Wonder thing: cool hooks for clothes and little things

It would seem that the smaller the piece of furniture, the more difficult it is to make it original. But designers do not think so at all and constantly create real masterpieces. And we are talking about such a simple little thing - hooks. What you can not find in stores. In the form of butterflies, birds, bizarre figures, in the form of paint smudges - all similar solutions fit perfectly into the design of any room and become not only a practical detail, but also incomparable decoration.

The content of the article

  • Butterflies
  • Artist brush
  • 8-bit pixel
  • Leaking paint
  • Animals
  • Clock
  • Axe
  • Clip
  • Flashlights
  • Knives
  • With space for little things
  • Shuriken


Lamidea offers original crochet hooks in the form of decorative butterflies. They look insanely gentle and attractive, they will perfectly fit into the interior of the hallway and will be an ideal decoration in the children's room.


But this is far from the most creative solution if you want to transform the house with hooks in the form of these insects. There are also other options - they are brighter, more original, you can choose hooks of different sizes and create a whole composition on the wall. They are hung with jewelry, scarves, hats.

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Artist brush

This is the result of the careful and painstaking work of Dominic Wilcox. And the idea of ​​creating such a decor came to him very unexpectedly. Working on various projects, the designer often left the brushes in the workshop, without washing them of paint and varnish. And returning, of course, I noticed that the instruments were simply frozen firmly in a curved shape. In order not to throw out the damaged brushes, the man very quickly found a creative use for them - he made hooks out of them. And it should be said that it turned out very original.


8-bit pixel

And this hook will appeal to everyone connected with the computer. It can be hung over a work table and used for wires, clothes.



Leaking paint

This is not flowing enamel forgotten by an inattentive painter, but a stylish clothes hanger from Pulpo. Designer - Julian Appelius. By the way, you can choose a different shade, and therefore a similar decor will fit into any color scheme of the interior.




Original hooks in the form of any animals will be an excellent decoration for any room. You can choose from classic or whimsical, different colors - bright or neutral - and sizes.





This watch does not show the time, but you can hang outerwear, an umbrella, a hat and other little things on it. In addition, this type of hooks will become a very original decor.



Perhaps one of the most unusual options. Guests will definitely be surprised and definitely will not stay at your home.



Finally, someone has succeeded in perfecting this simple clerical trifle. A great accessory for the office, where she will "fasten" bags and jackets.



White LED bulbs attached to the base of these hooks will add extra light to a dark hallway.



These matte black knife hooks bring a touch of intrigue and sharpness to your home without posing a threat of danger.


With space for little things

Such practical hooks will be a great solution when there is no place in the hallway to organize storage of various little things: keys, receipts, telephone, etc. You can hang outerwear or accessories, umbrellas on the product itself, and put various necessary things inside.




When a ninja returns home after a long day filled with exploits and secret missions, he needs to hang his dark masks on something suitable. For example, these cool hooks. Of course, such shurikens are much safer, since they are decorative, but they look no less menacing in the interior.


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