Medvedka - photo and description of ways to fight

What does the bear look like? Photos, a description of ways how to fight, the experience of truck farmers will help to save the crop and get rid of this insidious pest. After all, what happens? Plant seedlings, you will come the next day, and she lies unhappy, wilted. A familiar picture? How to get rid of a bear in the garden forever? Can this struggle be successful? To do this, one must well imagine how this insect multiplies.

  • How does the bear, her way of life
  • How to deal with the bear
  • Reviews of experienced truck farmers about the fight with the bear

How does the bear, her way of life

Folk names of the pest - cabbage, top, earthen cancer.




Breeding nests arrange a bear in heaps of manure, garbage, on the borders, paths at a depth of 10-15 cm from the surface of the soil. The size of the nest is 6 × 6 cm. Female bear are very prolific - in a few receptions able to lay 200 to 400 eggs.

Eggs of the bear:

Just hatched larvae of the bear:


Mechanical destruction of nests or airways is detrimental to eggs and young larvae. If you just destroy the course in the hole, the bear will necessarily restore it. She does it very quickly. But the destroyed nest of the bear can not be restored. But it's not so easy to get to it.

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Complete destruction of this pest is almost impossible, but it is necessary to fight it. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of it.

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How to deal with the bear

We collected information about the fight against the bear by popular means and methods.


  1. Absolutely harmless, inexpensive, easily accessible way. They pour an oil emulsion into the holes of the bear: 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil for 4-5 liters of water. Find a hole in the ground or next to it in the ground - this is the entrance to the burrow. Carefully, the sharp angle of the chopper or the smallest flat-blade is torn. We need to find a place where it steeply goes deep into the earth. This is the mink itself. The bear is sitting there during the day, and also arranges nests, laying eggs. Usually for one mink there is a liter jar with an oil emulsion. Pour up to the top gradually, not hurrying, since the emulsion inside can not let in air. After a while, a butterfly appears from the mink, greased with oil, a bear. Oil sticks the respiratory tract of an insect - it dies.
  2. You can fight with a bear like this. Take wheat grains (1 glass), boil them until soft, and then dry, but not dry, but not to be wet, do not stick to each other. Fold in a jar, add vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons), mix. Then 1-2 tablespoons of metaphos fall asleep into the same jar - this is an insecticide of contact action. Prepared in this way, the grains are put in the hole when planting seedlings. The bear will come to smell, taste the poison - it will not be until your seedling.
  3. The classical method. Very old, proven. Effective. But I, frankly, do not really like using it against a bear. Since then you have to crush, destroy these creatures. Better let them die somewhere away from my eyes. Lubricate the inside of the bottle with a wide neck (height 16-18 cm, neck diameter 5-6 cm) with candied honey. Make a groove in the ground, set the bottles so that the neck was at the ground level. At the top, cover the bottle, but so that there is free movement. The smell of honey attracts a bear, they crawl into a bottle from which they can not crawl out.
  4. Small fish (tulk, sprat, hamsu) - marinated, spicy salting, better spoiled, tearing in half and put into the holes during planting seedlings, to a depth of 3-4 cm, placing around the perimeter wells. The smell of fish discourages the bear.
  5. She is afraid of alkaline solutions (soapy water, detergent solution, solution of any dishwashing detergent, etc.). Take 4 tablespoons of detergent, dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour over, a liter of this solution into each mink. We wait. The bear herself jumps out of the mink - only catch it. You can water the area where you noticed her mink, from the watering can with any soap solution, and top with simple water so that the soap solution penetrates the soil deeper. The effect is the same. All the bears on this site, like the ripe ones, will come out to the surface of the earth. Then you collect them.
  6. Fight with a bear you can with the help of alders, if it is available for you.You need to break the green branches of alder, stick or dig them at a distance, a meter from each other. When the branches wither, they are replaced with fresh ones. The smell of alder scares off the bear, they leave your site, and you get rid of them.
  7. Separate beds, as well as greenhouses can be protected from the pest by protecting them with grooves filled with sand, moistened with kerosene.
  8. In the spring scatter on the site small heaps of fresh manure. Medvedka creeps in there, arranges mink and lays eggs. After 10-20 days, look at the heaps, destroy all the eggs.
  9. Fight with a bear you can with the help of chrysanthemum. Do not throw away the leaves in autumn, cut off the chrysanthemum stems. Grind them, dry them, and in spring, put them in the holes when planting crops. Medvedka does not like the smell of chrysanthemums, so she will not touch your plants.

    Branches of chrysanthemum from the bear

  10. This method proved to be very successful: during the planting of seedlings in the pit, add a handful of a dry mixture of orange crusts, egg and onion shells, mix everything with soil and plant seedlings - the bear will not reach the tender roots.
  11. When watering the seedlings under the root (try to prevent the solution from falling on the leaves!) I add a little the amount of ammonia (2-3 tablespoons per bucket of water), the odor of which is a deterrent for the bear.
  12. It is not bad to fight with a bear, and also with moles with the help of windmills on metal poles, dug in the garden. They frighten them away, creating noise, vibration, transmitted over the ground.
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Reviews of experienced truck farmers about the fight with the bear

This method of protection only applies to crops propagated by seedlings. From PET bottles cut off the ring height of 6-7 cm. Seedlings planted inside the ring. The ring is buried at a depth of 5-6 cm, i.е. 1cm should be above the soil level. This method allows you to save about 80% seedlings. In bottoms from bottles, buried at 1-2 cm bottom of the soil level, you can put a bait for a bear (sold in horticultural shops). Unfortunately, the bait is effective until the first rain (or watering from the hose)
Lekseich opic = 1813.0
I fought in the following way. You dig a pit deep into a bayonet and a half shovels and a meter per meter along the perimeter. At the bottom you throw fresh manure, preferably horse, a thickness of not less than 15-20 cm, the top is the same straw and earth 20-25 cm. It turns out the type of greenhouse. In the autumn, a bear from around the garden crawls to bask and lay eggs in this heat. At minus 5-6 degrees I dug out this trap and there it was just darkness! Everything in a barrel and burned. For two years, all brought. Only this must be done together with neighbors of 100 meters in all directions from your garden. And then it's like cockroaches. You take it off for a couple of weeks and then come back from neighbors. By the way, such holes need one for every 3-4 hundred square meters of the garden.
Goodwin opic = 1813.0
Medvedka lives only in acidic soils. The soil needs to "deoxidize" every year abundantly add lime and dolomite if the sour perch is close, as on peat bogs - to make a drainage, to add peat to sand and neutral soil. The bear will disappear. Tested in practice.
In the fall, dry chicken droppings are dropped on the beds, the bear does not bear this smell, and leaves. Long years of fighting with the bear, but only after such a procedure it became less.
Positive =178

I think every gardener understands how dangerous the pest is for a garden bear. The photo will help you determine if you have it. Read the description of ways how to fight. I think everyone will find the most effective for themselves. Or maybe you use some other? Share in the comments.

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