- 1 Harmful substances in detergents
- 2 Soap
3 Powders
- 3.1 Children's Tide
- 3.2 Eared babysitter
- 3.3 our mother
- 3.4 Baby spesi
- 3.5 Garden
- 3.6 Burti
- 3.7 Nanny
- 3.8 Babylain
- 3.9 Chu chu baby pigeon
- 3.10 Aistenok
4 Gels
- 4.1 Meine liebe
- 4.2 Ocean baby
- 4.3 Babyline
- 4.4 Pigeon act’z
- 5 Soap nuts
- 6 Conclusion

I do not know about you, but in my environment, more and more children are allergic. The reasons for this can be many, ranging from food and ending with the environment. But very often allergic reactions appear on the means for washing children's things.
Why is this happening? What is in them? And how to choose a product that wipes quality laundry, and the baby does not harm? I will try to understand this question.
Harmful substances in detergents
Any synthetic detergents harm both humans and the environment. But this is too broad a topic, I’ll dwell only on those components that are especially dangerous to the health of a newly born baby.

These certainly include:
- Anionic surfactants (A-surfactants) - salts of fatty acids. Baby detergent should not contain them at all or contain in very small quantities (no more than 5%). And the amount is easy to determine and independently: the stronger the foam, the more A-surfactants are in it. They are badly rinsed, especially from fabrics with a complex fiber structure: wool, flax.

- Phosphates. They act as hard water softeners, increasing washing efficiency. By themselves, they are not so dangerous, but in the company of A-surfactants they increase the toxicity of the latter and facilitate their penetration into the body through the skin. By European standards, their content should not exceed 5%.
- Optical bleach. These are substances that have a light-reflecting effect and transform the ultraviolet rays falling on clothes into a bluish tint. In other words, they do not whiten things, but only create such an illusion, visual deception. Optical bleach is not washed out of linen at all, otherwise it would not work. That's the point, so that it stays on the fabric. But, striving for such “unreal” cleanliness, we harm the newborn with our own hands, since harmful substances easily enter the body and accumulate in it.

- Zeolites Along with carbonates and silicates, they are harmless substitutes for phosphates. Yes, they do not carry health hazards, but they make the fabric stiff and rough to the touch, as they do not dissolve in water. But it is better to wash the clothes of a newborn with zeolites, not phosphates.
The listed substances in one or another quantity are contained in most detergents. From this you can not escape, if you do not want to dress your baby in gray clothes with stains.
However, you should always carefully examine the composition of soap or powder before buying, choosing those in which the harmful components are less or not at all. Especially if the child is prone to allergies.
In order not to waste time on it in the store, let's explore some popular tools right now.
Older people believe that they know better than modern lazy youth how to wash children's clothes correctly. And they rest on the fact that soap is much safer than powder, and hand washing is better than machine wash.
To agree or not is your business. I think that you still need to look at the composition and compare. Modern eco-friendly powders are much safer than baby soap, and even more so household. Well, I see no reason to refuse the benefits of civilization.

The main active ingredient of any soap is salts of fatty acids. That is, the very surfactants. Baby soap for newborns also contains them. If they are of plant origin - normal. If the origin is not indicated, then most likely these are refined products.
In this case, it is better to use powder without PVA, and only wash stains with soap. And while the baby is only breastfed or a mixture, any soap will cope with them. But after the introduction of complementary foods will require special.

If you still prefer this option, but do not want to waste time on hand washing, then you probably use a grater to make soap chips. Indeed, otherwise washing things in a typewriter with soap will not work.

But now there are ready-made chips, including for children's things. It is better to use it, since it is very difficult to determine the dosage of homemade. And on the packaging is ready to use instructions.
Compliance with the dosage affects not only the effectiveness of washing. The fact is that if you fill the machine with more than you need, you will get too much foam, and it will crawl out of it.

