Construction laser rangefinder: selection and operation

Construction laser rangefinder: selection and operation


In construction, you often have to deal with problems when measuring any design parameters in its hard-to-reach areas. The use of tape roulette in such cases will not be effective. Laser rangefinders work with much larger distances and magnitudes. It does not matter whether the wall is rectangular or trapezoidal, using a laser roulette it will be easy to measure its size and area.


  • 1Device of laser rangefinder
    • 1.1Photo gallery: varieties of laser rangefinders
    • 1.2The main elements of the construction range finder
  • 2Types of range finders
    • 2.1Phase meters
    • 2.2Pulse meters
    • 2.3Comparison of the principles of operation of pulse and phase meters
    • 2.4Video: the principle of the laser range finder
  • 3Application and functions of laser rangefinder
    • 3.1Additional functions of some modern range finders
    • 3.2Work with laser roulette
      • 3.2.1Video: how to use laser roulette
    • 3.3Rules of operation of the range finder
  • instagram viewer
    4Recommendations for choosing a laser roulette
    • 4.1Video: review of laser range finder LDM-70
    • 4.2Additional functions of the range finder
    • 4.3Video: measuring the area of ​​non-rectangular walls by a laser rangefinder

Device of laser rangefinder

The laser rangefinder is designed to measure distances. The operation of this device is based on the following principle: it sends a laser signal that is reflected from object and returns back, measures the time it passes, and relative to it, calculates the distance to object. Most modern rangefinders have a compact form and are easy to use. To use such a device, you do not need special skills. Laser distance meters have become widespread in astronomy, construction, military industry and navigation. Range finders are also used for topographic surveys.

Photo gallery: varieties of laser rangefinders

. . Topographic laser rangefinder allows you to calculate the distance to areas or plots of land.. The navigational range finder helps to determine the distance to objects on the water.. Laser range finders are used in the military industry for gun sights.. Building laser rangefinder can determine the distance to the walls and calculate the area and volume of premises.

In construction, the laser range finder is often used to measure the distance to walls and thresholds. Using it, you can also calculate the area of ​​the premises. The device should be set to the desired option, set on the working surface and point the laser at the object of interest, for example, the opposite wall. To obtain more accurate indications, the range finder must be installed strictly perpendicular. To facilitate this task, there is a special level with a bubble in building laser meters.

The main elements of the construction range finder

  1. Optical laser emitter - serves to generate and send the beam to the desired point.
  2. Optical reflector - receives a reflected ray.
  3. Computer converter or microprocessor.
  4. The built-in calculation program is designed for processing the measurement results and outputting them in the required form.
  5. The rangefinder.
  6. Optical sight - allows you to direct the beam exactly in the right place.
  7. Bubble level.
    The bubble level built into the laser range finder allows you to install the device exactly on the surface

In the construction laser range finders there is a notebook and a calculator. The instrument itself will perform calculations and store the data in memory.


Types of range finders

According to the principle of operation, laser range finders are divided into phase and pulse.

Phase meters

Phase range finders have not very long range, but they are much more accurate due to the principle of their work and are cheaper because they do not incorporate an expensive ultra-accurate timer.

Phase rangefinder works at short distances, but has good accuracy and low price

The principle of operation of rangefinders of this type is that a laser wave is sent to an object with one phase, and reflected, returns on the other. After calculating the phase shift, the instrument determines the distance to the object. Due to this principle of operation, the phase range finder measurements are highly accurate. If it is necessary to work at distances exceeding the length of the emitted wave, the device sends the signal several times, changing the modulation frequency. Then the device's processor determines the exact distance to the target by solving a system of linear equations.

Pulse meters

The pulse range finder consists of a radiation detector and a pulsed laser. It calculates the distance to the object by multiplying the beam transit time by the speed of light. Pulse meters operate at much greater distances than phase ones, due to the higher power of the emitted pulse. Such range finders are often used for military sights.

