Moving mastering bottled gas consumption is required to check that the nozzles set smaller opening than was at home network supply. Natural gas will start to smoke, to give orange tongues possibly incomplete combustion energy source. Desktop gas stoves available to give plants, factories community, will pay most of the attention segment gardeners. Gets European, Asian goods - inspection. You do not know in advance as he sat down to write a review that will be the end result - the intrigue.
Korean tabletop stove Nur Burner RC - 2002
The equipment works with standard collet balloon, caught the attention of one simple detail - security is present, in contrast to many domestic models. Paying the price of 500 rubles, we get a device capable of:
- Off gas at balloon pressure increase caused by overheating.
- Block the valve, preventing gas leakage in the idle state.
- Provide protection against incorrect assembly.
Try dealer, read the instructions, the gas supply will be shut down, suddenly pogasni plate. The answer is yes - we have the pleasure of seeing her best friend summer resident, cooking on campfires, today decided to move inside the house - please! Odnokonforochnaya plate for the traveler with a car, would recommend walkers reserved infrared heater, cooking more convenient. Flow leaving less able to work stocking bought-travel cylinders, find the burner, where one pipe supplying natural gas. Amiss gas, which only can be found.
Gas stove desktop RC - 2002 is quite typical device. The balloon is inserted horizontally into the side of the compartment, the niche is made available after the removal of the hob, if correctly understood the meaning of the video. It seems strange. It took a sudden change capacity, preparing food? Latching lever mechanism is provided, davim gently downward, reaching the stop. Near vertical slot is written - Fix (fix). Electrical ignition is absent, we are sure to stock up matches. Lost optional minimum fire accompanying the gas stove Hephaestus board.
The air intake, forming a combustible mixture, is conducted out of the bottom, though, take design nuance, the fire will continue to burn. Picture, confirming speculation depicts a table gas stove with cover, tilted to one side. You can contemplate the kind of "spark" near the divider. Since there is no electrical ignition, seen - flame sensor.
Most likely, it is necessary to cock. Implemented by opening the gas regulator to maximum retention continuously for 5 seconds. Kindly ignite fuel. Speaking from experience, advertising silent forest of fish.
Do not understand the process of setting up a gas stove. Visible intake reduction gear means for changing the quantity of flow does not detect the inspection on the surface of the product. Convoluted compartment lid comprises a Russian-language instruction. Gameday chorus yelled see a gas stove Gefest board. This product belongs to the range Nur Burner unknown structural Nur Group units. Presumably the birthplace of the device is Korea. In fact, it resembles a typical eastern edge of Eurasia name.
Divider unusual items. Besides the main typical external fire perimeter lined four inner pair of holes arranged round. Most likely, it increases the effectiveness of the product when heating small diameter vessels.
Table stove Dream 100 M
Previous model girlfriend looked tourist board stove Dream asks complement kitchen appliances. Glass-hard surface, a typical divider. Inside stands a standard nozzle, a gas cooker so resembles a typical kitchen. In MC - 2002 four embossed on the bottom of the metallic casing protrusion at Dreams four feet to protect against slipping.

Table stove Dream 100 M
Product price - 800 rubles - not the ultimate dream, but perhaps interesting inside! There is a function Low flame, damn option, will be in difficulty in the field, at home. Stove feeds liquefied gas (pressure 3,000 Pa), typical kitchen appliances, originating fuel red emptying container fitted with labeled propane. Not suitable for tourists, cottagers will have to buy the product of displacement required at a special station (not gas stations).
Operation is possible from a main natural gas (2000 Pa). Setting a gas stove in the new conditions of work produced by replacing the nozzle. Set the same having a larger diameter aperture. Set of table gas stove parts stripped. Since there is a function Low flame, you will need to change the screw small flame. Either option will be unavailable. Naturally, you can try to use the stove without tricks at your own risk. Risk of explosion.
Double stove gas stove desktop Dream 200M copy reviewed, two burners. Deprived of protection against flame extinction, the device will require constant supervision. Connecting the equipment involved specialist. Products shines interesting feature: maximum mass of the pan - 10 kg. The warranty period is 2 years.
Desktop gas stoves Delta (Delta)
Portable desktop gas stove Delta D-211P, provided with a burner, feeding collet balloon. Externally, a complete copy of RC - 2002 ACCOMPANIED advanced information support. Sorry, no product quality photographs in different positions (angles). The gas flow rate was 160 g / hr, the cartridge will suffice 90 minutes of continuous operation. Power exceeds 2 kW, the device deserves title good average performance. The price is 1.5 times higher than the RC - 2002.
Developers bother to install three types of protection:
- high pressure cylinder;
- leak off plate;
- flame extinction.
Present pezorozzhigom, supplied supplemented convenient case for transport device weighing 1.5 kg.
