Decorative shrubs for cottages, photos and names of which will be presented in this article, are often the very ones elements that harmonize the overall picture and emphasize the necessary nuances of the site, so that it looks attractive, bright and harmoniously. They, like brushstrokes on canvas, which will help to "dilute" the necessary details of the flowerbed, place accents on certain specific places. I am sure that every dacha owner, gardener, owner of an infield would like to do everything correctly and accurately, so that vegetables, fruit trees, beds with greens - all were in their places.
.- How beautifully to plant ornamental shrubs: the main placement criteria
- Flowering shrubs for summer cottages
- Weigel
- Spirea
- Jasmine or Chubushnik
- Kalina
- Rosehip
- Lilac
- Forsythia
- Hydrangea
- Budlei David
- Action
- Japonica
- Broom
- Tree-like peony
- Rhododendron
- Deciduous and leafy shrubs for the garden
- Red Japanese Maple
- Rowanberry rowanberry
- Barberry
- Deren
- Berezkin
- Bladderwort
- Living hedge from ornamental shrubs
- Tips for selecting and planting shrubs
- Photo of shrubs for cottage or local area
Depending on the size of your site, fantasy and general preferences, decorative shrubs can be the backdrop for other plantings, an element of garden compositions, to appear in the form of hedges or to act as the main nuance, to which the universal Attention.
In this article I would like to talk about the most popular shrubs, most often planted in our region, and, of course, the most beautiful. It is unrealistic to cover the entire range of data from representatives of this vegetable kingdom, but on the main flowering, as well as on ornamental-foliated, it is worth paying our attention.
.How beautifully to plant ornamental shrubs: the main placement criteria
The very first thing is to choose just such a plant that will feel comfortable in the climatic conditions of your region. Choose a certain variety, you need to proceed precisely from this factor. The second nuance is the place of its placement.
If you get a sun-loving representative, then you need to plant it on a sunny spot, where there will be a lot of light and there will not even be any hints of a shadow. But shade lovers, on the contrary, should be placed in shaded areas, and even in general in the shadow of buildings or large trees. This is important, because the wrong choice of location can affect not only the brightness of the foliage colors or the splendor of the flowers on the bush, but also its viability.
The general picture of the garden should also be considered when choosing a plant. In a small area, tall and magnificent specimens will look inappropriate. But, for example, flowering frost-hardy, low beautiful bushes will fit perfectly, and even will delight you with their appearance until the coldest.
Such representatives include dwarf varieties of juniper Cossack Tamariscifolia and Green Carpet - stunted, creeping along the ground, very frost-resistant. These are ideal options for creating compact alpine slides, rockeries, bordering lawns, curbs.
Shrubs for hedges should also be selected amongst small or medium-sized representatives with a dense crown, so that instead of an attractive fence not get the columns high thickets. Spiked bushes, ornamental-flowering, column-shaped representatives, for example, junipers are optimally suited for such design. For joint plantings the wagel, buddlea, spirela, oleander will suit, they will look harmoniously with other green brothers growing side by side. And if you want to form an arch or, for example, decorate a gazebo, a fence, then in this case it is necessary to choose exactly the climbing species.
The choice is wide! For each site of any size and shape, you can find your own version. In addition to flowering plants, there are a lot of varieties of shrubs with amazing coloring of foliage, with an unusual crown, a form of leaves. Variety is an important aspect in this matter. In most cases, the country landscape is divided into three zones (or tiers): the lower - vegetable beds and flower beds, the top - fruit trees. But the bushes can occupy the so-called middle zone. The correct selection and combination of plants among themselves is the main goal for a summer resident who aspires to beauty, comfort and harmony on his site.
Shrubs are decorative-deciduous or flowering - this is not only a pleasure for contemplation, but also functional plants. Thus, by planting them near the fence, you can create a barrier from prying eyes or unwanted penetration (spiked species).