Comparison of the principles of operation of pulse and phase meters

  1. The phase distance meter measures the distance using a modulated light signal, and the pulse distance meter uses a light pulse.
  2. Pulse range finders measure much longer distances than phase ones, since the power of the pulses sent is much larger.
  3. The impulse method of measuring distance is less accurate than the method for measuring the phase difference. But thanks to modern signal processing techniques in pulse range finders, this difference becomes less significant.
  4. The size of the reflected laser dot becomes larger with increasing distance. This is true for both measurement principles, although the laser deviation from the reflection point is different, since the size and shape of the laser spot differ.
  5. The phase and pulse principles of operation are also differentiated by the sensitivity to signal interruption. When working under the influence of some external factors (in the flow of transport, in bad weather conditions), the phase range finder will work worse than the impulse.

Video: the principle of the laser range finder


Application and functions of laser rangefinder

Using laser roulette you can calculate the volume, calculate the area of ​​the room, measure complex inaccessible segments, determine the length of the roof slope and the angle of its slope, find the area of ​​the wall with a slope near the ceiling, as well as its diagonal.

Additional functions of some modern range finders

  1. Backlight.
  2. The spirit level or the bubble level. This device is most often installed on building laser roulettes. It will help to determine whether the device is positioned exactly on the surface.
  3. Vizier is a special device that approximates the point to which a measurement is made. The function works in a manner similar to digital zoom (zoom) on video cameras and is especially relevant for long distance operation.
    Vizir is a miniature camera that allows you to approximate the object of measurement
  4. Display with a color screen.
  5. Air temperature meter. The permissible weather conditions for the use of each device are specified in the instructions. In any case, when working in frost, it is necessary to give the device some time to adapt to the ambient temperature.
  6. Sensor for measuring tilt within 45o. It is needed to calculate the angle of the roof slope, the slope of the canopy and other similar operations.
    Laser rangefinder with built-in angle sensor allows you to calculate distances on a curved surface
  7. Battery level indicator.
  8. Bluetooth function.
  9. Tracking is the continuous measurement of distances. When moving the range finder, the tracking performs measurements not one, but several times with a certain periodicity and shows the results obtained. This option is necessary in order to measure the desired length of the structure or room.
  10. Different mathematical functions.

The presence in the laser rangefinder of additional functions helps to more accurately and conveniently make the necessary measurements and greatly facilitates the work. But the price of such devices is much higher.

Work with laser roulette

  1. Install and fix the device at the start of the measurement.
  2. Turn on the range finder with the help of a special button.
  3. Select the desired reference point. In many models for convenience, the ability to select a point - from the front of the body of the device or from the back. This function is needed to determine the distance without taking into account the dimensions of the enclosure. Some devices are also equipped with special staples, allowing measurements in uncomfortable locations. The reference point in them can be selected from the edge of the body or from the bracket itself.
  4. Select the required units of measure.
  5. Start the measurement by pressing the function button.
  6. View the result on the instrument display.
    Laser rangefinder allows you to determine the length, width and height of premises, as well as automatically calculate its area and volume

For example, if you need to determine the distance from one wall to another, you need to do the following:

  1. Install the unit on one wall.
  2. Make sure that the device is fixed exactly on the surface and tight against the wall.
  3. Assign the pressed part of the body to the reference point. This will allow for the calculation of the thickness of the roulette itself.
  4. Enable the measurement start function.
  5. See the results on the screen.
    In order to measure the required distance, it is necessary to attach the device to the wall and press the function button - all other actions will be performed by the device itself

For more accurate calculations it is not recommended to hold the device in hand when measuring. It is forbidden to direct the laser beam of the device into the face, because it can burn the retina of the eye.


Video: how to use laser roulette

Rules of operation of the range finder

  1. The laser tape measure should be operated according to the technical instruction.
  2. Do not allow moisture and dirt to enter the device, as well as overheating and supercooling of the rangefinder.
  3. It is necessary to protect the device from falling and blows.
  4. Carry out the repair of the rangefinder only in special workshops.
  5. Keep the laser rangefinder recommended in a special case.

