Why faceted glass turned into a thick-lipped

We saw him in trains and catering in domestic films and the kitchen parents. Omnipresent faceted glass is one of the main symbols of the Soviet era.

Why faceted glass became known as thick-lipped

And according to some historians, even earlier periods of development. According to some reports, the first time people have resorted to this dish in the time of melting the bells by Peter the Great.

Why glass - faceted

The content of the article

  • Why glass - faceted
    • When there was a glass with facets
    • version One
    • version Two
    • third version
    • Another version - "Mukhina"
    • How many faces on the glass
  • Why was the glass of thick-lipped glass
    • other names

The explanation must be sought on the outside of the unit. Its sides are cut repeatedly to form "fins" or face.

When there was a glass with facets

In fact the exact date of creation is unknown. On this account, there are several theories.

glass, without rim

version One

One of them says that the object was invented more in the time of Peter the Great. They used the sailors in need of a stable container.

Authorship convenient packaging that will rollover to the side was in no hurry to continue to fall, is credited with Yefim Smolin from Vladimir.

instagram viewer

version Two

According to another version of the "ribs" in the dishes and their manufacturing method of pressing need by the American company Jervis.

Opponents of this theory insist that this company is significant only from a technological point of view. And the idea of ​​glass existed long before the birth of the glass industry in the United States.

third version

Supporters of the third version of the claim that the authorship belongs to merchants Maltsov. AT 1756 city They built on the river Goose first glass factory. Here I was born the concept of unusual dishes.

Versions of many! Reliably can only say that glass edges was widespread already in the first years of the 20th century.

Another version - "Mukhina"

But exactly September 11 due to the Vera Mukhina and since 1943 year. At that time, she directed the glass workshop in Leningrad. She came up with glasses model, which is characterized by its resistance.

Vera Mukhina and her glass

His sketches shared with the management, and within a short time of them started output. The first glass factory was published Gus Crystal September 11, 1943.

Reference! Since that time, 11 September has become a holiday - Day of faceted glass.

How many faces on the glass

It turns out that the number of edges on the walls of the glassware different. but their always an even number!

The thematic museum, located in Urshele Vladimir region, has set with 10 faces. And among the exhibits Gusev Experimental glass plant with a set of dishes 20. In addition to the options presented, produced products with 8, 12, 14, 16 and 18 cut sides.

Was an attempt to release glasses and with an odd number of faces- namely, 17. But from idea quickly abandoned because of the complexity of the process. Even number required much less effort and expense.

Important! The number of faces has a direct impact on the cost. The more, the higher the price.

Why was the glass of thick-lipped glass

«Faceted"- not only the name of a popular product. Model B. Fly differ from those in the time glass in one piece. This rim, which surround the top edge of the product. The rim had faces, and so it is adjoined to his lips. And drink from it was more convenient.

thick-lipped glass

This feature led to the emergence of a new name - "thick-lipped».

But it did not last.

other names

The most simple, seemingly, the subject is rich in names! Here's what else you can call.

other names
  • «Malenkovskaya». It comes from the name of the Soviet statesman Georgii Malenkov. During World War II he was a member of the State Defense Committee.

Reference! Georgy Malenkov became famous among the soldiers that entered into the daily ration servicemen 200 grams of vodka.

Faceted 250-ml glass of Soviet-style for the defenders of the homeland was in those years, not only dishes, but also a way to quickly and more or less accurately measure relying norm.

It was believed that if pour "Malenkovskaya" to the bottom face of the upper rim, that come 200 ml, and if the upper bound to - 250 ml.

  • «Mukhina». This glass is required by this name, no need to explain. So the people kept the memory of the founders of the Soviet model of dishes.
  • «Maltsovsky». Another "notch" of historical memory. Remember the glass factory on the river Goose? Merchant Akim Maltsev was the first director of the plant, because the glass and got its name, which was used until the revolution.

All 3 options taken root among the people. And the word "faceted" is usually used in the literature and official sources.

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