.With their help it is very convenient to zonirovat a site, for example, to separate zones for rest and territory for cultivation of garden crops.
Borders, paths, hedges, which have already been mentioned, the creation of protection (shadows) for the more tender shade-loving plants, decoration of some unsightly fragments on the site - all this can be decorated, decorated or hidden using a variety of bushes and bush. And if you decide to plant fruit representatives, you will additionally be rewarded for the labors with useful berries.
↑ back to content ↑Flowering shrubs for summer cottages
Some of these representatives are also fruitful, this nuance will be indicated in the description.
↑ back to content ↑Weigel
I'll start, perhaps, with the vaigels blooming. This shrub looks great both during flowering and after it. Variety Nana Variegata can also be attributed to ornamental foliage varieties, its foliage has a beautiful golden border, and Nana Purpureya - dark, red-brown leaves.
Veigela, photo:
The view of the veygel blossoming pleases the views with pink flowers-bells that bloom undulating during the season (usually this is May). The first wave is the most abundant. Some varieties can give color twice a year, for example, Mijdendorf's Veigel.
Spirea is very unpretentious and very beautiful. Its varieties can bloom in spring and summer. If the time is correctly calculated, then it is possible to plant these two species in such a way that one will blossom, and the second will only enter the flowering phase. Some sorts of spiraea have beautiful foliage - Wagnutta, Pink Ice. For this reason, they can be attributed to ornamental deciduous shrubs.
Flowering spirea abundantly and magnificently, leaning literally plastered white flowers branches to the ground.
The low, slow-growing spiraea Japanese flowers with lush pink and pink inflorescences. She is also attractive and is a honey-bearer, like her blooming flower.
Spireea are not particularly capricious about the choice of soil, but one should pay attention to the requirements for light / shade in different varieties.
Spirea in winter:
↑ back to content ↑Jasmine or Chubushnik
Garden jasmine or chubushnik - well, how can it be without it?! Because of the charming aroma, almost everyone knows and loves it. To date, there are several varieties and hybrids - they are all very attractive. They differ in size, shape, color and aroma of flowers. But in our case we are talking about a white-flowered representative - a frost-resistant, disease-resistant, very unpretentious (can be placed in the shade or in a sunlit spot). It looks equally great in group plantings and in solitary ones, the main thing is to water it in time, but do not allow water to stagnate in the area of the stump. The time of flowering of the Chubushnik depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are those that blossom in summer and early autumn.
↑ back to content ↑Kalina
Kalina refers to fruit specimens, and to ornamental-deciduous. A unique plant in all senses: it blooms beautifully with large white globular inflorescences, berries are useful, widely used as a medicine. Foliage also deserves attention: its shade varies from rich green to golden and red.
In general, the Kalina has a variety of species (about 200), among which even you can find evergreen specimens. In our region, the most common and popular are its two habitual species - viburnum vulgaris and viburnum bulldog. They are frost-resistant, non-capricious, decorative at any time of the year, like shade and moderate watering. Flowering time - mid-May / end of June, about 20 days.
Kalina ordinary in bloom and with fruits:
Kalina buldenezh:
↑ back to content ↑Rosehip
Some shrubs, which can grow in the country, do not even need to be presented and recommended, for example - a dogrose. It is attractive externally, useful in many ways not only beautifies your site in the spring, when bloom pink or red flowers, but also create a thorny barrier, if you plant it along fence. In some of its varieties, flowers are not inferior to roses in their beauty (terry appearance), and varieties with curative red berries will give you a natural natural "medicine the valuable qualities of which known to all. Rosehip is unpretentious, branched quickly, has a very dense crown, prefers sun or partial shade. It blooms from May to August.