Recommendations for choosing a laser roulette

  1. Each laser rangefinder has a certain range of distances. When choosing roulette, you need to know what approximate dimensions you will need to determine. To buy roulette follows with a slightly larger maximum range, so that there is at least a small margin.
  2. The more powerful the rangefinder microprocessor, the faster and more accurately the data is analyzed. But if laser roulette is needed for simple measurements in everyday life, the simplest model will be enough, otherwise you will overpay money for the functions and abilities of the device that you will not use. Simple roulettes are configured only for measuring distance. Instruments with a powerful microprocessor and improved software can produce a lot of calculations using complex geometric formulas (area, volume, angles, etc.).
    Modern laser rangefinders with powerful processors allow you to calculate distances to objects, areas and volumes of rooms and translate the result into different systems of units
  3. Laser roulette is better to buy with a reliable tripod, if the body of the device has a thread. To make calculations in room conditions it will be enough to fix the device motionlessly on the floor, against a wall or on an object with an even surface. If the rangefinder is tightly fixed during measurement, the error in calculations is minimized.
  4. When buying it is important to consider the type of batteries rangefinder. It is not necessary to purchase a device with a built-in battery, since after the expiration of the resource it will be difficult to replace it. It is better to stop the choice on a tape measure that runs on batteries.

Video: review of laser range finder LDM-70

Additional functions of the range finder

  1. The area measurement function is useful during repair, when you need to calculate the required amount of material. It is necessary to include a special rangefinder option (the button usually has a designation in the form of a flat and dimensional figure, they symbolize the measurement of area and volume, respectively) and measure all sides premises. Next, the machine will calculate by multiplying the sides and display the result on the display. With this function, you can determine the floor area, walls and ceiling.
    The choice of a mode of calculations is made by means of the special button with the image of a flat and volumetric figure
  2. The measurement of volume is carried out in a manner analogous to measuring the area. When finding the volume of the room, first measure the sides of the floor, then the height. The device analyzes the received data and calculates the volume of the room. This rangefinder option is useful, for example, when choosing an air conditioner, when you need to know the amount of air consumed in the room.
  3. Retractable clamp. For measurements from uncomfortable points, some models of rangefinders are equipped with a special bracket. For example, to determine the size of a room diagonally, you can rest the device with a bracket in one of the corners and turn on the desired mode.To get an accurate result, you need to set the start point of the staple.
    In modern range finders, the bracket can be fixed in several positions so that it is possible to make measurements from uncomfortable points as simply as possible
  4. Tracking. If you need to measure a certain distance from the wall, for example, in order to build a partition, you need to use the tracking function. Some building models of laser roulettes are equipped with a mode of continuous distance measurement. To find the desired segment in this way, you need to turn on the device and move it along the selected line until the desired distance is obtained.
  5. Some laser rangefinders are equipped with the function of searching for minimum and maximum distances. With it, you can also calculate the exact diagonal of the room. To do this, you need to install the device in one corner, and aim the beam at the opposite corner of the room, trying to get to the boundary between the walls as accurately as possible. Roulette will make a series of measurements and find the maximum value, which will be the desired diagonal. The same method is used to find the minimum distance.
  6. Measuring the sides of the wall in the form of a trapezoid is another option for some modern laser roulettes. To do this, you need to turn on the desired mode and measure the three sides of the wall at an angle of 90 ° to each other. Then the range finder with the help of the received data will automatically calculate the fourth wall and display the result on the screen.
    One of the sides of the trapezoid (for example, the length of the roof slope) the laser range finder can calculate on the three remaining sides
  7. An indirect method of measuring distances is a function of the Pythagorean theorem. Allows you to determine the distances and lengths of segments on hard-to-reach areas. Let's say you need to measure the distance from the floor to the screw in the wall. First we select the starting point at a small distance from the wall on the floor and measure the distance from it to the wall. Then we direct the laser point to the screw. The segment from the tape measure to the wall will be a leg, and the length from the device to the screw is a hypotenuse. When you turn on the option in question, the device will automatically perform calculations, find the second leg of the triangle and give you the height at which the screw is located from the floor.
  8. In sunny weather, it is convenient to use special glasses. They have a red or green color of the glass, depending on the color of the laser beam. These protective glasses are equipped with a light filter, which muffles all other colors, except for their own, thereby allowing you to easily find the point of reflection of the beam.
    The light filter in the glasses mutes all the colors except its own, so, for example, in red glasses it is much easier to see a ray of a red laser

Video: measuring the area of ​​non-rectangular walls by a laser rangefinder

Having made the right choice of laser roulette, you can greatly facilitate the work. Using a laser rangefinder it will be possible to calculate any desired lengths and areas. Despite a lot of ongoing computing operations, such a device is easy to use and does not require any special knowledge or skills.

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