Favors from the USSR, which were in every home: the standard stuff from the Soviet past.

USSR watchStories about the Soviet past continues to haunt the minds of many people. And not only those who managed to catch this time in person, but born after the collapse of the USSR. Let's look at things, were present at that time in the homes of our parents and grandparents. Many stood on the shelves and sideboards were an integral part of everyday life. Perhaps some of these things and was able to use you.

Standard items from the Soviet past

The content of the article

  • Standard items from the Soviet past
    • wall radio
    • "Cascade" chandelier
    • stamping
    • A set of "Fish" for brandy
    • metal curlers
    • figurines
    • glowing figures
    • plastic toy soldiers
    • Toy-tumbler
    • Rubber toys, Tweeters
    • Turntable
    • Record player
    • Wall carpet
    • Striking clock
    • Big TV
    • Vacuum cleaners "Rocket" and "Whirlwind"

Many will be pleased to plunge into the past and remember things from the Soviet Union, surrounded us at that time.

wall radio

A small radio, sticking straight out of the wall socket, many do not fall silent. People had breakfast at "pioneer Zorka"And had dinner while listening to the transmission"The working noon».

instagram viewer


"Cascade" chandelier

Chandelier with plastic pendants for certain childhood remembered by many.

USSR chandelierstamping

On the walls you could see the minting of various sizes and shapes in those years.

USSR chasing

A set of "Fish" for brandy

Brandy set of "Fish", made in different colors, present in almost every home.


metal curlers

Our mothers and grandmothers used to create beautiful curls Metal curlers.

USSR curlersfigurines

On the shelves there were various statues. There were a lot for every taste.

Soviet porcelain

glowing figures

Phosphate athletes, dancers, deer and eagles a mysterious light in the darkness.

Soviet eagle

plastic toy soldiers

Indians Neanderthals and plastic toy soldiers - an essential attribute of the Soviet childhood.

Soviet soldiers


This Toy raised resistance in Soviet children.

USSR tumbler

Rubber toys, Tweeters

Many of us played as a child with rubber food toys.

USSR toys


Vintage machinery continues to this day to enjoy great popularity. For example, here is a device for sound reproduction with vinyl records.

plates of the USSR

Record player

For the majority of our days like tape - just a pile of scrap. But in the pre-digital era for our parents and grandparents, they were the only option to listen to music. Huge reel films, which always torn, glued their nail polish and listened to the music with bated breath.

Wall carpet

The carpet on the wall - the constant attribute of the interior of any home at the time.

USSR deer

Striking clock

Many know the hours, each hour slugger number of shocks equal to the current time.

USSR hours

Big TV

I like the TV was going the whole family in the evening.


Vacuum cleaners "Rocket" and "Whirlwind"

These are powerful and quite noisy vacuum cleaners have been an indispensable tool for cleaning the house. Some copies are still working properly.

USSR vacuum cleaner

Today's children are likely to not understand what is depicted in the photos above. The era of the Soviet Union irrevocably a thing of the past, but some things that time will forever remain in the hearts of many people.

27.05.2019 at 21:28

And what is the way doll nevalashka raised resistance to Soviet children?

To answer
Vladislav Zaitsev (Administrator)Vladislav Zaitsev (Administrator):
27.05.2019 at 22:50

Hello, Alexander! This is a figurative expression of the author.

To answer
06.06.2019 at 14:33

1) with a 35 cm screen TV. diagonal can not be called great. Large is when more than 50 cm. diagonally. 2) You do not have carpet and tapestry. 3). Popular reel magnetic tape №13 and №15 again not be called "huge." Acetate acetic acid feed adherend or adhesive tape. With the transition in the early 70s on the Mylar question breaks it ceased to be relevant. 4) Set "Fish" never even seen.

To answer
22.06.2019 at 04:38

We gathered some things from different times and give a revelation.

Carpets were, and are and will be, because it is accepted in the winter cold in Russia.
Our family since 1976, going for a color TV Rubin, like Brezhnev. And these TV I have not seen at all.

Something with a deer is not even a tapestry and cloth with the image of fish never seen, we drank brandy from German silver gilt ryumochek.

Striking clock, I would now acquired, and we had the old pre-revolutionary clock, however, without a fight.

Youth player was then changed to a stereo player with speakers, I do not remember how was called.

Hoover was, but did not look was new.

No eagles were not in sight.

Toys such were they safe for children. Neanderthals plastic do not remember.

Iron curlers were rubber were, because it was normal, the same were in hairdressing. I think, and now somewhere there is a rubber.

In general, each time their stuff
they should not be to interfere in one pile
and to write about the past should be the ones who lived in the past,
otherwise it turns nonsense

To answer
22.06.2019 at 04:45

because stupidity in any case it is not necessary to write, at least figuratively, though no

To answer
11.07.2019 at 14:41

Lies were torn tape, the tape never was torn, but the leader tape would fall off and had to glue the new one. Sold kits with leader tape 3 colors stanochkom to properly cut the tape and the leader tape and Scotch tape .Proigryvatelya was not there was a radiogram which replaced the Ural and radio and player. And a large TV, too, was not found with the 63 centimeter screen appeared in the late 70's, and before that yuzali with up to 51 centimeter. And the cleaner the rocket did not use a vortex. A further refrigerator was Saratov 2 mikromorozilkoy.

To answer
AvatarEvlampy Suhodrischev:
26.07.2019 at 00:11

In one pile piled from different times and peoples.

To answer
08.06.2019 at 14:50

Natalia, generally up to 1976 was also life, this TV Rubin-102, at the time was considered the best, I was not in every family, the most popular were the "records", we have until 1975, the year in general was KVN-49, converted a 35th phone, only in 1975 bought Rubin-401, color. There was a vacuum cleaner "Whirlwind", a hemisphere with a handle at the time the most powerful 600 watts. The rest was too, but not everything, but everything I've seen other people before, but "Fish with glasses" still have brother in law. Soldiers too, but from an aluminum alloy, although for some reason called "tin".

To answer
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