In what way are soundproofed from the neighbors?

Thin walls lead to increased stress from the constant noise. You do not follow the life of neighbors and collect gossip, put your ear to wallpaper? So we will not sit in the earplugs, with folded hands, and begin to take action!

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

Let's start with the basics - what is noise and how it is taken?

The content of the article

  • Let's start with the basics - what is noise and how it is taken?
  • Overhaul of the apartment
    • pack wall
    • Isolate the ceiling and the floor
  • Cosmetic repairs
  • Rearrange furniture, and the notorious carpets
  • Curtains of dense tissue
  • Houseplants

Is any strange sound, which gives us discomfort. Single classification is not, but it can be divided into two types: airborne and impact. The first type is transmitted through the air, for example, the conversation neighbors. The second arises from the mechanical effects: the tramp of children during a fun game, gnashing of rearrange furniture.

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

Optionally have rowdy neighbors to regularly enjoy the sounds of someone else's life!But to deal with adversity can and should be in stores now, a huge selection of materials to help protect the apartment as much as possible. The main thing - to take into account all the nuances.

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Overhaul of the apartment

Nerves are more expensive, so you should start with a global change, at the same time to change the situation, and colors.

pack wall

Panel and Cbit walls are not very soundproof. There is a crucial way to solve the problem: put metal frame, lay the insulation and close the plasterboard. good method, but will eat 5-10 cm of space. In small apartments put soundproof panels on the wall, which is adjacent to the very noisy neighbors.

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

Cbits - good stuff, but it must be put right, so he lowered the audio load. In a private house we originally lay in the work estimates competent expert, and in multi-storey buildings have to work with what I have done at the time the developer.

Isolate the ceiling and the floor

On the floor above or below also have a life! For example, problems can arise with a young couple who have entered the apartment above you. Good for people who love sports, especially in the evenings, and the gym organized home. Can you imagine what would have to enjoy the sounds? The district does not complain, and what claims may arise in people who are not satisfied with drunken parties and promote a healthy lifestyle?

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

Get help from such solutions to the problem:

  1. Plasterboard ceiling linings.
  2. Installation of a stretch ceiling.
  3. Sound-proof panel.

The wooden floor will be a great outlet for isolation from neighbors below.

street sounds are reduced if fenced off thick glazed modern windows. Just make sure that seals are not moved away from the frame.

Cardinal approach helps itself does not become a source of extraneous sounds.

Cosmetic repairs

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

All the cracks and holes function as air conductors of sound, so carefully check the number of treacherous places:

  1. Lay the passage hole in the ground pipes. Experts advise to use anti-vibration sleeve, but there is an easier way: remove around crumbling cement pipes (but without fanaticism!), cover the hole with mineral wool and re cement.
  2. Aluminum battery having a great noise, so it is recommended to close the removable beautiful screen with ventilation holes.
  3. Sockets installed in the through-hole walls, and they become "radio" broadcasts on the lives of other people. In this case, make plasterboard wall, and as formwork cut to form the outlet piece of hardboard to close the gap.

Polyurethane foam will help us to close the extra joints, but do not forget to trim and something to cover up, or our repair will look as if construction stopped in the most unwanted time!

Rearrange furniture, and the notorious carpets

Dense woods are efficient absorbers of noise. Cabinets are arranged on the walls, forming a defensive complex. The bedroom is better to choose a bed with a large headboard of dense materials.

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

On the floors carpeted or carpet. Long pile will give comfort room and increased fluffiness repay and your, and neighborhood noise.

Curtains of dense tissue

This chic embodiment for protection against sunlight, street dust and noise. Plus fabric extinguishes the sound, reducing stress on the nervous system. Mistresses have tried and recommend to use for curtains corduroy, velvet and brocade. To increase the noise reduction to create sophisticated draperies and pelmets.

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

Stepping into an empty apartment, starts at every knock raznosyaschegosya echoed through the empty corridors. As we settle in the house, it becomes quieter and more comfortable.


Dilute any flowers or even hardy cacti. Plants absorb sound, so feel free to force the window sills stylish pots. They can be put in the entrance, at the same time revitalize dull landscape.

What can be done so as not to hear the neighbors?

If the plant flowers gathered in the entrance, the pre-check, whether among neighbors Available!

An integrated approach will deliver us from the problems with thin walls. In apartment buildings, we are all a source of noise! Ideally, all the neighbors should take care of the sound insulation, and then life will be much quieter and calmer.

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