You should not think that if a touching picture is drawn on the pack and the word “childish” flaunts, then this is a guarantee that the powder does not contain harmful substances and is fully adapted for kids. Very often this is not the case, and some besfosfatnyh powders without child labeling are much safer.
Therefore, I repeat once again: be sure to study the composition of cleaning products and detergents! Right now, let's start with the example of the most sought-after brands. For convenience, especially dangerous substances will be highlighted in bold.
Children's Tide

- A-surfactant – 5-15%;
- Phosphates – 15-30%;
- Optical bleach;
- Oxygenated bleach;
- Polycarboxylate;
- Non-ionic surfactants;
- EDTA less than 5%;
- Enzymes;
- Chamomile extract;
- Odorant.
In my opinion, it is obvious that the composition does not inspire confidence. Roskontrol also noted this, having recognized the Tide washing powder for children as toxic and dangerous for kids.
By the way, you can compare the cost of one wash by different means. Since prices are constantly changing, and they differ in different regions of the country, I will give the amount of powder, necessary for one wash, and you already count how much it will cost based on the weight and cost of packaging.
For example, the same Tide at one time needs about 150 g. At the cost of a six-kilogram pack of 850 rubles, one wash will cost approximately 21-22 rubles.
Eared babysitter

Not so long ago, many media trumpeted the dangers of this Ukrainian-made product. Opinions were expressed about the political background of the ban on its importation into Russia. However, it is enough to study the composition to make an independent conclusion.
- A-surfactant – 5-15%;
- Phosphates – 15-30%;
- Optical bleach;
- Sulfates - 15-30%;
- Oxygenated bleach;
- Silicates - 5-15%;
- Carbonates - 5-15%;
- Non-ionic surfactants;
- Enzymes;
- Antifoam;
- Odorant.
So what kind of laundry detergent for newborns? True, I later met the information that he was rehabilitated. Perhaps the manufacturer has corrected the composition, so again: we study it carefully.
The amount of this product per wash is 160 grams.
our mother

It is quite another matter! Judge for yourself:
- Enzymes - up to 5%;
- Sodium citrate;
- Sodium carbonate;
- Sodium percarbonate;
- Biodegradable non-ionic detergents - 5-15%
- Sodium sulfate - 15-30%
- Functional polymers.
This is a real baby powder for newborns. It is also very economical: it only takes 50 grams per wash.
Baby spesi

Phosphates in this tool really do not, look at the rest of the composition:
- A-surfactant – 5-15%;
- Zeolites - 15-30%;
- Optical bleach;
- Non-ionic surfactants - up to 5%;
- Polycarboxylate;
- Soap.
Phosphates are replaced by zeolites, which is already good. But anionic surfactants and optical bleach are present. In addition, it is not clear what is meant by the common name "soap".
The price of this powder is quite high - I met 1.8 kg for 580 rubles. If we take 115 grams at a time, then one wash will cost 37 rubles.

I must say: this is not a baby powder. Normal, versatile. But compare its composition at least with the same Tayd or Eared Nyan and, as they say, feel the difference.
- Natural salts of fatty acids - 30% and above;
- Soda - 60% and higher;
- Citric acid - up to 5%.
Everything! So would it not be better to wash children's clothes for them, and not with advertised means, whose whitening properties are “optical”?
Consumption per wash - 60 grams.

- Anionic tensides – 5-15%;
- Non-ionic tensides - up to 5%;
- Zeolite - 15-30%;
- Polycarbonate;
- Enzymes;
- Soap.
In addition, the powder contains substances that retain the brightness of color, which makes it convenient for washing colored items. Yes, and the composition is not particularly scary, and fuel consumption - 50 grams.