Rosehip, photo:
↑ back to content ↑Lilac
Scented, with lots of colors and shades - lilac! Without it it is difficult to imagine a summer residence or a house near the house, whether it is a private or multi-storey house. The lilac is quite large (up to 2, 3 or more meters in height) shrub. Even on a small plot, at least one bush, but you can plant. There are many different varieties of lilac. It is resistant to cold, unpretentious, beautiful in itself (good in a single planting). It is preferable to place it in a sunny place, but also in partial shade the lilac will feel comfortable. When planting, leave a free space around it so that it is not cramped. The flowering time is May, for some the time stretches to June.
Lilac, photo:
↑ back to content ↑Forsythia
Flowering Forcing shrubs are the real "suns" on your site! It blooms in early spring with bright yellow bells, and foliage on the bush appears after the flowers fall off. The time of abundant flowering lasts about three weeks. It is a heat-loving representative who maximally displays its decorative qualities in the warm regions of our country. It looks great as a separately planted plant or surrounded by bulbous flowers. Suitable for forming hedges, does not like waterlogged soil, drafts and cold winds. It prefers a light fertile soil, it is better to protect it with cover material for the winter. Its other name is forsythia. In forsytus bushes are of medium size, suitable for small areas.
↑ back to content ↑Hydrangea
There are shrubs that grow and bloom where many others refuse to develop and give color. It is to such specimens that hydrangea, which prefers shade and moist soil, is included. This frost-resistant shrub blooms with large white, lilac, pink, blue, purple "balls". If you cut a flower hydrangeas and put it in a vase, then it will stand long enough. Hortensia is characterized by a long flowering, which begins around July and lasts until the beginning of autumn. Some varieties, for example "Freudenstein" blooms until October inclusive. This is an unpretentious plant that feels good even on acidic soil, which is so disliked by most flower and garden representatives. Can be used in solitary plantings, but also looks harmoniously in the company with rhododendrons, clematis, lilies, roses, all kinds of hosts, fern varieties.
Hydrangea, photo:
↑ back to content ↑Budlei David
Buddleya is a shrub quite popular among gardeners lately. Her blue, lilac, pink, slightly elongated inflorescences consist of multiple small flowers that exude a magical sweet aroma. This plant can reach 3 meters of height, blossoms quite a long time, from the middle of July and until the second half of September. Because of some external similarity it is sometimes called autumn lilac. It looks attractive in a solitary planting on the lawn, as well as in the company of tentacles, low-growing ground-cover roses. It is also good as a kad plant, only the capacity for it should be large. Thus, placing a buddleus in a large flower pot, you can decorate a terrace or a place near the steps, the entrance to the room. He loves sunlit places, drained fertile soil, does not like drafts and windy zones.
The Buddha of David:
↑ back to content ↑Action
A relative of Hydrangea and Chubushnik is an action, it is characterized by abundant and long flowering (from 30 to 60 days). If you plant it in the penumbra and sheltered from drafts, it, starting around June, will be bloom densely growing white-pink or snow-white (depending on the variety) racemose inflorescences. Most varieties of action are high flowering shrubs, which can reach 4 meters high. It looks great in the form of a hedge and in solitary plantations.
Action photo:
↑ back to content ↑Japonica
In fact, flowering shrubs a great variety, describe them all in one article, alas, just impossible. Many of them combine the beauty of flowering and the palatability of fruits, such as Chanomeles (or Japanese Quince), which grows to 2 or more meters, blooms bright, attracting attention red flowers. Subsequently, gives edible fruit, in size from 3 to 6 cm.
Chanomeles or quince Japanese:
↑ back to content ↑Broom
Very beautiful and popular. Depending on the variety it blooms with "butterfly" flowers of different shades. This representative is so unpretentious that it will feel comfortable even on poor soil. Resistant to drought and cold, unpretentious, looks great in single and group plantings. This honey is often planted on slopes.
Lena Bass:
Flowering broom around 30 days, it can be of different heights, again, depending on the variety.
↑ back to content ↑Tree-like peony
It is impossible not to mention the tree-like pion, whose luxurious beauty will become a true decoration of your site.
