Caring for suede products: tips, secrets and popular recipes


  • 1 Natural and artificial: features of care
  • 2 Council of the master of shoe affairs
    • 2.1 Summer
    • 2.2 In winter
    • 2.3 Folk recipes
    • 2.4 We are looking for solutions to complex problems.
  • 3 Clothes and accessories
  • 4 Summing up
Suede clothes are not only a fashion trend, but also a very warm version of winter clothes.Suede clothes are not only a fashion trend, but also a very warm version of winter clothes.

Suede - a material that does not lose its popularity. Here and again, looking at photos from fashion shows, I understand that suede jackets, skirts, sandals and boots will flit in the streets with enviable regularity. Today I would like to tell you how to care for things made of suede at home, so that it preserves its original color and shape as long as possible.

Natural and artificial: features of care

Natural suede requires some care.Natural suede requires some care.

Under suede understand the soft skin of animals, made by the method of fat tanning. Most often, goat and deer skins are used in production.

Faux suede produce woven and nonwoven. In the case of the first, the velvet surface is obtained by splitting microfibre yarns, for the second one they use the method of gluing the pile to the fabric base.

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Artificial material can withstand washing in an average temperature range and ironing, which makes it easier to clean.

Council of the master of shoe affairs

The main enemies of suede shoes - dust and moistureThe main enemies of suede shoes - dust and moisture

Let's start with the shoe care issue.


It would seem that any difficulties may arise in the summer? The fact is that the dust is actively deposited on the suede, making it dull and scruffy:

A photo Recommendations
table_pic_att15105852973 Step 1. Dusting.

To do this, arm yourself with a flannel napkin. Try to shake the profits, while gently pressing the top layer of the material itself.

table_pic_att15105852974 Step 2. Washing with soapy water.

Bath day favorite sandals better to organize using dissolved children's soap or powder for delicate wash.

table_pic_att15105852985 Step 3. Drying.

For drying, I recommend using a “slippery” fabric, for example, silk.

Thoroughly wipe the suede and leave to complete (self!) Drying.

Use special protective equipment for suede shoes. They create a protective film on the surface of the material, which prevents the absorption of dust and dirt.

Instructions for use Salamander Professional Nubuc Velours Fresh (price - from 450 rubles.)Instructions for use Salamander Professional Nubuc Velours Fresh (price - from 450 rubles.)

If a satisfactory result was not achieved, suede shoes can be held over the steam. Thus, with a liter of water, you lift the pile and return the original color.

For daily care, be sure to purchase a porous, hard sponge, rubber brush and special cleaning foam.For daily care, be sure to purchase a porous, hard sponge, rubber brush and special cleaning foam.

I recommend to pay attention to:

  • Salton for shoes made of suede, nubuck, textiles;
  • Collonil 546 Velor + Nubuk;
  • Salamander Professional Nubuc Velours Fresh.

In winter

The main troubles that await suede shoes in winter are salt stains. If they have already "settled" on your favorite boots, use cream paint. It will not only get rid of unattractive divorces, but also return the brightness of the color.

Painting your own hands is not difficult.Painting your own hands is not difficult.

I advise you to look at:

  • Kaps Suede Dye;
  • Wilbra Dressing Liquido;
  • Silver CD1L025;
  • GoldCare 2002.

A little secret to lovers of brown suede shoes. You can freshen brown suede with a brush dipped in a rich coffee grounds.

Coffee grounds can tint brown suedeCoffee grounds can tint brown suede

No less formidable winter enemy - moisture. So that the material does not lose its properties and appearance, do not forget to systematically treat with water-repellent sprays. For example: Salamander, Collonil, NikiLine.

Water repellent spray protects shoes from moisture and dirtWater repellent spray protects shoes from moisture and dirt

If the shoes, despite all efforts, are soaked, dry them only on special shoes, as far as possible from direct sources of pace, such as batteries and fireplaces.

Folk recipes

A photo Recipes
table_pic_att151058530810 Rye bread

Products made of suede very well restore the pile, if you wipe them with a crust of rye bread and hold over the steam.

width = "288" Soda and Milk

1 teaspoon of soda, mixed with milk, allows you to remove greasy stains, which very often appear in the upper part of shoes and boots.

We are looking for solutions to complex problems.

A photo Recipes
table_pic_att151058530911 Unpleasant smell.

The point is in the bacteria, which are settled in the pile.

To lift it, hold the shoes over the steam for a quarter of an hour and dry thoroughly.

table_pic_att151058531512 Shiny spots.

The problem is solved with a solution of vinegar.

The solution is prepared from a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of vinegar and applied to the sunken area.

table_pic_att151058531613 Divorces.

Kerosene can be used to clean suede.

Means in a small amount is applied on a napkin and only then on shoes.

table_pic_att151058531714 Ingrained dirt.

If the classic brush and dry cleaning is powerless, arm yourself with a solution of liquid soap and ammonia.

Gently use a brush to apply the solution, smoothly and effortlessly clean the contaminated area and blot with a soft cloth.

Ammonia is added in the amount of 2-3 grams

Clothes and accessories

To care for things from suede, there are also special brushes, carefully raising the pile.

Things from suede need to be cleaned only a special brushThings from suede need to be cleaned only a special brush

Sticky and greasy stains are easy to remove with corn starch, which is applied in a thin layer and left for several hours. Remnants are removed with the same brush.

If we can easily hold the shoes over the steam, then it is more difficult to organize the care of clothes made of suede, for example, men's jackets. I advise you to hang it in the bathroom on the hangers, after you take a hot shower or bath.

The organization of the proper care of suede involves the application of moisture protection agents after each cleaning.The organization of the proper care of suede involves the application of moisture protection agents after each cleaning.

Natural suede does not tolerate improper storage. When it comes to seasonal things, choose dry, well-ventilated rooms, forget about attics and basements.

To avoid any creases on a suede item, use cotton bags or even old pillow cases to carry things.To avoid any creases on a suede item, use cotton bags or even old pillow cases to carry things.

Summing up

I hope my homemade recipes for proper care for clothes and shoes came in handy. Do you have secrets of storing suede clothes, washing and ironing? Share them with our readers. And be sure to watch the useful video in this article.

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