How to quickly and easily wash kitchen towels in the microwave?

People always strive for cleanliness. Women have tried many ways to make textiles snow-white, because in the process of cooking they get dirty with catastrophic speed. And they found a completely unexpected solution. In this article, we will introduce our readers to a new method on how to microwave tea towels.

washing towels in the microwave

Can kitchen towels be microwaveable?

Almost all people have this electrical household appliance at home. But not everyone realizes that a microwave will help you wash tea towels with ease and in a short time. It sounds like you need to cook food in a washing machine. But it's not that bad. It's just that a person loves to experiment and find new useful properties of familiar objects, which led to the discovery of this super-way.

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Which is better - a washing machine or a microwave?

Of course, a microwave does not replace a washing machine. But in some cases it is more convenient. While the hostess is doing something in the kitchen, her towels will be washed in the microwave. The whole process takes several minutes, and in terms of efficiency it sometimes surpasses 1.5 hours of washing at maximum temperatures. And all this is under supervision in the kitchen, between times, without much effort.

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Which is better - a microwave or a washing machine v = dwcM1QDAIXk

When should you use this method?

Washing kitchen towels in the microwave is indispensable when you are short on time. From 2 to 5 minutes - and clean products are already drying. Plus, you don't have to wait until all the towels have been collected to load them into the washing machine. In this way, the microwave will help to deal with the dirt as it appears. Favorite towel got dirty - and after an hour (with drying) it is again clean and ready to use.

How it works?

Microwaving kitchen towels is like boiling them for hours. Just don't waste a lot of time breathing harmful vapor and waste gas or electricity for a regular stove. The essence of the method - when heated under the influence of waves, foreign particles between the fibers of the fabric are destroyed, detergent the product penetrates deeply, combines with unnecessary elements (food debris, dyes, fat) and extracts them from fabric. During rinsing, the dirt with the detergent is washed away, the fabric remains clean, without stains and unpleasant odors.

Towel in a bag in the microwave

Image taken from v = d_0GAqznYKY

How to wash kitchen towels in the microwave?

To wash kitchen towels in the microwave, you need to prepare everything in advance: laundry soap, dishwashing detergent, or regular powder. If whitening and stain removal is planned, appropriate remedies. It is recommended to take household soap, not toilet soap, as it contains more surfactants. Because of this, it removes dirt better.

Remove food further. Wash 1 to 3 towels at a time, no more. Do not mix colored fabrics with white ones, so as not to fade.

How to wash regular towels?

The following steps should be followed:

  1. Wet a towel.
  2. It is good to lather it on all sides with laundry soap. You can use dishwashing detergent and it works well with oil stains.
  3. Place the towel in a plastic bag without tying or closing it. This is necessary so that the steam generated during heating has an outlet.
  4. Send it to the microwave oven for 1 - 2 minutes at a power of 500 watts. In case of heavy dirt, the process can be repeated several times (at least a couple). The fabric should be not just warm, but very hot. Do not worry that the towels will quickly wear out and fail. Microwaves do not damage the fibers of the fabric, do not reduce the strength of the product. This method is safe for towels.
  5. Carefully open the oven door, steam may escape. In order not to burn yourself, it is better to stand for a few minutes until the material cools down. You can transfer the bag containing the contents with tongs to a bowl and rinse under water until all dirt is removed. Sometimes when rinsing, add a little soda (1 - 2 teaspoons). This will add even more freshness to the towels.
Washing towels in the microwave

Image taken from v = 9CVjYCcvA4I

How to wash long-pile towels in the microwave?

Long-pile towels will lose their softness with frequent washings. The villi acquire an untidy disheveled appearance, and become hard to the touch. To avoid this, terry and other fleecy fabrics should be rubbed not with soap, but with hair shampoo or special products. Then, after washing, the stains will disappear, and the pleasant soft delicate texture of the towel will remain.

Long and short nap towels

Image taken from v = LnDIZ3EoVf4

Many people do not recommend choosing terry towels for use in the kitchen. Linen and cotton products retain their attractive appearance longer.

How to remove stubborn stains?

The microwave oven can even cope with stubborn stains of fat, tea, juice, beets, coffee. Hostesses usually struggle with them with varying degrees of success. Before you put the towel in the bag, you need to treat it with a solution. A stain remover is added to the water and evenly allowed to be absorbed into the fabric. You can precisely apply the concentrate to the spot with the stain.

We wash towels in the microwave

Image taken from v = LnDIZ3EoVf4

Tomato and beetroot stains are well removed by sprinkling citric acid powder on them. Oily stains are treated with salt, then dishwashing liquid. Then all actions are repeated: warm up, rinse, dry.

Whitening towels in the microwave

Many housewives do not know that bleaching kitchen towels in the microwave is a very effective and quick way. For this, use the same chlorine or active oxygen-based products as for normal washing. Only exposure to microwaves helps to heat the fabric fibers and speeds up and simplifies the process.

Step by step how to bleach kitchen towels in the microwave:

  1. Prepare a bleaching solution in a microwave safe dish. Add about 100 g of bleach to 1 liter of water. For white fabrics, any means are suitable, for colored fabrics - only oxygen-containing ones, but not with chlorine.
  2. Put a towel in this container, it should absorb almost all the liquid.
  3. Cover and send to microwave oven. The exposure time is 10 - 15 minutes, the power is average (about 500 W).
  4. Allow the fabrics to cool down after finishing the appliance. Rinse thoroughly in running water several times.
how to bleach towels in the microwave

Image taken from v = _6GkDqSu-fQ

Safety precautions when working with a microwave

  1. Considering that a microwave oven is an electrical appliance, you should carefully place a wet towel so that drops of water do not accidentally fall into the outlet.
  2. The next rule is to use only those materials that are designed for microwave ovens: special dishes, polyethylene. Metal objects (soaking bowls), foil, film, paper bags for wrapping textiles are not suitable.
  3. Do not use more than the recommended power and the time is longer than 2 minutes. With more intense heating, polyethylene can overheat and cause a fire.
  4. It is advisable not to leave the appliance during a quick wash, at least for the first time. If something goes wrong, you can quickly react and turn off the oven.
  5. Always remember that the towel bag is very hot after intense heating. You should wait until it cools down a little, or pull it out using available tools (oven mitts, tongs).
Safety precautions when working with a microwave

Image taken from v = LnDIZ3EoVf4

After washing in the microwave, it is better to wipe the surface of the oven with a clean, damp sponge to remove any residual detergents that have come in contact with the steam. The best option is to use an old microwave oven for these purposes, in which food is no longer heated. If you bleach textiles in a “working” microwave, then find the opportunity to warm up other fabrics in a soapy solution - then the smell of bleach from the chamber will go away faster. As a last resort, leave the door wide open overnight.

It happens like this: having done something for the first time, the result is so impressive that the innovation firmly enters into life, becomes a habitual thing. According to the reviews of people who have tried this method, washing in the microwave perfectly removes stains and unpleasant odors from towels.

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