↑ back to content ↑Rhododendron
Also, the rhododendron is a garden favorite among the southern gardeners, with the onset of spring, this shrub simply drowns in pink, purple, lilac, red flowers-bouquets.
↑ back to content ↑Deciduous and leafy shrubs for the garden
This is a separate category of shrubs, without which, often, there is not a single dacha site. As in the case of flowering varieties, it is not possible to tell about all worthy copies in one article, but it is worthwhile to focus your attention on individual representatives. Deciduous-deciduous shrubs in most cases do not require special care, an individual plus is their longevity. Planting a bush once, creating a comfortable environment for existence, you can admire it for many years.
↑ back to content ↑Red Japanese Maple
If you like the riot of red shades, then on the site it's definitely worth planting red Japanese maple. This is a shrub with a three-dimensional crown, its foliage first has a bright green color, then, closer to autumn, it becomes reddish-orange and eventually turns into a bright red carmine shade. In fact, the Japanese maple has many varieties, each of them, the color of the leaves is attractive in its own way. Aconitifolium - orange-red leaves, Vitifolium - carmine-red leaves, one of the most popular - "Atropurpureum" has a dark red, almost black-red color of foliage. They look great anywhere in the site, like penumbra, harmonize with coniferous representatives, combined with ferns, hosts.
.Red Japanese maple:
↑ back to content ↑Rowanberry rowanberry
Frost-proof Ryabinik rowan-seeded Sam is very unpretentious, grows rapidly, is beautiful in bloom, but his foliage deserves special attention. Openwork leaves have an interesting feature - a gradient, a transition from one shade to another. Orange, red, yellow, pinkish, green - all these colors blend seamlessly with each other on a single sheet of paper. From a distance it resembles a bright fire, the riot of colors is observed throughout the season, especially closer to the autumn. It can be used in group plantings, to hide unattractive details of the landscape, it equally grows well in the sunny zones and in the penumbra. To the ground, the mountain ashberry is not particularly demanding, but moistened, loose and nutritious soil is preferable for it. Drought is undesirable for him.
Rowanberry rowanberry Sam:
↑ back to content ↑Barberry
Barberry is a separate topic, the first among them according to its external data is Barbaris Tunberga with purple leaves. Even in winter, its red with spines twigs attract attention. With the advent of spring, it dissolves reddish leaves, against which yellow flowers look very elegant. Gradually, closer to summer, the foliage of barberry becomes intensely red, and in autumn all shades of burgundy, scarlet and carmine color stain the entire plant.
He prefers sunny and semi-dark places, unpretentious, but does not react well to excessive moistening of the soil. The scope of application is extensive - from hedgerows to single plantations or planting on a flower bed surrounded by other floral representatives. His dwarf variety is considered to be "Atropurpurea Nana".
Barbaris Tunberga, photo:
Variety of Barberis Turnberg - Tini Gold:
The variegated varieties of barberry are Rose Glow (red leaves with pink dots), Admiration with golden edging along the edges of red leaves, Kelleris with white-green foliage, Natasza with pink-greenish-white coloring leaves.
Barbaris Admiration:
Barberry with golden foliage Golden Rocket is incredibly attractive, the greenish-golden leaves of this shrub are so bright that they can be noticed from afar, attract attention. They look perfect on green lawns, in the form of hedges, on mix boards among other plants.
Barbaris Golden Rocket:
Barberry with golden foliage have several varieties, but all of them are distinguished by the main feature - the color of the leaves. For example, barberry Diabolicum has a red edging along the edges of a greenish-yellow, almost, golden leaf. The compact varieties of these shrubs are Tiny Gold (photo above) and Bonanza Gold.
Barberry with golden leaves (left):
↑ back to content ↑Deren
Dören is a very attractive shrub, and at any time of the year and even completely without foliage! Varieties of dyerina are many, for example, Elegantissima with white-green leaves, Siberica Variegata has reddish-green foliage with pink edging around the edges, Kesselring can boast of chameleon leaves of a brownish-pink hue with the addition of yellow and green colors.
