Description of the Tarusa raspberry variety


Surely everyone has heard the phrasecrimson tree. The first variety of this tree wasraspberry Tarusa.

This is a sort of summer raspberries, which acquired as a result of crossing a thick trunk, which resembles a tree.


Table of contents

  • Description of Tarusa stamen
  • Features of the "crimson tree" and the characteristics of berries
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Selection of a site for cultivation and preparation of soil
  • Rules for planting and caring for raspberries
  • Harvesting
  • Diseases and pests

Description of Tarusa stamen

Malin Tarus was created in 1987: scientists under the guidance of a popular breeder V.V. Kichiny crossed two kinds of raspberries - "Stolichnaya" and the donor "Shtambovy-1." In 1993, this variety entered the market.

Tarusa shoots resemble wood. They are dense, differ in thickness, elasticity and straightness. They are also devoid of spines.

The yield of Tarusa from one bush of raspberry gives up to 4 kilograms of berries, and sometimes more. From hectare is going to 20 tons.
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Maturation occurs in the second half of July.Favorable conditions for growing Tarusa- regions with a predominantly dry climate. Numerous precipitations can cause damage to the crop.

Young shoots are painted in a light green hue and covered with a light wax coating. The leaves are voluminous, heart-shaped with veins, which are brightly drawn.

Tarusa gradecharacterized by stable winter hardiness. He is able to survive at a temperature of -30 degrees. Therefore, you can grow in warm regions and where cold winters.

Raspberry fructifies the whole summer without interruption, from the beginning of July to the end of August.


Features of the "crimson tree" and the characteristics of berries

The peculiarity of this type of raspberry is that the branches adhere to each other, which reduces the growth during growth.

Tarusa berries of considerable size -the average weight of the fetus is 7-10 grams. They are bright red with drupes. The berries have the shape of a blunt cone. It is not always even - curves come across with a double peduncle.

Tarusa raspberry berries of considerable size

The taste of raspberries is not so good, are more often used for culinary preparations. In the market it is in great demand, since raspberry is easy to transport and it has an attractive form of berries.

Shoots are strong, but because of the high yield they are prone to the ground. Because of strong winds, the harvest suffers. thereforeIt is recommended to tie the bushes to pegs for stability.


Advantages and disadvantages

In any varietythere are disadvantages, and this is not an exception:

  • instability to severe frosts;
  • careful care with the use of agricultural technology;
  • abundant shoots - in the first year of planting sprouts up to 20 shoots;
  • not always berries are large, as they say - for this you need a special gene, the absence of which leads to instability;
  • not so sweet and rich taste.

You may also be interested in articles:

  • Top dressing for raspberries in August and in autumn after pruning.
  • The raspberry variety "Yellow giant general information, planting and care, useful properties.
  • Raspberry "Hussar varietal characteristics and tips for planting, reproduction and care.

But in the case of raspberriesbenefits attract gardeners:

  • large fruits;
  • high yields - even in cases of illness it does not decrease;
  • easy transportation;
  • absence of thorns on trunks;
  • resistance to diseases.

Selection of a site for cultivation and preparation of soil

When selecting a site and preparing the soilremember these recommendations:

  1. Select sites worth a lot of light, do not have the shade of houses and other buildings.
  2. For raspberries choose a separate plot or plant around the perimeter, along fences.
  3. Do not sit next to strawberries, tomatoes and potatoes. It can cause some diseases.
  4. After 8-10 years raspberries should be transplanted a new place. It is recommended that the yield does not decrease, since at this point the microelements from the soil have already been taken away. On this site you can plant raspberries again after 5 years.
  5. The variety loves moisture and abundant watering. Provide regular moisturizing in the first weeks after planting.
  6. But do not overdo it with moisturizing, since shoots will die. When selecting a site, remember - the groundwater is located at a level of no more than, meters.
  7. Soil choose friable and rich in useful minerals. These are loamy and sandy loam soils.
Raspberry varieties are best planted along fences

Planting time:

  1. You can start planting raspberries in spring and autumn. Remember that if planting occurs in the spring months, then you need to plant, as soon as possible. The seedlings, planted in the spring, will yield the harvest only after the first year.
  2. Warm autumn is possible a strong vegetation - the growth of seedlings. Because of this, they will die in the winter. Therefore, raspberries are planted in the second half of October.
  3. Often the time of planting depends on the region of residence. The ideal time is the middle of September - the end of November and the beginning of March - the end of April.
In winter, when the temperature drops to -30 degrees, the stems must be bent to the soil, immediately after fruiting. If this is not done, then shoots stiffen and eventually just break.