Like "Our Mother", this product occupies the first lines of the safety rating, as it does not contain any surfactants, or phosphates, or even zeolites or dyes. Although not so long ago there were phosphates in it, so we study the label - what if you get a product from the old batch.
What is in it?
- Enzymes - up to 5%;
- Biodegradable non-ionic surfactants - 5-15%;
- Sodium sulfate - 15-30%;
- Sodium carbonate;
- Sodium percarbonate;
- Sodium citrate;
- Functional polymers.
Consumption - 70 g.

- A-surfactant – 5-15%;
- Phosphonates (better than phosphates, but also not ice);
- Ionic surfactant - up to 5%;
- Oxygen stain remover;
- Soap.
Attracts low consumption: only 45 g per wash. If the child has no special problems with the skin and allergic manifestations, it is an acceptable means.
Chu chu baby pigeon

Excellent baby detergent without a hint of any hazards:
- Pure soap reagent - 54%;
- Sodium fatty acids - 3%;
- Alkaline reagent;
- Polyoxyethylene alkyl;
- Water softeners;
- Carbonates.
Of all those listed, this is probably the most expensive powder: in terms of 1 kg it costs about 400 rubles. But for one wash you need only 30 grams.

Aistenok became a phosphate-free not so long ago, before these substances were in it. As for the other components, here they are:
- Nonionic surfactants - up to 5%;
- Soap on a natural fatty basis - 5-15%;
- Oxygenated bleach;
- Optical bleach;
- Bleach activator;
- Polycarboxylate;
- Sodium silicate;
- Foam regulator;
- Aromatic additives.
At one time, this powder was banned by Roscontrol because of its increased toxicity. As now - I do not know, I will not lie. There are harmful substances in it, but it costs ridiculous money, so decide for yourself. Consumption 75 grams.
If you talk about what is better means - powder or gel - then I would choose a gel. The size of the active particles in it is smaller, so they are rinsed out much better. Accordingly, and cause allergies less.
The price of washing gels compared with powders is higher if they are reduced to one unit of measurement. But thanks to economical consumption, they last for a long time. In addition, they are getting cheaper every year, ceasing to be a novelty on the market.
Let's analyze several types of this tool.
Meine liebe

- Non-ionic surfactants - 15-30%;
- Enzymes - up to 5%;
- Soap - up to 5%;
- Glycerol;
- Preservatives;
- Sodium citrate.
All components are harmless or relatively safe. Consumption - 60 ml.
Ocean baby

Here the picture is somewhat sadder:
- A-surfactant – 5-15%;
- Non-ionic surfactants - up to 5%;
- Soap;
- Coconut oil fatty acid;
- Phenoxyethanol;
- Lemon acid;
- Glycerol.
Previously, I came across a tool with the same name, but the production of Denmark. There was no A-surfactant in it. So read the label before buying. Consumption - 75 ml.

An old acquaintance - we have already considered the powder of the same company. The composition of the gel is almost the same:
- A-surfactant – 5-15%;
- Non-ionic surfactants;
- Phosphonates - up to 5%;
- Soap;
- Preservatives;
- Odorant.
But inexpensive and economical, this does not take away. Consumption - 40 ml.
Pigeon act’z

- A-surfactant – 5-15%;
- Diethanolamine;
- Akil benzene sulfonate;
- Lauric acid;
- Sodium hydroxide;
- Myristic acid;
- Citron extract
Consumption - 36 ml.
Soap nuts
Perhaps this is the only guaranteed natural remedy, completely hypoallergenic and safe. Unfortunately, soap nuts cope only with the washing of lightly soiled linen. For example, wet diapers and linen without stains.

But they can be used in washing machines, packed in a cloth bag. It is often attached to the product. It is washed only at high temperature.
So, how to wash things of a newborn, so as not to harm him, and get rid of stains? I think we need an integrated approach and attention to the reaction of the child to one or another means. But it is better to refuse powders and gels with a large amount of harmful substances immediately, without experimenting. I hope the information in this article will help you make the right choice.
And if you have already done it and are happy with the result, it would be interesting to hear your feedback. Or rather, see them in the comments to the article.
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