When winter comes and the dewrain sheds its leaves, its upwards shoots are bright red, clearly stand out on white snow. He is unpretentious, shade-tolerant, frost-damp, gets accustomed to any soil. The maximum height of this representative is 3 meters, but the red geranium can grow even higher. He, of course, takes up a lot of space, but the color of the foliage is simply amazing. If you own a large plot, it may be worthwhile to pay attention to the red dyerene.
Dören red, photo:
Dören red in winter:
↑ back to content ↑Berezkin
Fortychule's sprig is a rather short (up to 60 cm) shrub, native to China. It has many varieties, but all of them are distinguished by a mottled, color-noticeable foliage. It can be formed as a bush, and you can decorate it in the form of a vine, setting a direction with a rope, and there, with its air roots, it will grasp anything, even at the wall. Depending on the variety, they have a different color of the border of the leaf. For example, the leaves can be pale green with a white edging, and can be bright green with a yellow border (sorted "Emerald Gold"). This frost-resistant plant, capricious, loves moderately moist soil, looks great as a single element or the main accent of the flowerbed, in a word - it is good in any kind and it is appropriate to look in a suitable color company.
Fortychule's spindle:
↑ back to content ↑Bladderwort
Blister is very interesting because, depending on the variety, it has a completely different color of foliage. This is an unpretentious plant, however, it will feel more comfortable on a loose, moderately moist soil. Widely used in landscape design: individual varieties can be cut and give them any shape, other varieties are used to create bordurks or hedges. Good and attractive, he and in itself, and in the company of other garden representatives.
I advise you to pay attention to the following bubbles: Diabolo, which has dark red, almost black leaves and looks impressive, but slightly gothic. In the spring, its foliage has a lighter shade - carmine - red, but then gradually darkens. Sortovid Darts Gold, on the contrary, has a cheerful coloring of leaves - yellow-fiery. A variety of Nugget changes the shade of foliage depending on the pores of the year, first the leaves are yellow, and closer to autumn they turn green. Bladderwort is one more popular species, with scarlet leaves in the spring and dark maroon, with beetroots - with the arrival of colds.
Puzyreplodnik in the country:
Talking about the ornamental deciduous shrubs, one can not help recalling the Japanese spire, which not only has beautiful flowers, but also multicolored, bright foliage.
The leaves of the heather of the ordinary do not lose their beauty even with the advent of winter, it is unpretentious, but loves sunlight.
Shrubs that you want to choose for cottages should always be subdivided according to height, requirements (unpretentious / unpretentious), frost resistance, compatibility with other plants.
Foliage spiraea in autumn, photo:
Foliage of the wagel, photo:
The hawthorn also comes to mind, with so many different varieties that among them any gardener can find himself a shrub to taste. From the hawthorn bushes you can form any shape, its fruits are curative, used in folk and official medicine. In its "behavior" it is somewhat similar to boxwood, looks great in the design of hedges, in group plantings, as well as in a single specimen.
↑ back to content ↑Living hedge from ornamental shrubs
The hedge is one of the most popular, interesting and favorite horticultural "constructions with green plantations as the "building" material. Depending on the desired result, the hedge can be decorated in the form of a low border or, conversely, a high green wall. You can choose any shape or length of such a fence, this is truly a creative activity, almost always giving an excellent result. A green fence can hide unsightly elements of a country plot (for example, an old fence, fencing), to single out individual zones on the territory, or to emphasize other accents of the landscape design.
Choosing shrubs for this purpose, you need to consider the following parameters:
- Varieties of shrubs - in fact, the choice of plants to create hedges is very large. It is necessary to approach the choice not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical one. It can be a homogenous shrub or a mixed variant, when different varieties and species are used, harmonizing with each other.
- Growth rate of plants - calculate all the nuances: how often you visit the dacha, whether you can trim the hair in time, correct the bushes. On what place grows the shrub you choose (sunny or shaded) and how it will manifest itself in the given territory. The question of the form of the future hedge also applies here, so the growth rate of bushes is a very topical issue.
