Is it possible to grind coffee in a blender: 9 recommendations for grinding solids


  • 1 Methods of grinding coffee
  • 2 Opportunities blender: function
    • 2.1 Proper grinding coffee in a blender 3 preparation equipment rules
    • 2.2 Using a hand blender: 3 Operating Board
    • 2.3 Using stationary blender: 3 Operating Board
  • 3 Summary
Smart kitchen appliances are always endowed with additional featuresSmart kitchen appliances are always endowed with additional features

I know that for grinding grain grinder and some use a blender. I offer together to understand whether it is possible to grind the coffee beans blender.

Methods of grinding coffee

To begin with talk about where you can grind coffee:

Picture facilities
table_pic_att15040316101 coffee mill.

Ideal for those who brews coffee daily.

Not too expensive and easy to use, it is designed specifically for grinding solids.

table_pic_att15040316142 Hammer.

No less common way to grind grain. Housewives used for this meat tenderizer for meat.

Grain pre-cleaned in a bag or paper - and the coffee is not smashed all over the kitchen, and the hammer is not stained.

table_pic_att15040316153 Meat grinder.

Old Grandma's method is not very popular in our time. Why? Just a sample of the old equipment is suitable for it - manual.

instagram viewer

If you grind the coffee in the mechanical model, we can once and for all to spoil. Hit at least one seed in the engine - hello, a complete replacement, is not cheap.

table_pic_att15040316174 blender.

It is used often beginners and those who want coffee made from fresh ground beans a couple of times a month.

Technology, of course, right, but too often its use to grind hard grains, sooner or later will break the mechanism.

I was able to try out and crushing with a hammer. For those who are interested in how to grind coffee in this way, attaching a video in this article.

Opportunities blender: function

In order to understand whether it is possible to grind the coffee blender, it is necessary to understand its basic functions:

Photo Description
table_pic_att15040316335 Function 1. comminution

This feature requires a blender slicing of fruits and vegetables with the help of different accessories.

table_pic_att15040316416 Function 2. Mixing

This feature involves the conversion products into a homogeneous mass.

Typically, this is the preparation of mashed potatoes, sauces, stuffing and drinks.

table_pic_att15040316417 Function 3. chopping

Many modern models are equipped with attachments for chopping ice, grains and other hard dry foods.

The function will turn anything into a powder.

Proper grinding coffee in a blender 3 preparation equipment rules

To grind coffee in a blender without negative consequences for the equipment and your health, a couple of simple rules must be observed:

Photo recommendations
table_pic_att15040316438 Rule 1.

The obligatory presence of the lid. Otherwise, about your wish to grind coffee in a blender recognize the walls and floor, and the furniture, which will arrive pieces of grains.

table_pic_att15040316459 Rule 2.

Do not forget to thoroughly wipe the bowl and heads with a dry cloth.

Any contact of the product with moisture threatens spoilage.

table_pic_att150403164810 Rule 3.

When selecting power available give preference to low - so you do not overload the equipment.

During grinding periodically observe the reaction of the blender - if anything causes you to doubt, that the procedure will be successful, try out a different procedure.

Using a hand blender: 3 Operating Board

Hand blender is best suited for grinding grain, because you can fully control its operation. Its competent actions will prevent premature failure:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att150403164911 Tip 1.

Prepare all the parts of the blender. So you could grind the grain as finely as possible, choose a tip with the largest number of knives.

table_pic_att150403165012 Tip 2.

Pour the beans into a bowl. Their number does not completely cover the cutting portion of the nozzle.

Remember that compressed under lopostyami remains of grains will be difficult to remove.

table_pic_att150403165113 Tip 3.

Grind coffee at low power, giving the car while on vacation.

If you feel that the mechanism of hot - abort the procedure for 10-15 minutes.

Using stationary blender: 3 Operating Board

If in your arsenal is a stationary blender, without rules and can not do. Do not forget that these models are designed for soft products, and manufacturers do not always assume that they will fall resourceful buyer:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att150403165414 Tip 1.

Work in interval mode, a small amount of coffee.

  1. Minute grinds.
  2. You open the lid.
  3. Mix the contents.
  4. Wait a minute.
  5. Repeat this procedure until the coffee reaches a suitable consistency.

If this is not done, to the flavor of coffee, adding a smell of burning.

table_pic_att150403165615 Tip 2.

Grinding choose the average power. In the presence of different baits, use double blades.

table_pic_att150403165916 Tip 3.

Blender as the grinder can be used no more than twice a month.

Remember that the nozzles are made primarily for fruit, meat, vegetables and dough.

If you plan to brew coffee on a daily basis, get a coffee grinder. The price of the device, both manual and electric to range from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. Agree - it is cheaper than a month to buy a new blender.


I think from now on you can easily grind coffee in a blender with your hands. If you have any questions - write in the comments! There you wait for your additions, comments and tips.

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