Detailed description of the raspberry variety Maroseyka


It's difficult to meet a man who does not like to eat raspberries. But when it comes to raspberry large-bodied, fragrant, bouncy, then such a plant dream of having all the gardeners, and from sweet berries for dessert, in general, no one will refuse.

ANDthis variety, which has these characteristics, is called Maroseika.


Table of contents

  • Description of the raspberry variety Maroseyka
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Characteristics of bushes and berries
  • Features of planting, cultivation and care
  • Diseases and pests

Description of the raspberry variety Maroseyka

Maroseyka in the seventies of the previous century, led by Professor V.V. Kichin. It was at the Moscow Institute of Horticulture. The predecessor of this variety is Scottish raspberry.

Maroseyka has the following qualities:

  • resistance to diseases;
  • unpretentious nature of the plant;
  • good yield;
  • large-fruited;
  • a large percentage of sugar in the berry and its aroma.
Raspberry "Maroseika" besshipnaya and krupnoplodnaya

Today, there is plenty to choose from for raspberry lovers - many varieties have appeared on the market, also worthy of attention, but Maroseyka is as attractive as it was many years ago.

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This variety is recommended for growing amateur gardeners, as well as to expand the range of small-scale production. At the same time, the climate must be approached.

In the central part of Russia, Maroseyka is not sufficiently winter-hardy and drought-resistant (it has a superficial root system), sofor industrial cultivation is not good.

This is a bogship and large-fruited varietymid-term maturation - the berries are suitable for use in the beginning or mid-July. The harvest is harvested 4-5 times, the fruiting ends around the beginning of August.

Maroseyka was the first non-Russian raspberries. Berries have a familiar sweetness from childhood, and an intensely pronounced flavor.

Harvest is traditionally used:fresh, freeze, make jam, dry, cook compotes, prepare wines.

Fruits the plant once a year, because,the grade of Maroseyk is not characterized by repair, but the crop is harvested for 4-5 kg ​​from each plant. If intensive feeding is used, the bush can also yield 6 kg of berries.

Variety of raspberry Maroseika fructifies every year

As for the total yield, the average figure is150-200 kg per hundred parts, but due to low winter hardiness it should be sheltered for the winter. Fruits every year, for Moscow region it is very promising and yielding variety.

The plant has long and medium-length fruit branches, they are quite thick, on the shoots are located from 2 to 4 orders of branching. On one branch there can be 20 berries, and sometimes more.

Leaves flat in shape, twisted, with warty edges. They are large, dark green, andthe plant has the form of a powerful bush.

Growing a grade of raspberry Maroseyka in a climate where in the winter the minus temperature falls to a mark 30 ° C, and more low,It should always be sheltered for the winter. You can take:

  • spandbond;
  • straw;
  • lapnik;
  • mulch from plants.
For the result of the shelter to be successful, do this work in the last days of September. Twigs of plants at this time well bend, by this time they still do not have time to become brittle.

Work on shelter:

  1. The branches are tilted in one direction, and they bend down to the base of the plant, the top of the bush is tied.
  2. For shelter, take any of the listed materials.

If this is not done in a harsh, cold climate, even if raspberries survive the winter, its yield will decrease.


Advantages and disadvantages

The raspberry variety of Maroseyka still surprises with many qualities that it has.Everyone likes its large-fruited, yield, wonderful aroma and taste of fruits.

This variety is not remontant, but it sometimes surprises gardeners with this quality -in some years on the ends of branches re-ripen fruits. This plant has good resistance to various raspberry diseases.

Lack of raspberry Maroseyka - over the years the berries grow smaller

The disadvantages of Maroseyka can be attributedthat berries with long use of shrubs are made small in size. The explanation of this phenomenon is the genetic instability of this variety.

There is this problem in the event,when plants older than 10 years. Such a process is called the cleavage or mutation of a gene.

In all large-bodied varieties, there is a special gene for L1, it is inherently unstable. In a normal state in the plant, the L1 gene dominates, but sometimes it may exhibit recessivity.