Rules for planting and caring for raspberries

Planting raspberry Tarusa:

  • When planting several crimson trees at once, they dig holes at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from each other;
  • put fertilizer on the bottom of each well. As an excellent ashes and bird droppings;
  • sapling to place in the middle of the hole and plant to the depth in which he grew up in the nursery or the place where he was purchased - not above and not below the level of the neck of the root. If the soil is light, then plant a seedling to a depth of 6-7 centimeters;
  • The hole is covered with earth and ground at the base;
  • Cut off the shoots. Leave on the ground no more than 25-30 centimeters;
  • Blot the ground next to the trunk. Use marsh as mulch;
  • pour water - 5 liters per bush;
  • 2-3 days after planting, create a shadow for the plants, protect from direct sunlight.
After planting Tarusa variety, protect seedlings from sunlight

After planting raspberries are requiredprovide thorough care:

  • after planting it is recommended to moisten the soil. Soil should not be dry, but also very wet, so as not to destroy the root system;
  • in the hot summer it is required to constantly mulch the soil. Use mulch onion as a mulch;
  • provide raspberry top dressing. You can use urea or chicken droppings;
  • constantly rid raspberries from weeds;
  • when the tree is affected by frost, spray it with a special solution;
  • in the second half of July, cut off shoots;
  • at the end of September or beginning of October, it is worthwhile to form bushes. Trim the tip 15-20 centimeters and remove bad shoots;
  • in the first year to provide protection from frost - to warm the earth next to the barrel;
  • in time to destroy pests.


After the ripening of fruits, you must immediately start collecting berries, as they quickly crumble. It begins to ripen from the middle of July.

Clean every two days as you mature. It is not recommended to pick berries immediately after precipitation, as it will quickly deteriorate.

After harvesting the berries are very delicate, so do not immediately pour them. If you plan to transport the raspberries to another place, it is better to collect it together with the peduncle. So it will not let out juice and will be stored longer.

Diseases and pests

This type of raspberry is good becauseit is resistant to diseases and pests. But some of the misfortunes hit him.

The most popular visitor to raspberry Tarusa - aphids. If you carefully look after the bushes, then you will be able to cope with it in the early stages.

Most often, the Tarusa raspberry variety affects aphids

Common pests and diseases of raspberries:

  1. Chlorosis. The appearance of light yellow spots on the leaves, a decrease in yield, a lag in development. This is due to the fact that the soil suffers from a lack of moisture.
  2. The raspberry beetle. The plant has eaten leaves and flowers. As a result, yields and quality are reduced. To fight it is necessary to loosen the soil at the base and spray it with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Raspberry moth. Early in the spring gnaws the kidneys. Because of this, the plant develops very slowly. To fight, cut all the shoots to the ground. When the buds swell the bushes are sprayed with a solution of anabisin-sulphate, lime and water.
  4. Raspberry weed-weevil. It multiplies in buds and bites the peduncle. Because of this, plant branches die and fall away. For the use of the drug Iskra-M.
  5. Aphid. She settles on the ends of young leaves, because of what they turn yellow and fold. If the plant is strongly affected by aphids, then it dies. For struggle it is required to remove all dead leaves and burn. In the case of aphids, it is collected manually. Before the raspberry starts to bloom and when it is already flowering, it is required to spray the seedlings with bitoksibacillin solution.
Disputes about raspberry Tarusa a few - many consider it resistant to frost, some do not; some consider the berries Tarusa delicious and sweet, and others on the contrary.

Much depends not on the grade, but on the right care.Proper care is an important partfor high-quality yields. In combination with the desire to grow good fruit will get a great result.

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