Wall murals in the nursery: how to choose, popular options

The children's room is one of the few rooms in the apartment where you cannot do without a creative approach to design. Therefore, it is difficult to find a brighter, more stylish and versatile solution for wall decoration than photo wallpaper. This is always an original technique that is very popular with both young children and adolescents. In addition, the child can choose the picture he likes himself or even create his own image or photo that he would like to see on his wall.

The content of the article

  • Wall murals in the nursery: popular options
    • For boy
    • For girl
    • Universal
    • For teenagers
    • To kindergarten / school

Wall murals in the nursery: popular options

Among paper and vinyl, choose suitable wall murals in the child's room the design is not difficult. Stores now offer a huge variety of choices. You can buy a ready-made canvas, and if you like something very unusual, then your image will be applied to one of the decorative coatings.

True, it often happens that the very huge assortment can make you scratch your head in bewilderment: after all, what to choose? Whatever one may say, but first of all, the design of the room should please the child, bring him an aesthetic pleasure, beautifully zoning the space, not repelling and, of course, cheering him up everyone day.

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Naturally, you need to remember that wallpaper is selected taking into account some of the nuances. For example, the gender of the child, his age, character, hobbies. Or maybe you are at the stage of decorating a room for children of different sexes or decided to update the design of a group in kindergarten or a class at school. All these goals are quite achievable, you just need to approach business with intelligence and responsibility.

For boy

Samuel Marshak wrote: “What are the boys made of? From snails, shells and green frogs ”, but how can you limit yourself to this? Of course not! But what about cars, airplanes, helicopters, space theme, railway, animals, water transport. If before the wallpaper in the little guy's room did not suggest anything supernatural, then you can forget about that time. Today, for little future men, the choice is no less than for young ladies.

The boy's room can be transformed with some kind of neutral theme. For example, wallpaper with images of cars, robots, pirates, sailing ships, planets, space rockets, soccer balls.

But if your kid is a fan of cartoons and Marvel superheroes, then nothing is impossible here. Any image you can think of is easily transferred to the cover and you get (or your favorite fidget) a unique accent that will bring bright colors to the baby's room.

For girl

When choosing a photo wallpaper for a young lady's room, it will not be easy to decide either. Again we remember Samuil Marshak - “From sweets and pastries and all kinds of sweets. Girls are made of this! ”, And also flowers, magic castles and fairies, unicorns, cute ponies, fabulous birds and animals, butterflies, tenderness and lightness. Yes, girls are sometimes very capricious (although no less than boys), but you can (and should!) Allow a child make a choice yourself so that the decoration of the room each time transfers the little princess to the world of fairy tales and magic.

And the theme of unicorns is now more popular among girls than ever. That is why photowall-paper with this character can be said - as a separate art form.

Well, and, of course, cartoon characters - how can we do without them.


If, when choosing a photo wallpaper for a nursery, you do not want to be attached to the baby's gender, then feel free to order neutral images that will suit both the boy and the girl.

For teenagers

Adolescence is undoubtedly a special period in the life of not only a parent, but also the child himself. This is a challenge to society, riot, knowledge of oneself and the world around, as well as a great desire to express oneself. And if your teenager (it doesn't matter - a guy or a girl) wants to choose a wallpaper for his room himself, you should not interfere with him, even when the choice seems strange and inappropriate to parents.

For children of difficult transitional age, it is very important to prove themselves, even in such a seemingly simple matter as decorating their room. Guys and girls sometimes choose completely unpredictable prints, but they look amazing in the interior.

It can be graffiti, various fonts and inscriptions, images of people, metal parts, watercolors, art deco, abstraction, anime, cities and much more.

To kindergarten / school

The design of the groups and classes our children attend also has a significant impact on their mood. The use of photo wallpaper in such rooms is a completely original way to influence the psycho-emotional state of a student (in the good sense of the word). Therefore, even in government agencies, you can think over the design of a room using decorative coatings.

Wall murals (both at school and in kindergarten) will help set up children in a working mood, direct their attention in the right direction. Wall decorations, as strange as it may be, may well contribute to the learning process and set the tone for the lesson. For example, in a literature class, you can order canvases depicting writers, for musical - notes and treble clefs, mathematical - equations, tables or visual aids, English - alphabet, foreign words, physics and chemistry - test tubes, formulas, experiments, geography - world map, cities.

Well, letters, animals, birds, funny images, a rainbow are perfect for a kindergarten group.

As you can see, with the help of photomurals, the children's room looks very bright and magical. Moreover, the image can be chosen ready-made or thought over independently.

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