Table stationary gas cooker Delta D-2204A is equipped with four burners. Powered by a domestic balloon refilled with liquefied gas. Burners in different capacities, an imitation of the kitchen hob. And unlike Full gas stove small: barely visible legs. There is a vertical protective cover that protects the wall against fat. The surface is covered with white enamel. Price 1270 rubles makes the creation of a suitable replacement for the traditional gas stove and oven.
If you buy a gas stove board to testify, do spins very fast. Panel size - 48x48 cm. We believe that the equipment will be quite trunk gas, the actual state of things hushed up information materials.
Board stove Darin
Conventional gas cookers Darin known table cooking rented by means of special abutments, retaining spring urging. The surface of my bathroom with running water, it is convenient. As for the said door of the oven.
Gas stove Darin L NGM521 01 on two hot plates are available in several colors, no protection against extinction of the fire. The price of 1500 rubles looks more expensive than average. Mechanical, electrical ignition forgot to add the function Small fire is out. The sensation is created, we pay decoration. It made of pretty, damn terrible high grill.
Chetyrehkomforochnaya Darin L NGM441 03 looks much better, it is worth 2500 rubles, not unlike cooking gas panels. Proudly place home. Worth a dark brown shade, equipped with marking in (Black - Black). The grille is divided into two halves, Gazmash tried on conscience!
Desktop gas stove Hephaestus
Belarusians grow. Table gas oven Hephaestus PGE 120 dimensions barely exceeds microwave with two rings, equipped with an electric Aerogrill hidden door. Lack of convection. Inside the device, rotating spit look, otherwise it will be difficult to cook a chicken, a gift that a device called the grill. Heating elements located above, below, can heat the food thoroughly.
At the PG 100 model oven gas. The rest of the plate with two similar. It is possible to burn natural gas, will have to replace the nozzles. Screws small flame is simply regulated. Replacement is not required. Instruction Manual describes in detail the sequence of operations. Removable handle, a collar of the burner flame at a position small, the screw is adjusted until a steady burning. Dampers are configured on the gas used:
- Liquefied - 0.5 mm.
- Natural - 1.5 mm.
Please note, the product is not recommended to put on the edge of the table. Open the oven cover will hang in the air an unacceptable way. Confident buyers defiance put gas stove properly. Our business alert!
Induction hobs to give: a rival gas
Choosing to identify a designated garden, around the gas stove tasks. There are three-storey mansion, metal cabins, huts. Thinking cook twist, one hob hard to cope: the process will be long. Gas cottage balloon, designed to feed liquid form of portable models cookers. Today really have a choice. You can give preference to gas, electricity do. Let's think, what to buy a gas stove for questioning whether.

Induction cooker
Induction cookers pleasing buyer low weight: ideal choice truckers, boldly meet power surges reasonable values. It demonstrates the efficiency of the device efficiency, reaching 97% when cottage liquid gas (balloon), take thinking nothing. Given the cost of filling 50 liters of 600 rubles - more cheaply - you can easily calculate the economic feasibility of the plate selection. Typical propane-butane mixture gas cookers has a specific heat value 27 MJ / liter. According to current prices 1 kWh power costs 3,7 rubles (cost increases), each unit containing a 3.6 MJ of energy. Spending 600 rubles buy electricity in an amount of 160 kilowatt-hours, equivalent to 576 MJ of energy.
On the other hand, the 50-liter bottle gas cooker comprises 50 x 27 = 1350 MJ. Now we recall: typical burner efficiency is 50%. We obtain regarding energy prices is no benefit. But! If you can find a better price of gas filling plate cylinders. Known offers 800 rubles per 40 liters, radically altering the balance of power, given that the induction plate efficiency is close to 100%. Now, remember:
- You need to periodically carry bottle on licensed refueling;
- gas 50-liter bottle actually contains 42 liters;
- It needs to constantly observe safety rules;
- cylinders must be periodically freed from stinking condensate that still rabotenka;
- necessary to remove the gas combustion products.

stove Cottage
The complexity of the use of natural gas say against such a choice. Cold season gas not recycled for heating the pan, raise the temperature of the room, put the owner in advance to the floor slab. Summer sometimes becomes great-great disadvantage, even if the taste of the products of combustion to accumulate water shower in a suitable tank. You see now: the requested two burners induction hob 8000 rubles, a little, given the excellent equipment that gets in return. Yandex-market will find offers for discounts, when the product is worth half the average.
Explain to pensioners action, devoid of WebMoney account. Plate portion of the payment on delivery transport company, Plastic bank cards, look for stores that give discounts to veterans. Carefully choose the carrier, the prices are different, pay twice as much work, too lazy to search. Receiving plate, less hesitate to explore: Some schemers are trying to sell, marriage slip, packaging must be intact, untouched. Shares often face low-quality goods, it is not always true. Before buying, consider slabs guarantee term, a correct filling of the coupon.
