Wireworm: photo and description of how to deal with it

Do not know who the wireworm is? Photo and description of how to deal with it, will be useful to gardeners who noticed at harvesting spoiled by yellow worm-wireworm, for example, potato tubers, which as if someone repeatedly pierced wire. The topic for many is very topical, because a wireworm is found in our country everywhere. He brings a lot of harm and hassle in the garden, especially on planting potatoes, carrots, beets. The number of wireworms in wet zones is 3-4 times greater than in others.

  • Photo, what does the wireworm look like? Is it a beetle or a worm?
  • When to start a fight with a wireworm and how to do it

Photo, what does the wireworm look like? Is it a beetle or a worm?

The wireworm is a worm-like larva of the beetle-beetle, which develops in the soil for a number of years.

Wireworm, photo:



All this time they harm plants, corms, potatoes. Wireworms make in them moves.Damaged tubers are quickly affected by dry and wet rot.

Wireworm can eat underground parts of almost any plant. The most frequent damage to planting potatoes, peanuts, corn, carrots, beets, other root crops.

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Many wireworms in the forest litter. That's why it's so dangerous to use gardeners forested soil.

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When to start a fight with a wireworm and how to do it

Adult beetles-click-beetles and their larvae-wireworms in the soil are hibernated. From wintering, the beetles leave early in the spring. It is at this time that it is best to arrange a "hunt" for them.

For this, glass or plastic containers are suitable. From my experience I know that it is better that they were not flat and there should be a lot of them - about 10 pieces per hundred square meters. At the bottom of each container, put pieces of raw potatoes, or carrots, or beets. Place the jars so that the edge of the neck is at the level of the ground surface. So it will be easier for the crackers to climb in there, but they will not be able to get out of high capacity. These are traps for adult individuals - beetles-beetles, for wireworms (worms) they do not fit. Inspect the traps regularly, at least once in 2-3 days, release from the caught ones and update the bait to a more recent one. Completely from the wireworm in this way you will not get rid of, but their number will decrease significantly.

Bug-trapped beetles

Female lay eggs in the upper layer in small groups. A characteristic feature of wireworms is that they are very sensitive to soil moisture. In spring they live in the upper layers, and in dry weather they go into deeper layers. This feature can be used to combat wireworms.


In early spring, in April-May, and in our Kuban in March-April, most wireworms are near the soil surface - at this time the bait will be the most effective. They will help you get rid of the pest. Trap-bait, installed after these terms, most likely, will not be so effective.


Bury in the area a few cans of canned food, so that the edges of the cans were flush with the surface of the earth. Pre-nail a few holes in the sides of the cans. Fill the jars with fresh potato peelings, carrot slices. Check these traps with bait at least once a week, destroy the larvae who got there through the punched holes.

Effective enough in the fight against wireworm traps, which I call "skewers for wireworms." Take the wire, bend one end of the wire with a crochet so that nothing slips. String on it pieces of fresh potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets. Bury this "shish kebab" in the ground so that it would look out of the ground. If the end of the wire is short, notice this place with a stick or a colored scrap. Every 2-3 days, check the "shish kebabs" and destroy the wireworms that crawled there. If necessary, replace the bait with a fresh one.

If the field is very infected with a wireworm, it makes sense for one year not to plant vegetables on it, but to plant this field with mustard. The pest will die without food or leave this field. And you will not only get rid of it, but also improve the soil on your site.

During the laying of eggs (May-June) and pupation of larvae (July-August), insecticides Dursban, Bazdin, Phosphaman, etc., are used against pests. But it must be remembered that along with a positive effect, the soil becomes polluted, the damage to the fauna is caused. Less in the soil of earthworms, ground beetles. So the soil becomes poorer.

To reduce the use of chemical agents to combat wireworms, you can use onion husks, wood ash, a solution of potassium permanganate. For example, before planting tubers of potatoes, the hole should be sieved with a solution of potassium permanganate, put a handful of onion husk, wood ash.

A little time will pass - wireworms and click beetles will disappear, and the number of beetles, earthworms will increase many times. By the way, where weeds grow, in particular, wheatgrass, there are many wireworms. Therefore, pay special attention to timely weeding, the removal of weeds.


We hope that you will not go wrong now when you see a yellow worm in the soil of your site. After all, our photo wires will help identify the pest, and therefore pick up suitable ways to deal with it.

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