- The height of the shrubs - before the final selection carefully examine the potential of the bush and compare its capabilities with your wishes. This point also applies to the density (width) of the plantations, perhaps you will have to plant themin two, and even in three rows.
- Preparation of soil for bushes - consider this factor, certain types of decorative shrubs require a special soil composition. If in doubt, then choose the most unpretentious varieties or consult more experienced gardener in this business. In some cases, you will have to prepare the soil for the desired variety of shrubs.
If you are a beginner, give preference to the capricious and shadowy specimens, which will not require daily moistening of the soil. Although it is the latter aspect that depends on how often you visit the dacha. Remember that the most successful hedges of mixed type are obtained by planting plants with the same (or similar) biological requests to moisture, light, soil quality, as well as with similar speed growth.
A hedge of tui, photo:
If you consider coniferous shrubs for a hedge, then dwarf forms of fir, tui or juniper will suit you. Such a hedge will always be green, at any time of the year.
Dwarf spruce Nidiforms is unpretentious, has a bright green color, does not exceed one meter in height. Small bushes planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other, do not do any scraps until the next season, until the fir tree grows. Next, the correction is made from the sides (two-thirds of the length of the branches) and from above (cutting the upper branches about one-third of their length).
El Nidiforms, photo:
A hedge of European spruce:
In nature, thuya is represented not only in the form of a tree, but also in a bush. It is the bushy and dwarf species of tui used to create hedges. This plant is easy to impart the desired shape and height, it produces a pleasant coniferous aroma, always green and looks great.Tui Smaragd or Brabant are most often used by Russians to decorate green fences. Thuy seedlings are planted approximately 50 or 70 cm apart, and the decoration and haircut are made only at 2 or 3 years of plant life. Smaragd cut less often, Brabant - more often, all thuies are frost-resistant, well behaved when planted in clay or sandy soil. Moderate soil moisture is the best option for them. Sortovidy Khosery, Danica, Teddy, Little Dorrit are also suitable for creating hedges.
Juniper is one of the favorite, popular, convenient in the shearing and care of plants for decorating green hedges. He loves sunlight, is resistant to drought and cold, but it should be protected from excessively moist soil (avoid waterlogging). It is not worth it to plant, if you have clay soil prevailing on the site. The bushes are spread at a distance of 60-80 cm from each other, the haircut is produced approximately 2 times a year. Note that juniper grows quite quickly.
Juniper, photo:
If you want to create a hedge from a climbing plant, and very quickly, pay attention to Aubert Highlander. This is one of the fastest growing shrubs-lianas, which reaches a meter and a half the length of the season. This plant is unpretentious to the soil, often in need of correction (pruning), blossoms with thick white inflorescences and requires a pre-installed strong support.
Highlander Aubert, photo:
Hops are a shrub and at the same time a winding liana. It is unpretentious, frost-resistant, loves moist soil, does not need frequent adjustments. The plant forms very cute buds of medium size, which only add beauty to dense bright green foliage. He also needs a reliable and strong support and garter.
Hop, photo:
A luxurious hedge is obtained from climbing roses. Depending on your preferences, you can choose any variety with the desired shade of buds.
Graham Thomas produces yellow flowers, Adelaide d'Orleans - white buds with yellowish In the middle, Super Dorothy blossoms with numerous lush pink buds, Alaska is a snow-white rose, tender and at the same time solemn.
Such a hedge does not leave anyone indifferent. Be ready to care and regular pruning, if you choose roses, they will need a support too. Rose bushes can also be used in this capacity.
Live hedge of climbing roses, photo:
Clematis is a decorative shrub and at the same time a liana. This plant loves the sun, fertile drained and slightly alkaline soil. In a thick fence turns about 2 or 3 years old, it looks very impressive thanks to the large flowers of the most diverse colors, as well as thick, richly green foliage. Requires strong support, like all creepers.