It helps protect against unscrupulous moves counterpart of the sale villa tiles. Induction hobs are regulated electronically, use the buttons, the scoreboard. Temperature, cooking time exhibited commendable exactly specified timer count if necessary. Conveniently, firmly hold mind traditional advantages of induction plates:
- The cooking surface is flat, it is easy to clean. It is not heated by itself, but when put dishes, the cooking process starts. The surface of the working table plate quickly reaches the desired temperature, as briskly cold. The device is ready to move immediately after the cooking procedure.
Induction cooking surface
- Induction hobs are modest in size. If you take the little old electrical spiral, the thickness of the win will double, choose the buyer similar dimensions: width, depth. It allows devices to put in a backpack. You can buy a model equipped with one or two rings, on request.
- Broken coil wound around a new one. Hams home create smooth working conditions. Create a semblance of induction tiles with their hands. The most valuable thing - you can use the device, even when the electronic filling dolman. Practical implementation is not simple, but most people are competent to make the necessary operations. Coil feed current ultrasonic frequencies. Voltage change power parameter varies. The coil supplied with alternating current, the lion's share of the power reversal is formed in a special container.
- Special dishes consider a disadvantage: who wants to buy in addition, induction cooker pan. Realized manipulation of the consumer looks positive: a special utensils are strong, durable, thick bottom. Any suitable ferromagnetic dishes: iron, steel, cast iron. Check magnet. We would like to remind - there is a reasonable requirement. Eddy currents form a fraction of the resulting power. Said point above. The main role at ultrasonic frequencies allocated the effect of magnetization reversal material.
Induction cooker commendable safety - it is difficult to get burned. The surface of the ceramic table is not heated, the process starts with the appearance of the steel pan. Conveniently, some models are equipped with protection against child invasion.

The red-hot spiral aging model
Hotplates spiral to give
This variant is typical of the Russian reality. Unlike new products available to protect against overheating. A number of models allow temperature settings to adjust. Electric stove buy four times cheaper induction without action twice with the action. The question price - 2000 rubles. Benefits structure lacks, is still a model with spirals have high maintainability. efficiency of the device theoretically does not exceed 90%, practically even lower. Less compared with induction tiles besides the advantages described in inertia.
Visit Youtube, watch commercials. Induction cooker heats 1.5 liters of water, boiling for 3 minutes. It allows the use of the product instead of the kettle. Plain tiles spiral makes the job much longer, having a similar power consumption. Some experts lead figure 10 minutes. Try the house boil the kettle on the gas, measure the time. Surely something similar will. Plus small: hotplate with spirals relatively difficult to break: beware of expensive glass-ceramic induction hit the table, the shell steel heating element, all uneasy.
Whether significant moment, decide alone, plus add a second relatively low cost.
Gas stove in the country
It managed to buy jets for gas cookers since the Soviet Union - it is time to move the junk, to equip the country. The problem arises: the majority of bottled gas appliances are afraid. Make sure it is possible, after examining label. The Soviet sign boards adorn the back wall. Eyes will hardly read the writing, take a flashlight, a camera, take a picture. As time passes, the resulting image will enable to read the parameters. In most cases the pressure is 13 mbar 20 is norm mains gas supply. The balloon 30 outputs mbar.
That is, violating the conditions of host. We believe if necessary replace the nozzles provided with a small hole, no trouble (failure of the flame). Ask for gas service engineers (phone 04), the more work is necessary to conduct the installation by qualified craftsmen. Cookers be called expensive, try to take model, controlling the combustion flame prefer electric or piezo ignition, decide. Origin require connection to the AC network, the second has a relatively low reliability. The overall picture emerges, which is guided by, buy a portable gas stove according to the tastes, needs.
Modes equipment configured by gas pressure caloric. Guided outward signs of any regime devoid of obvious defects: yellow flames, smoke discernible to the naked eye. Parts made it easier to get, easy to buy electric ignition for the gas stove, the temperature sensor. Acquiring a skill, will modify the device. Act strictly forbidden by law.
Avid cottager will master hands to build small stone oven. Cost barely exceeds 5000 rubles, but the heat with wood, gas is cheaper, the house will become warmer. The middle lane grandfather's method is an indispensable solution. If you remember, each hut housed the furnace winter, summer. Accordingly a temperature can be used outside the first or second. In summer the thermometer often hanging around the zero mark. In view of the availability of wood, large radiating surface area of the oven, the variant is better than the built buy a gas stove.
At the cottage fire safety plays a major role. Induction cookers fitted with a timer and a safe surface, will give one hundred points handicap to another embodiment. Hardly have Strada - during spins. stock up special dishes, to heat a large container ineffective for induction plates. Great order power dissipation by infrared radiation. Owner will have to make adjustments to the preparation of home canning techniques.
Hopefully we prompted, helped choose now readers can buy their own gas stove for questioning.