How to effectively clean the microwave at home?

There are quite a few ways to remove fat from microwave ovens. However, for specific models, there are restrictions in the choice of accessories for cleaning. In addition, if there are no special cleaning agents in the house, then you can clean the microwave using available tools.

How to clean the microwave

The nuances of quick cleaning based on the microwave material

Depending on the material of manufacture, the inner chamber of the microwave oven can be:

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  • Enamelled;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Ceramic.

The undoubted advantage of enameled electrical appliances is that fat is not absorbed into their walls. This creates excellent conditions for cleaning the inside of the microwave. However, the enamelled protective layer does not tolerate mechanical stress. Rust is subsequently formed in the places of scratches. Therefore, when cleaning enamelled ovens, do not use abrasive tools, as well as any other means that can scratch the walls of the device.

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Microwave on the table

Microwave ovens made of stainless materials do not undergo wear during temperature changes and tolerate mechanical stress quite well. But these appliances, unlike enameled microwaves, are susceptible to grease and other contaminants. Any method is suitable for cleaning these devices. However, all the same abrasive tools leave behind scratches on the surface of the device.

In ceramic ovens smoothness of enamel and high strength of stainless materials are combined. Such a surface can be easily washed off with a damp sponge.

Tips Before Cleaning Your Microwave Oven

To remove all dirt from the microwave oven, first remove the glass tray and wire rack. An empty electrical appliance is wiped sequentially from top to bottom. After that, one of the methods described below carries out a major cleaning of the electrical appliance.

Microwave cleaning

Folk ways - an easy way to wash fat at home

Of course, store-bought cleaning products contain all the necessary components, but sometimes it happens that there is no special solution in the house. In this case, come to the rescue improvised means, which will quickly and easily help you get rid of old microwave stains.

Can i clean my microwave with lemon and citric acid?

Microwave, cleaned citric acid, will have not only a clean chamber, but also a pleasant citrus scent. If acid is not possible, regular lemons can be used instead. However, frequent use of citric acid to clean an enamel microwave oven will destroy the protective layer of the device. Therefore, to preserve the integrity of the electrical appliance, the product can be used no more than once a week.

Lemon and citric acidThe rest of the materials from which the microwave ovens are made will not be harmed by citric acid.

To prepare the cleaning liquid you will need:

  • 500 ml of oxen;
  • capacity;
  • four large tablespoons of citric acid or two small lemons.

Citric acid is added to a container of water and stirred.

If used natural lemons, then to obtain juice, citruses are cut in half and squeezed. Use as many lemons as you need to make four tablespoons of juice. The resulting consistency is placed in a microwave oven, which is turned on at full power. The device works until the concentrate in it boils and begins to evaporate. Typically, the time until steam appears is 5 to 15 minutes.

After a short evaporation of the liquid, the microwave oven is turned off and left for 15 minutes. Next, wipe the chamber clean with a clean sponge soaked in the same solution.

How to clean a microwave oven with baking soda?

There are two ways to clean your microwave with baking soda. Both methods are effective and easy to perform.


Steamed soda

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • two large spoons of baking soda;
  • capacity;

After adding two tablespoons of soda to the water, the container with the resulting solution is placed in a microwave oven, where it is heated to a boil. The steam generated in this case settles on the walls of the chamber and affects the stable layers of fat. The solution should boil for about 3 minutes, allowing the steam to spread around the entire perimeter of the chamber.

After turning off the microwave, the door opens after 10 minutes. Drops of fat and other stubborn dirt are removed with a damp sponge, after which the entire space of the appliance is wiped.

Soap solution with soda

In this case, in addition to one tablespoon of soda, shavings of laundry soap are added to the water, which can be obtained using a vegetable grater.

The ingredients added to the water are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting product is poured into a water spray. With the help of a household spray bottle, liquid is sprayed along the walls of the microwave. And after 30 minutes after spraying, the chamber is wiped off with a damp sponge.

"Steam room" is the best way to clean old dirt

You can wash the microwave ovens from grease and other contaminants with ordinary steam. In everyday life, this method is called "steam room". Its essence lies in the fact that during the boiling of water, steam is formed, which affects the ingrained pollution. The incomparable advantage of this method is the absence of additional ingredients.

To use the method, you just need to have:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • Capacity.

