Rid of aphids will help tested folk remedies

Aphids hinder gardeners, gardeners to grow crops in greenhouses, greenhouses, gardens, gardens. How to get rid of aphids is a question that we are looking for an answer sometimes all season. Who are not familiar with these permanent inhabitants of orchards, aphids and ants. Such different, but always see them side by side. Since ancient times, these insects have established mutually beneficial relationships. The first almost motionlessly sit on leaves, usually from below, feed on their juice, and the second continuously scurry, "milk" aphids, simultaneously guard them from other insects.


  • What kinds of aphids are
  • Aphids and ants
  • Natural enemies will help get rid of aphids
  • How to get rid of aphids

What kinds of aphids are

Our plants are dangerous all kinds of aphids. There are many kinds of them. Even in color they are different: green, gray, even black. The leaves on which the aphids settled are first twisted, and then gradually die off. Green young shoots on trees, bushes bend, their growth stops. On vegetable plants, populated aphids, first the leaves wilt, and then the entire plant.

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Aphids do not pupate for the winter, overwinter in the egg stage, which usually are oval in shape, glisten, black in color, their length can reach, mm. From eggs in the spring hatched larvae, which in appearance look like adults. In general, you can tell a lot about interesting things. It turns out that among them there are female females, females, females, females. The details of the vital activity of each individual are interesting, but they will lead us away from the main topic.

Us, truck farmers, will be more interested in information that over the summer in the northern regions will be born more than seven generations of aphids, and in the south - more than seventeen. You feel how much harm you can expect from these uninvited residents of our gardens and gardens.

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Aphids and ants

At the very beginning, I mentioned the friendship of aphids with ants. To get sweet excrement as a food, ants act as guards for aphids. They even help the aphids to endure the frosty winter - they take the females to their anthill. They take care of the aphids so that they do not die of hunger, they transfer it to new young succulent shoots.

In the forest, ants are, perhaps, the most useful insects. And in the garden-garden they are not so useful precisely because of the alliance with aphids.

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Natural enemies will help get rid of aphids

It's not the first year that many farms, farmers specially launch in the greenhouses different kinds of gilt bark, in the people they are called "lady's" cows. They significantly reduce the number of aphids in vegetable crops. And grown-ups and larvae of fake bugs easily find aphids. Within a day, one cow can kill up to 100 aphids. Seven-spotted cow kills pests in garden crops, wild grasses. For planting cucumbers produce melons and gourds, peppers, tomatoes - pepper.

Attract honey blossoms honey-flowers, for example, mustard, phacelia, dill.

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How to get rid of aphids

There are effective folk remedies for controlling aphids:

  • infusion of dandelion - 400 g of leaves or 200 g together with rhizomes pour 10 liters of warm water, insist 2 hours;
  • infusion of onion husk - 150-200 g insist in 10 liters of water 4-5 days, strain before use;
  • infusion potato or tomato tops kg tops pour 10 liters of water, insist 3-4 hours;
  • Infusion celandine - fill the bucket with ¼ celandine, pour cold water, let it brew for a day, drain, sprinkle;
  • Infusion of pepper - 50 grams of ground red pepper pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist for at least 2 hours. The resulting concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water, treat them with plants. If necessary, repeat in 10-15 days.

In all these infusions before sprinkling, you can add 1 teaspoon of liquid soap or 40 g of soap chips. This is necessary for better adhesion of infusions to the leaves.

By the way, foliar feeding also can help get rid of aphids. Composition of top dressing: 20 g of superphosphate + 10 g of potassium chloride per 10 l of water. When spraying, try to keep the leaves moistened not only from above, but from below. The treatment should be repeated after 6-7 days.


Any spraying is carried out in dry weather in the morning or in the evening, but not with an abundance of dew and not before rain.

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