In amateur gardening, this phenomenon is rare. So, wishing to have a variety of Maroseyka is not worth worrying about - everything will be fine.


Characteristics of bushes and berries

Raspberry Maroseika is a beautiful medium-sized, sprawling bush, whose thick shoots are protected by a waxy coating that keeps it from various fungi, drought, frost. It has a height of 1.5 to, m.

The bushes consist of powerful branches and shoots of substitution, as well as trees. thereforemultiply this variety does not amount to much work.

Do this by dividing the bush. Annual shoots are strong and elastic, has internodes 3-5 cm long.

On each bush grows about five shoots of replacement and ten shoots of the root of the shoot. Even this variety does not conquer new territories.

Propagate the raspberry Marouseyka by dividing the bush

Berries on the raspberry bushes Maroseyka:

  • weigh 4-12 grams each;
  • cone-shaped, light-red color, there is a barely noticeable bluish coating on them, and there are two fused together;
  • The pulp is sweet, with a slightly noticeable sour note with few seeds;
  • aroma - pronounced;
  • ripening, keep on plants and do not crumble;
  • when completely ripe, it is well separated from the fruit-bearing;
  • The density is such that during transportation difficulties do not arise.
This variety has fruiting 10-15 years, but history knows cases that after 20 years the plant and further gave people a crop.

This bush grew in a sunlit place, in a cozy place of the site, where there was protection from the wind, it was fertilized with fertilizers.


Features of planting, cultivation and care

This type of raspberries, thoughlight-loving, but well tolerates and shadow. And yet, if possible, choose a bright spot for young shoots, you should do so. The land for its planting should be fertile.

Landing Maroseyka done in rows, then the bandage is applied at a distance of 120 cm from the ground. To do this, mount a support with strong tensioned wire.

Since the bush gives growth, it is necessary to remove the excess so that the plant more juices directs to the formation of the crop.

To fruition was more active, in the holes before planting raspberries put nitrogen fertilizers, as well as organic.

When it is time to bloom and start a new harvest,granular NPK fertilizers are introduced. Watch for the presence of a sufficient amount of trace elements, especially potassium.

In the holes before planting raspberries put nitrogen fertilizers

Beginner amateur gardeners need to know that moremass fruiting will only be for the next season.

After planting a variety of raspberriesMaroseika requires good care. It consists in complex agronomic methods that help the plant to feel good, and it will necessarily then thank the owner for a generous harvest of delicious and healthy berries.

You may be interested in the following articles:

  • The raspberry variety "Yellow giant general information, planting and care, useful properties.
  • Top dressing for raspberries in August and in autumn after pruning.
  • Raspberry "Polana a description of the variety, the main diseases and pests, advice on planting and care.

It is necessary to adhere to some recommendations for care,that Maroseyka fully endowed with harvest:

  1. After planting, you must periodically loosen the soil and weed the weeds.
  2. Watering is carried out in sufficient quantity and in a timely manner.
  3. Pruning plants do in the spring to remove weak and frozen branches, and in the autumn, prepare shrubs for winter. In autumn, cut off no later than half a month before frost. Then remove too young and weak branches.
  4. To prevent a large density of planting, cut out a part of the shoots, leaving only 6-8 pieces.
  5. As it was noted, fertilizing with necessary fertilizers is done on time.
  6. If necessary, the plants protect against large frosts, covering them.

If there is a desire to strengthen branching,Young shoots pinch at an altitude of about a meter. This method causes new lateral branches to form. The plant is more powerful and yielding.


Diseases and pests

Variety of raspberry Maroseykais more resistant to diseases and pests.

He, like other best varieties, fructifies even when there are diseases on the branches or leaves, this does not affect the amount of the crop.

Today, the selection of good raspberries is represented by many varieties, but Maroseyka has such a taste and aroma of berries that it is very fond of gardeners, and competition is not terrible for it.

If you regularly take care of her, then she will always please you with generous crops.

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