Within fifteen minutes after the water boils, the microwave chamber is bathed in steam, then all dirt is removed with a damp sponge. The boiling time depends on the stability of the plaque.

We wash the microwave in 5 minutes without difficulty using vinegar

If to clean the microwave oven use vinegar, then there is no need to doubt the quality result. The bite can eat away even the most ingrained traces of fat. However, its use is accompanied by the release of a pungent odor. Therefore, cleaning the microwave oven must be carried out in a ventilated area.

For the vinegar solution you will need:

  • Two large spoons of vinegar or one teaspoon of 70% essence;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • Capacity.

After adding vinegar to the water, the resulting liquid is placed in the microwave, which is turned on at maximum power. The period of operation of the device depends on the boiling time of the solution. After the consistency begins to turn into steam, the appliance should work for about 3 minutes. And the solution placed in the microwave should stay there for another 10 minutes. Then, a wet treatment of the chamber is carried out with a sponge or rag. And since vinegar is quite caustic, after the main treatment, the entire surface of the device is wiped clean. It is advisable to carry out this procedure several times.

Glass cleaner for removing very stubborn dirt

Glass cleaner can be used not only for its intended purpose. It is also great for removing dirt from the microwave. Moreover, the tool will not cause any damage to the electrical appliance.

Glass cleaners

To tidy up the microwave oven with a glass cleaner, you need to prepare:

  • Water;
  • Capacity;
  • Glass cleaning products.

The detergent is diluted with water in a 2: 1 ratio. After that, the resulting consistency is applied over the entire area of ​​the device. In order for the liquid to act on fat, as well as on other food debris, it must be allowed to soak for 15 minutes. Further, all plaque is removed with a sponge dipped in the same solution. Then, the microwave is wiped with a clean sponge until all the applied solution is washed out of the appliance.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing detergents

Because dishwashing detergents are primarily intended to remove fat, then cleaning them in the microwave is a reasonable method. However, the build up of grease in the microwave is significantly different from grease on dirty dishes. At least the fact that in the chamber of the electrical appliance it is mostly already dried up. This makes it much more difficult to clean the device. Therefore, for an effective result, the dishwashing detergent is applied to a soft sponge and foamed. The resulting foam is pounded along the entire perimeter of the microwave oven chamber and absorbed within 15 minutes. After that, the product is washed off with a clean sponge.

Household chemicals

Microwave cleaning using household cleaning products carried out exclusively with rubber gloves. The solution is applied around the entire perimeter of the appliance and is absorbed into the plaque within 5 minutes. Then, the applied cleaner is removed along with the exfoliated grease and other contaminants.

However, before using household chemicals, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Bad smells

Without special means to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the microwave, you can use one of the products that can be found in every home.

Cleaning Products List:

  • Salt;
  • Coffee;
  • Activated carbon.

Because salt is able to absorb all kinds of odors, then in a small chamber of the microwave oven its property will be fully revealed. To do this, half a glass of salt is poured into any container and placed in an electrical appliance for three hours. During this time, the salt will remove the unpleasant odor from the microwave.

Like salt coffee able to absorb persistent odors. To clean the microwave with coffee, you need a damp sponge, on which it is applied. The resulting consistency is carefully rubbed into the chamber of the electrical appliance, three hours are given for absorption. And then, the microwave oven is wiped clean.

Copes with unpleasant odors and Activated carbon. Already crushed, it is placed in the microwave for 12 hours. This method will require at least ten charcoal tablets.

Video: helpful tips

In order for the microwave oven to serve for a long time and remain in proper form, the device must be cleaned at least twice a month. However, it is highly undesirable to use abrasive agents, as they will damage the device body. In addition, metal brushes, which crumble heavily, can leave behind fine shavings. Why microwave fire cannot be avoided.

When heating food, it is advisable to use a plastic cap that protects the chamber space from splashes of fat. However, if there is no such device in the house, then instead of it you can cover the food with any glass container or cling film. But if drops of fat get on the walls of the electrical appliance after heating the food, then it is better to wash the contaminated areas immediately, without waiting for them to dry out.

Despite all the variety, some methods of cleaning microwave ovens have their own subtleties. For example, if vinegar is used, then the room must be ventilated. Also, we must not forget that abrasive materials can damage the surface of the device.

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