Classic kitchen design 12 sq. m with access to the balcony

A kitchen combined with a balcony is one of the most current design solutions. Often, the balcony serves as a place to store food, portable equipment and other things needed in the kitchen.

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Classic kitchen design

Attention! Earned on our website kitchen designer. You can familiarize yourself with it and design your dream kitchen for free! May also come in handy wardrobes designer.

Kitchen plan

The renovation was done in 2015, after the owners received the keys to the living area.

A lot of time was devoted to the design of the apartment, every little thing was important, but the kitchen received a lot of attention, because it is she who serves as a gathering place for the whole family.

And here is the result:

Classic cuisine

It was decided to lay the opening located between the kitchen and the room, and also to make a marking of metal-plastic pipes. While the owners were busy choosing the headset, the builders plastered and putty the walls.

The opening between the kitchen and the room

There were controversial issues in the choice of the interior style: the owner wanted

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high tech, and the owner - classics. But the wishes of the hostess were taken into account, since she spends more than her husband in this kitchen, therefore everything should be arranged first of all for her.


After all the options were considered, the choice was made towards the kitchen set from Geos Ideal. The price-quality ratio is also optimal. If we talk about the models, then they took "Simon", and in terms of color, the preference was given to "Valencia". The kitchen was handed over to the workers after discussing the project with the designer, but at that time very, very little had been done, and a lot had to be done.

Classic cuisine

A huge number of tile options were viewed. Many projects were made in various companies, but it was decided to focus on tiles from the Italian manufacturer Ceramica Alta, collection La Pietra Di Volta is for covering the part of the wall between the cooking area and the top wall cabinets (apron size 10×10). Pietra d'Assisi tiles from Cerdomus were chosen for the flooring.

Apron in the kitchen

The owner of the kitchen was engaged in the choice of technology independently, but the Internet, of course, came to the rescue with its forums and reviews. The choice fell on the equipment from the firms BOSCH and LG. All BOSCH equipment (dishwasher, refrigerator, induction hob) was purchased in Poland. It was planned to take white, but the price was slightly higher than one could afford. Design became the main criterion in choosing an LG refrigerator, but later it turned out that its functionality suited the whole family. Recommendations and feedback from family and friends helped me to buy a food processor, kettle, microwave oven and so on.


In the same Poland, a Blanco sink was purchased, and the Teko faucet perfectly matches the color of the sink.


Originally, the outlets were to be installed so that they were just above the countertop, not directly above it. By the way, the sockets were chosen from Legrand, the Valena series. But, returning to the question of installation of sockets, we can add that this option is convenient and successful to use.

The ceiling was made stretch and ordered from Pongs.


The wallpaper covering the walls was purchased from the building materials market (AS creation). The owners did their own gluing.


The light sources were divided into three parts: spotlights were located around the entire perimeter of the room. Above the table hangs a randomly purchased ARTE chandelier from the Austrian Light store. The cooking area has a homemade LED backlight.

Ceramic Tile Table Manufacturer - Malaysia. It was purchased from the Svisloch store. We haven't found the right chairs yet.

Table with ceramic tiles

This is not yet the end of the kitchen design. At the very least, you need to find the right curtains and chairs.

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