is one more minus, after 2-3 months of operation, food can begin to adhere to the ceramic bottom, since the fluoroplastic is erased from the surface, which at first performs the anti-burn function declared by the manufacturer. Ceramics themselves do not possess such properties;
- titanium, less common coating, mainly used in Toshiba multi-cooker bowls. It can rightly be called "unkillable", the coating is highly conductive, durable and light. To meet him on sale is not easy, and often the titanium bowl is the only plus model, and the functionality in this case is at a low level.
3. Management
One of the characteristics that determine the basic cost of the device. Multicooker control can be mechanical or electronic. Mechanical control, to put it simply, is the good old buttons on the panel, without any “bells and whistles” in the form of an LCD screen and touch controls. Electronic control in the high age of technology is more convenient, practical, but also slightly more expensive in price than a simpler option.
Selection of management is a purely individual matter, but remember that dust and dirt, which are almost impossible to clean, eventually clogs the buttons. Touch keys in this regard are more reliable, but they should not be touched with wet hands or with dirty fingers( flour, dough, meat, etc.)
4. Bowl volume
The volume of the multicooker can be from 1 to 10 liters. Your task is to choose how much volume is optimal for everyday use. The capacity of the bowl is designed for a certain amount of cooked food, and your choice depends on it.
If the family is large, then it makes sense to buy a bowl of at least 5 liters, if there are 4 or more family members, a seven-liter bowl will do. In the event that one person will use the multicooker, then it is enough to purchase a model with a bowl with a capacity of up to 3 liters.
5. Power( W)
The multi-cooker is a device that is very economical in terms of power consumption. Its power depending on the model can be from 350 to 1700 watts. The higher the power - the more possibilities the device has. For example, the cooking time depends on the power. At this point you should not save, choose a slow cooker of any company with a capacity of at least 860 W, so as not to be disappointed in it in the very first application.
The design of the multicooker - what to look for
The appearance and components of the multicooker are also of considerable importance when there is a choice of a single model. Doing the selection of the parameters and supervising the device of a particular company, we advise you to adopt the following tips.
Case Material
There are three options: plastic, stainless steel, and their combination. Steel is known as a durable material. Plastic in the process of cooking practically does not heat up.
The multicooker with a plastic case is easier to clean, but plastic is more prone to scratches than stainless steel. The disadvantages and advantages on a par, plastic is also cheaper, so only you can choose.
Case Cover
The cover can be either removable or non-removable. Removable manifests itself in operation better - it can be completely immersed under the faucet and wash the pollution. This is especially important for pressure cookers with a valve. With the release of steam, the valve is very dirty, and the ability to rinse it under water means to prolong the service life of the valve and the multicooker as a whole.
Water Trap
Very good if the multicooker has a moisture collector. It is a small bowl for collecting condensate from the lid of the device. If the multicooker does not have this capacity, then condensate drops will flow directly onto the prepared food, which is not very aesthetic. When pondering over the question of how to choose a slow cooker, pay attention to the presence of this detail.
Grid for steaming
If you do not have a steamer as a separate device, then a grid for steaming a multi-cooker will not be superfluous. Especially if there is a child in the house. Vegetables, cutlets, dumplings cooked in a multivariate are very tasty and healthy. Not every equipment has grilles, so when choosing a device, specify whether this model has this accessory included.
Overview of automatic programs
As for cooking programs, their number depends only on the capabilities and imagination of the manufacturer. Here we can not advise you of a particular option, because the needs are different, and someone wants to choose a slow cooker for tasty cereals, and baking, and yogurt, and even pasteurization are important to others.
Well, if the multicooker has the function “Multi - cook”, it also sounds like “Multi - chef”, “Master chef”, etc.
The following cooking programs are included in the management of the standard multicooker:
- Cooking( soup / broth / stewed fruit).The contents are brought to boiling point. From the moment of boiling, the heating element maintains the temperature index;
- Frying. As well as during cooking, heating occurs to the temperature set by the program. The only difference from the previous method is that the indicator is much higher than during cooking, thus allowing cooking without a large amount of liquid. The temperature is maintained throughout the preparation.
- Baking. Cooking only with the lid closed. The principle of operation mode as in the cooking program;
- Porridge( milk / crumbly / plov).The device uses maximum power to bring to a boil and evaporate the available liquid;
- Quenching. Prolonged cooking of the dish by simmering at the initial boiling and further establishing a low temperature.
The latest know-how in the world of multicookers is a model with support for Wi-Fi. Using the wireless network, you can directly select and upload new recipes from the manufacturer’s website to the device.
Multivarka - a device that will become an assistant and working women, and young mothers, and just those who do not seek to be particularly interested in the intricacies of cooking. We hope that the above tips will become your guide when choosing a kitchen assistant. Happy shopping!
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