What tree is used to make an ax for an ax, what species

Carpenters, builders, summer residents always have an ax in stock. It is used for felling trees, chopping firewood. The handle of a tool is called a hatchet. It is made from various types of wood. Axes are always available in stores. But every zealous owner will definitely pick up hand-friendly and durable. In this case, we suggest making it on your own.

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The content of the article

  • Hatchet manufacturing options
    • Beech
    • Oak
    • Ash
    • Birch
    • Maple
    • American walnut
    • Jatoba
    • Hickory
    • Acacia
  • What is better to make a hatchet for an ax
  • Ax service life

Hatchet manufacturing options

Wood species are the basis of the product. The material is dried thoroughly. For this purpose, special cameras are used. This is protects the ax from loosening when the temperature changes and moisture loss. The fibers of the wood structure must be straight, without interlacing.

In recent times, wood was oven-dried. It was kept warm for several months to evaporate excess moisture.

Basic material requirements:

  • necessarily deciduous;
  • hardness;
  • fracture strength;
  • wear resistance.
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A quality hatchet is necessarily made from a well-processed and impregnated material.

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Has a beautiful surface. Easy to cut and process. When properly dried, it becomes a hard and durable material. There is a serious drawback - strongly absorbs moisture. This is bad for wear resistance. Even a simple oil treatment will not completely protect the handle.


Majority craftsmen prefer this type of wood. Especially when a synthetic grip is totally unacceptable.

Benefits of oak wood:

  • Durability.
  • Beautiful structure and ease of processing.
  • Durability and reliability.
  • Shock resistance.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • It is immune to fungi and various pests.

Among disadvantages highlight:

  • Heavy weight.
  • High hardness - dries the hand when cutting.

In any case, oak is considered one of the best materials for creating a comfortable tool.

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Ancient times spear shafts and battle axes were made from it. The tree best of all species meets the requirements for the handle:

  • High density and shock resistance.
  • Long service life.
  • Hardness.
  • Low cost.

Characteristics are similar to oak, but ash has better resilience. Tool handles and gymnastic bars are made of it.


It is easy to grind. No recoil and no fatigue. The wood is shock-resistant. Correct processing will increase the lifespan of the ax.


  • Easily absorbs water.
  • Long-term drying (from 1 year).
  • Low hardness.
  • Rapid decay.

At the same time, birch is a very elastic material. Easily lends itself to curly cutting.

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With it there are no problems in processing due to its soft structure. Polishes and dries quickly. Does not loosen even when temperature and humidity change. Better than oak in strength, and in terms of impact strength it is inferior to birch. Maple produces strong and beautiful handles.

American walnut

His easy to polish and process. It has a hard and viscous structure. Linseed oil is used for impregnation. The ax is pleasant to hold in hand. It retains its impeccable appearance for a long time.


Wood species is hard and viscous, stronger than oak. Pliable in processing. Sports equipment, tool handles and furniture are cut from it. All products are beautiful. Craftsmen choose her because of her characteristics and aesthetic data.

It is considered an expensive material for a hatchet. Ideal for a gift because it has a solid look.

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In America, the handles of picks, knives and axes are made from wood. It has strength, elasticity and long service life. Dries well. It is not in demand in Russia due to the high cost of materials.


Due to its strength and hardness, it is suitable for making an ax handle. The surface is difficult to handle by hand, but the result is smooth and attractive. When impregnated with oil keeps polishing for a long time.

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What is better to make a hatchet for an ax

Owners of remarkable strength are offered oak. Strong and durable material will fit well in your hand and will be a faithful companion for many years.

Who is willing to pay for functionality and aesthetic appearance - it is optimal to choose American walnut and hickory. But in our country it is difficult to find such wood.

If accessibility, efficiency and convenience are a priority, you should pay attention to ash. It is soft and beautiful, will last a sufficient period and is convenient to use.

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Ax service life

Durability depends on the resistance of the handle to shock loading. Gradually she crumples, and the nozzle is loose. If it looses, the ax is upset for repair and another wedge is driven in. Using a return nozzle will help avoid these problems.

The period of operation is determined by the following factors:

  • sort of tree;
  • drying quality;
  • packing density.

Everyone is capable of making an ax. Knowing the features of the material, it is easy to make a reliable and sturdy handle. Thanks to this, the ax will last for many years.

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