The Americans, in our view, a lot of strange things in everyday life that they consider normal, and we think that this is complete nonsense and live uncomfortably. Lack of ceiling lighting in most of the rooms - this is one of those oddities. If we zaydom into the living room to any of the indigenous people see there the usual chandelier, or even spotlights will be problematic. But there are different kinds of lamps, sconces, floor lamps and lots of candles - it is always welcome. Where did the tradition not to install ceiling light fixtures and the Americans compensate for the lack of light, I will discuss in this article.

Ceiling Light - a luxury!
The content of the article
- Ceiling Light - a luxury!
- How to live without the chandelier?
One of the reasons why Americans are not used in the interior of chandeliers, is the desire to minimize the cost of housing. Many developers are trying to boost sales of built flats and houses, fully waive the ceiling of the network to install the chandelier.
If a person pleases still make overhead lights in his apartment, will have to fork out for a seriously professional electrician. He will be able to establish the necessary wires and cables, without destroying half of the house. Since the ceiling of US homes heating is usually carried out, all work must be performed only by a professional.Important! In addition, in the United States are set rather high tariffs on utility services, so many are trying to save more on it.
Rational Americans felt that they could easily cope with the twilight other light sources:
- sconces;
- floor lamps;
- table lamps;
- a large number of wax candles and other.
A plurality of light sources in the same room - it is a counter of any American interior. A similar type of lighting is even included in textbooks on design as original and interesting for use in other countries.
How to live without the chandelier?
In fact, there are chandeliers in the homes of indigenous people of the country. They usually hang in the dining room over the dining table and in the kitchen, so cooking is comfortable.

In the living room chandelier is usually absent, and that is a good reason. Americans believe that the need for a top source of light in this room, not at all. Members of the family in the living room watching TV or reading a book, and it is enough to point lighting.
US residents feel completely comfortable every night lighting hundreds of candles flickering and weak content. For the Russian people that option is not well suited. This, of course, good for a romantic encounter with a loved one, and creates a special atmosphere in the room, but for the evening out after a hard day's work fits poorly.
Important! In wealthy homes and detached buildings, residents can choose any method of lighting to your liking. It is also possible to prevent the developer of an apartment building that is planned chandelier. But zaeto whim will have to pay a lot of money.
Americans are accustomed to this way of life and do not pay attention to the inconvenience. But in their hardware store lamps and fixtures are sold out like hot cakes. And the choice is enormous, for every taste and budget.

Many Russian who moved to another continent, surprised such a "wrong" habits obustrroystva apartments. For most Russian chandelier - it's not just the way the room lighting, but also a matter of pride. During repairs, it selected the most expensive and beautiful. Therefore, we, Russian, Americans on this issue will never understand.
Chandelier chosen the most expensive and beautiful? Well this writer alone probably judge)) Chandelier is selected in the first place suitable for living room design. And she does not have to be the most expensive.
For example, I took off all ceiling lights in the form of chandeliers and use only local coverage. It is compact and focused.
With a local lighting cozier! ...
"In fact, there are chandeliers in the homes of indigenous people of the country" - and indigenous people - it is not the Americans?
no indigenous inhabitants is negros
You're as expert as the author.
In our homes are as chandeliers and sconces, floor lamps. Chandeliers can be a point source of light, when you turn one (more) light bulbs, is commensurate with the power thereof. "For easy TV viewing US residents lit hundreds of candles, content with a weak shimmer" ...
Wax candles? Soot can not be avoided. If elektrosvechi flicker, then they are faulty. Well it is impossible to live in the house, where the New Year of the year - or hang a garland on the tree and let is "comfort" creates.
"Heating is generally carried out in the ceiling of US homes." Heat the ceiling? Can still warm floor?