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A coffee magnet toy in the shape of a dog will be a good gift. Such a gift will not only decorate the refrigerator, but also fill the house with a wonderful aroma of coffee and spices.

Materials (edit)

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- Cotton fabric.
- Sintepon.
- White sewing thread and needle.
- Brown oil paint.
- Acrylic paints in white and black.
- Brush.
- Scissors.
- Pencil or white pencil.
- Magnet.
- Red ribbon.
- Bell.
To paint the toy, you will need the following components:

- Water - 200 ml.
- Black coffee - 1 pack.
- Cinnamon - 10 g.
- Vanilla sugar - 15 g.
Toy making process
- First, we need a diagram of the Dog. This scheme can be enlarged or reduced to the desired size.

- Cut out the Dog along the contour and apply the template to the fabric.

- Use a simple pencil to outline the template. We make the second workpiece in mirror image.

- We cut out both blanks. Along the contour of the blanks, we make a seam allowance.

- We connect both blanks to each other with needles. In this case, the fabric without pencil lines should be inside.

- Sew the details along the contour. At the bottom, in the area of the legs, we leave a hole for further stuffing the toy with padding polyester.

- We turn the product onto the front side.

- We fill the toy with padding polyester and sew up the hole at the bottom with the outer seam.

- Next, we start painting the toy. To do this, we brew aromatic coffee from the indicated components.

- Coloring the Dog. To do this, we moisten the sponge in coffee and with stamping movements we pass over the entire surface of the toy.

- We paint the Dog on both sides and leave to dry completely. You can dry the product both in the oven and in a warm room.

- When the Dog is dry, you can start marking the exterior. For this we use a simple or white pencil.

- Next, you need to draw all the outlines on the toy with brown oil paint. To do this, put paint on a sheet of paper and dip a brush into the paint. Then remove the paint from the brush in several movements. Then, with a light brown tint, we tint all the outlines on the toy.

- We paint the ears and the spot on the back with brown paint.

- We paint the nose with black paint, and the eyes with white paint.

- Next, draw the pupils with black paint and draw all the contours.

- We make white highlights on the nose and in the pupils. Draw a blush on the cheek.

- The dog is ready and you need to make a collar for it. To do this, you need a ribbon and a bell.

- We measure the tape in relation to the volume of the Dog's neck. Then we put a bell on the ribbon. We fix the tape on the neck of the toy.

- A dog with a collar looks beautiful.

- We attach a magnet on the back of the toy.

The "Funny Dog" toy is ready!

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