The need for coziness and comfort is typical for any person. How do you want to lie down on a cozy sofa after another hard working day and relax, watch the series. But, if you want to experiment a little and have a little free time, you can make a hammock without any problems - an attribute of comfort. Such a thing will not only relax you, but also serve as a kind of decor element in the country or in a private house. Today you will learn about what kind of hammocks are, what is needed to create it and how to build a hammock yourself.
The prehistory of the appearance of the hammock
The content of the article
- The prehistory of the appearance of the hammock
- What is the best way to make a hammock at home
- How to independently make a fabric hammock on the crossbar: drawings
- How to make a hammock swing yourself
- How to build a fabric hammock with eyelets
- How and where to place a hammock
The first such a simple subject was invented by the Indians living on the islands of the Caribbean. Sleeping on the ground was problematic, so the clever natives came up with a so-called hammock, the main part of which was a mesh base and two ropes at both ends. The construction itself was tied to trees with ropes.

Seeing such a thing, the Spanish residents took note of it without hesitation, and after a while, residents of foreign countries began to use this convenient and easy-to-manufacture structure. Over time, the hammock has been more and more modified, and now everyone can choose their own piece of comfort for every taste.
What is the best way to make a hammock at home
When it comes to what kind of material is needed for a hammock, it is necessary to emphasize that absolutely any materials can be used, from lotus leaves to vines growing on trees. In this matter, everything is decided by your imagination and level of comfort. You can build a simple hammock, which requires only a piece of cloth measuring about 3 m 1.5 m and two ropes 3-4 m long, or you can connect a fantasy and build it in the form airplane carpet.
But, as practice shows, the most practical option for creating such an object would be a dense material, for example, canvas, linen or mesh.
REFERENCE! Synthetics are also durable material, but such fabric will not let oxygen through, and in the warm season it will not be very comfortable in a hammock made of such material.
How to independently make a fabric hammock on the crossbar: drawings
A fabric hammock on a bar is one of the simplest hammocks. Its production also does not take much time and costs.
To make such a product, you need to stock up on the following materials:
- a piece of durable fabric (3 by 2.2 m);
- synthetic winterizer (50 cm);
- towing tape (5.2 x 3 cm);
- nylon halyard (4 mm);
- timber timber (4 mm);
- sandpaper.
Of the tools you will also need:
- iron ruler;
- crayons for drawing;
- hacksaw for wood;
- chisel;
- scissors;
- sewing needles;
- roulette;
- sewing machine;
- iron.
We take the fabric and from the inside we draw two equal rectangles with sides 1.5 by 2 m. Cut out the templates and fold them with their front part to each other.

We retreat from the edges about 2 cm, then we sew short parts of the material on both sides. We turn the prepared material outward. We take the iron and iron the allowances on one side.

- We attach a sling to most of the part with a distance of 5 cm from the edges.
- We take 4 pieces of sling 70 cm in size, then using a sewing machine we sew them to the fasteners, with the front part to the back. Sew the edges under the grooves for the crossbars.
- Sew the sides of the hammock from the front with an indent of 30 cm.
- From padding polyester we prepare strips with sides 25 by 125 cm, then push them into prepared pockets and sew the edges.

We saw a bar of wood in half. Mark 2 cm from both edges and prepare a small notch with a chisel, then sand them with sandpaper.

We put the bars in the pockets and fasten them with a rope. Made! You just need to fix it on the trees and you can rest!
How to make a hammock swing yourself
To create such an unusual and original item, we need:
- a piece of durable fabric (3 x 1.5 m);
- metal hula-hoop with a diameter of 90 cm;
- a piece of padding polyester (3 x 1.5 m);
- towing tape;
- chalk;
- iron;
- sewing machine;
- scissors.
To begin with, we cut from a piece of fabric two identical squares with sides 1.5 by 1.5 m.

- We add both squares in four.
- We turn them into two circles. To do this, mark a circle with a radius of 65 cm from the center with the help of chalk and cut it out.
- We mark the holes for the tape. To do this, fold our circle four times, then smooth it with an iron in order to navigate along the folds. The first pair of ribbons will be at a 45 degree angle, the second pair at a 30 degree angle.
- We glue the synthetic winterizer. We put it between both parts of the fabric.
- We sew two equal covers on a typewriter, after which we sew them to each other, placing a hoop between them.
- From four sides we tie a towing tape to the hoop, cutting it into four identical parts.

We tie the ends of the tape to any surface at the desired height (tree, post).

REFERENCE! Such a structure does not require a large area for placement and will serve not only as a corner for leisure, but also as an original element of the interior.
How to build a fabric hammock with eyelets
The grommet hammock is a modified model of the fabric hammock. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it includes not one stretched rope, but a set of ropes diverging from one end to the crossbar.
To do it, you will need:
- a piece of durable fabric (3 m);
- 22 eyelets;
- special devices for their insertion;
- 35 m rope 6 mm wide;
- metal rings;
- drill and drill 12 mm;
- wooden beams with sides 30 by 50 mm;
- sewing machine;
- iron;
- scissors;
- chalk.
To begin with, we cut off a piece of material, then bend 6 cm from the edges and sew on a sewing machine. With the help of an iron, smooth the edges, bend and sew again.

On the fabric, using chalk, evenly make marks for attaching eyelets. In the designated places, cut out the holes with scissors and attach the eyelets.

- We take two wooden beams and use a drill to drill holes equal to the holes in the eyelets.
- We stretch the rope through the holes in the timber.
- We attach the ring to any hook, place the hammock on the floor and fix it with a heavy press.

We steam out the frame, let each of the slings go through the grommet, the hole in the spacer and the ring.

After finishing the work, we tie the ends of the rope and hang the hammock.
How and where to place a hammock
There are several ways to place a piece of rest and decor. One of them is awnings. This design is quite durable, which allows you to relax on a hammock without fear.
In most cases, they are suspended between two trees using strong ropes or ropes. But over time, a hammock on such supports can stretch, so it is important to know at what distance to hang it. The length between the supports should be at least 30 cm from the entire length of the hammock.
As you can see, making a hammock with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to understand the principle of operation of such a design and take the time.