How to glue wallpaper for painting: step-by-step instructions with video

Decorating walls in living rooms takes a lot of time and effort, so some users choose wallpaper for this. Roll materials with texture are able to hide minor irregularities in the base. In addition, wallpapering the walls will take very little time. From our article we will learn how to glue paintable wallpaper in living rooms.

Wallpaper gluing

Choosing a wallpaper for painting

In the modern construction market, there is a huge number of types of wallpaper designed for further coloring. Each of the roll materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's get acquainted with them in more detail:

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  1. Non-woven products are considered the most popular variety. This material is composed of synthetic fiber and cellulose. The surface is embossed with foamed vinyl. Non-woven wallpaper gluing for painting is fast. Their positive features are considered to be lightness and ease of installation, the ability to mask small cracks and other wall defects. Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to point out the relative fragility of vinyl, as well as the stretching of the canvases when glued to the walls.
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  2. Glass fiber is made from caustic soda, dolomite and quartz sand. As a result of mixing such raw materials, a fabric that is resistant to mechanical stress is obtained. Such products have increased wear resistance, they are non-flammable and easy to clean. Glass fiber is easily washed and cleaned of dirt with a brush, so it is recommended to use them in public areas. Of the minuses, it is necessary to point out the high cost, a dim pattern, as well as the need to prepare the base before pasting.
  3. Paper products are considered the most economical option. Such wallpapers are considered environmentally friendly, since they consist of two layers of paper, are able to hide wall defects, and have a low price. The disadvantages are the possibility of rupture of the panels during pasting, deformation during shrinkage of the enclosing structures, as well as a limited period of operation (up to 5 years).

When choosing wallpaper, you need to be guided by your taste and financial capabilities.

How to glue paintable wallpaper on walls

First you need to choose the glue for a certain type of roll materials. Universal adhesives are selected for paper products, non-woven roll materials and glass wallpaper are fixed on a special glue. To preserve the texture of the pattern, gluing wallpaper for painting with your own hands starts from the window.

How to prepare the surface

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to clean the surface of the walls from fragments of old wallpaper or areas with paint. Holes and cracks in the base are putty, significant differences in height are filled with plaster. After leveling the surface and drying the solution, the walls are impregnated with a primer. Next, they begin to fix the first canvas.

Marking and slicing

Not every user knows how to stick paintable wallpaper on walls. The sheets must be tightly fitted and butt-glued. Work begins on the left side of the window, then moves counterclockwise. For proper gluing of the first sheet, it is necessary to use a level or plumb line. With these tools, a vertical line is drawn at a distance of 50 centimeters from the window.

When gluing glass fiber or roll materials on a non-woven base, the glue is applied only to the base. In the case of gluing paper analogs, the fabric itself is impregnated with an adhesive mixture.

All strips are cut to the height of the room with the addition of 5-7 centimeters to cover irregularities and joints with the floor and ceiling. The glue is applied to the panel and wait 7-10 minutes for it to soak. The top of the strip is pressed against the wall and aligned. Next, the roll material is smoothed with a special brush or roller, from the central part to the edges. The excess parts are cut off with a sharp knife.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper for painting

For pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper, you need the following tool:

  • glue;
  • roller;
  • soft tissue;
  • a brush for applying glue.

First you need to prepare the base, remove the old finish and fill in all the irregularities with plaster or putty. Next, we prepare the glue and cut the wallpaper into panels of the required length. The first strip is attached strictly in the vertical direction; when aligning the rest of the panels, you need to monitor the coincidence of the pattern.

Using a brush, glue is applied to the surface of the base, a strip is applied and air is expelled from under it using a roller or soft cloth. After smoothing, there should be no traces of bubbles on the wall. Remove excess glue from the wall with a rag.

Glass fiber for painting

We start by preparing the wall and applying a primer. When the solution dries, we spread glue on the base along the width of the strip with a margin of 2 centimeters. Not everyone knows how to glue wallpaper for painting. In this case, the panels are glued by the joining method; an overlap can be done only with significant irregularities in the walls with further cutting of the seam.

The first strip is aligned with the marking line. Wallpaper gluing is carried out from top to bottom; the entire canvas should not be fixed on the wall. Glass fiber has a porous structure, so excess glue can bleed through the material. The drops are rubbed over the surface and used as a primer. This will reduce paint consumption. The joints should be invisible against the background of the wall.

We glue paper and vinyl wallpapers on a paper backing

The process of pasting walls with paper trellises is no different from fixing similar materials. We prepare the wall, draw a marking line, cover the base and panel with glue. After absorbing the mixture, we proceed to pasting the room.

It has been noticed that these roll materials can deform due to temperature changes. They should not be placed near a stove, boiler or fireplace. The disadvantage of standard products is poor air permeability. The purchase of material with micropores will help to solve the problem.

Features of gluing in corners and near openings

Next, we will tell you how to glue and paint wallpaper for painting in hard-to-reach places. At pasting corners the panels overlap each other, about 2 millimeters. Work must start from the door or window to mask the seam. Next, we measure the number of stripes up to the corner along the width of the roll, draw a vertical line on the wall. It is from this mark that we will glue the tapestries.

First, we glue a strip from an uneven corner, and the side of the material that is on the wall should be strictly vertical. Carefully smooth the product and then glue another trellis. The strips at the junction should fit snugly together without kinks or bends. Next, we take a building rule and a sharp clerical knife, cut the wallpaper from top to bottom vertically, remove excess pieces, smooth out the strip.

In places of window and door openings, wallpaper is pasted in the usual manner with the combination of the pattern. Unnecessary excess material is cut with scissors or a knife. Next, the rolled material is smoothed with a roller.

How and what to paint wallpaper for painting

For coloration panels are used latex, water-dispersion, acrylic and water-based types of paints. It is advisable to apply a water-based emulsion on paper roll materials, it is better to cover glass wallpapers with latex or acrylic paint. The dyes are applied to the surface using a roller. A brush is used to paint hard-to-reach places.

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