Now a banal curtain framing a window opening is ordinary and boring. And this kind of "clothes" for windows, like an openwork lambrequin, not only visually enlarges the window opening, but also gives the room's space lightness and completeness. Openwork patterns have long been the embodiment of elegance and a sense of style. The product, decorated with openwork ornaments, becomes interesting and refined (photo at the end of the article).
It is believed that the openwork decor elements, the photos of which can be seen below, act as a harmonious addition only in rooms decorated in the Baroque style or in an expensive modern design of a country house, or in a large spacious apartment. However, there is a huge number of different design solutions where such decorative elements fit perfectly into any style of the apartment - even in a minimalistic kitchen.
Types of openwork lambrequin and methods of making it
Any room will sparkle with new colors if the curtains are decorated with additional decor, namely, an openwork lambrequin. In the kitchen, however, such an element of decoration will not be entirely appropriate, since constant temperature drops and high humidity negatively affect their "appearance". If the kitchen has a modern powerful hood and a high-quality ventilation system, then such an element will feel quite comfortable in it.
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If you add openwork curtains to this decor element, then the room immediately creates an atmosphere of celebration, pomp, high society life.
To date, there are two types of lambrequins:
- Plank for the cornice. It has a soft structure with a repeating pattern, it is easy to fix it yourself and trim it if you want. It looks very elegant, but has a more simplified design.
- Figured lambrequin. It is a structure consisting of three or more elements that differ both in size and ornament, but together they create a single exquisite composition. Since all the details form a single complete pattern, they cannot be cut off. If the size of the window opening does not correspond to the acquired figured structures, then it is worth hanging only the central part or limiting ourselves to the side elements. The curly lambrequin is not only beautiful, but also easy to clean.
Choice for the kitchen
When choosing these decorative elements, it is worth adhering to several rules and schemes:
- It is best to choose them to match the color of the curtains, but you should give preference to a decorative element that is darker than the curtain fabric. You do not need to choose curtains and lambrequins in the same color scheme, it will be enough if the shades are harmoniously combined with each other.
- The width of the decoration element is selected based on your own preferences, but it is worth remembering that the smaller the window opening, the more space between the two walls the lambrequin itself should occupy.
- If the room where the lambrequin is supposed to be placed is of modest size, then the pattern of the decor itself should be simpler.
- The look of the lambrequin should be combined with the general style of the room. Now in stores you can find them in a variety of sizes with all kinds of patterns. And you can make it to order, you just have to print the photo you like.
Do-it-yourself bando for curtains: applique patterns
Bando is a subspecies of rigid lambrequins, made according to a certain technology. They have sinuous, twisted, or straight lines and curves. The entire decor is installed on a rigid frame, with which the lambrequin retains its original shape.
Bando allows you to create some visual effects. For example, if such a frame is fixed on the ceiling itself and light curtains are lowered from it, then you can visually make the room higher. And if the openwork bando is set to such a size that is larger than the window opening, then the effect of expanding the space is created.
You can make this type of lambrequins with your own hands, because the technology is quite simple. A rigid base is taken, the selected openwork pattern is applied to it, then everything is neatly cut out along the lines. After that, a beautiful fabric of the color you like is glued to the frame, then everything is decorated with braid or an interesting applique. If there is no artistic ability, then photos of openwork patterns that can be used as a kind of stencils can be found on the Internet.
How to make carved curly patterns, diagrams and stencils?
Before starting work, you need to take all measurements from the window opening. It is worth remembering that the length of the lambrequins themselves should be the same as the cornice. All pattern templates must correspond to the measurements obtained and take into account all the ornateness, rounding and the nature of the ornament.
Next, you need a bando or a rigid base, which can be self-adhesive or hot-melt. To make this openwork decor element, you will need a dense fabric. This material should not crumble, so that the work on making a lambrequin with your own hands is as simple as possible. This fabric should hold its shape well and not stretch.
Then it is worth deciding on the lining fabric (if required). A large number of these fabrics can be found in specialized stores. There you also need to purchase high-quality adhesive tape to connect the fabric and the bando. A beautiful braided cord or ribbon is suitable for decor, the main thing is that their color contrasts with the shade of the main fabric. It is these decorative elements that create an openwork effect.
Before you completely make a lambrequin pattern, it is worth making its mini-version out of paper and attach to the window to ensure the quality of the pattern and determine if it fits the general style rooms.
When the decor element is cut out, it is necessary to connect the blank for the bandeau with the fabric. After that, the fabric from the wrong side must be applied to the pattern of the rigid base. Take an iron and iron the fabric on top with steam, then wait a little for the fabric to cool completely, and iron it again, but without steam. After the performed manipulations, the bando and the fabric should be tightly attached to each other.
On the edge of the bandeau, you can attach a decorative ribbon or make a lined bandeau. To do this, you need to make a pattern according to the shape and size of the bando itself. The resulting pattern must be stitched from the seamy side, turned out and well ironed.
The gang is attached to the cornice using various types of Velcro or adhesive tape, which is attached both to the cornice itself and to the lambrequin.
Video: making an openwork lambrequin
Photo: examples of design on the window

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