Will never wither: beautiful indoor plants by March 8

A given plant in a pot will delight its mistress much longer than a bouquet of cut flowers, which withers very quickly and therefore only brings sadness and sadness. We will tell you about indoor plants that you can safely give even to novice growers - they are easy to care for and they are just very beautiful.

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  • Spathiphyllum
  • Saintpaulia - violet
  • Cyclamen
  • Anthurium
  • Gloxinia
  • Clivia
  • Alocasia
  • Fuchsia
  • Poinsettia


A bush that will delight a woman with evergreen leaves and cute white flowers. It does not require careful care, it takes root well enough. The second name is "female happiness", which gives the right to consider the plant not only as a gift, but also as a wish.


Saintpaulia - violet

The most delicate and quivering violet is an incredibly beautiful and completely non-capricious plant. This flower, symbolizing warmth and comfort, will be an excellent decoration for a windowsill. There are a huge number of varieties of this plant, which differ in the shade of the inflorescences, the size, shape and texture of the leaf plate. Violets are suitable for women of all ages.

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It blooms almost all year round. It takes root well in bright, ventilated rooms. When watering, you need to control so that water does not fall on the tuber. It blooms with very beautiful buds. For young girls, you should choose pastel shades, and for an older lady, prefer a riot of colors.

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The favorite of the modern interior is so dressed up that it is suitable for the role of a gift for any occasion. This plant has a brilliant appearance in every sense. Valued for the saturation of flowers, it can become a decoration of the house, pleasing the eye with shining buds of various shapes. Anthurium is capable of producing various aromas, which depend on its type.

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An incredibly beautiful houseplant that requires painstaking care, therefore it is better to present it to a girl who has at least a little experience in floriculture. In the oriental alphabet of expressing feelings in the language of flowers, presenting this fragrant beauty is interpreted as "love at first sight."

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An evergreen houseplant that blooms once or twice a year: in February – March and in August – September. First, a stem appears between the leaves, and then five to seven bright orange large buds bloom on it.
The plant itself is unpretentious, it only needs one watering per week. Two things it doesn't like are drafts and transfers from place to place.



This is an ornamental deciduous plant, very often it is used to decorate the interiors of apartments and offices, which is associated with its amazing exotic beauty. Will be a great gift for a friend, colleague or loved one. This flower brings good luck to women, it is permissible to mention this when giving a gift.



She is so beautiful that one glance at her is enough - and the mood rises. She is loved for its unpretentiousness and lush flowering. As a gift, it is also suitable for young girls. Fuchsias bloom almost all year round, and they delight their mistress, reminding them of who gave it to them.



It belongs to cultures that stand out for their decorative appeal, therefore they are actively cultivated at home. This is a very original gift that will be able to please - the girl will definitely receive aesthetic satisfaction. However, the official name of the plant speaks for itself - Milkweed, the most beautiful.

@ gardennews.ru

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