Clematis, photo:
The turn (or thorns) reaches a height of two meters, blooms densely arranged with white flowers, has multiple spines. Planting a turn to create a hedge, each bush will need to be fixed, tied to a peg. So you ask the right direction of the bush, support it at first, until it grows stronger. The first month after planting the seedlings should be watered regularly. The bramble grows very fast, giving dark blue fruits - wild plums (tasty, slightly tart to taste).
Ternovnik, photo:
Sea-buckthorn is a useful and very nice externally bush, ornamental and fruit, I would say. Gardeners recommend planting shrubbery in two rows. Despite the fact that trimming the haircut reduces the yield of sea buckthorn, the aesthetic side of the case from this only wins. This frost-resistant plant can be with or without spines. It requires a pre-installed reliable support - then everything will be beautiful and even.
Sea-buckthorn, photo:
Snow-melon is an incredibly attractive shrub. Its name is due to the snow-white fruits, which are located on branches in the form of bunches. Even when the plant throws off all the foliage, these berries persist for a long time, sometimes even until spring. The shrub itself is excellent for forming hedges, grows up to a half / two meters of height. Often does not need a special adjustment, since the branches themselves tend to the ground under the weight of bunches. If you regularly cut the plant, then it will most likely not be fruit. The bush is unpretentious, frost-resistant, blooms in mid-summer with little-flowered small flowers-bells of a white-green or pinkish hue. Berries are poisonous to humans, but for birds they are quite edible.
Snowy-cherry, photo:
For hedges, it is best to choose from thick, uncomplicated plants. Such a "fence" should be dense, without so-called gaps. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a flowering or evergreen, coniferous option.
Fruit bushes, such as Smorodina Schmidt, Felt Cherry or gooseberry, are suitable not only for the creation of green hedges, but also will additionally reward you with edible fruits.
When selecting a shrub, consider its features, resistance to cold, soil requirements. It is possible that to maintain an attractive appearance some representatives will need periodic fertilizing, fertilization. No matter how unpretentious the variety you have chosen does not seem, maintaining a decent green fence will require you to invest time and effort. To ennoble, cut, support in the form will have any shrub. Poor soil should be fed with fertilizers at least once a year, and fertile soils - once in 4 years.
The above-mentioned flowering bushes, such as spirea, jasmine, lilac, and dogrose, can also be used to create a hedge. They can be combined with each other, planted alternately. Different varieties of barberry, planted one after another (variety after variety) will create an incredible effect. Cypress bushes (dwarf varieties) are also ideal for the formation of green "fences".
The berry tee, which does not exceed 60 cm in height, grows with rounded bushes - it is also very suitable for this purpose.
It all depends on your imagination and having free time. Always keep in mind that for tall shrubs, more space is required between planting seedlings. Do not forget also about the climatic features of your region when choosing a decorative shrub.
↑ back to content ↑Tips for selecting and planting shrubs
Decorative shrubs most often planted either in the fall, until frosts broke out, or early spring, when buds in trees are just beginning to awaken, and the snow has already come down. Moreover, the pits for spring planting should be prepared as early as autumn - make appropriate fertilizers, calculate the depth and width of the groove for a certain variety of shrubs. Buy seedlings in safe places - special nurseries or flower shops. Before entering the ground, the plant can be held for several hours in water, in which a growth stimulant was previously added.
In addition to the agrotechnical features of a particular species, one should remember a simple formula:
- Low and dwarf species are buried in the soil at a distance of approximately 60-80 cm from each other.
- Plants of medium size - about one and a half meters from each other.
- Tall copies, which need development for development - at least 2 meters from each other.
Presented in this article, decorative shrubs for cottages, photos and names of which will help you decide the choice, are the most popular and adapted for our regions. Choose the green inhabitants for your taste and color, let your dacha site become even more attractive and, to some extent, unique.
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