Microwave bracket: how to choose and install

The Microwave Bracket is a small device that is in great demand. The common people and professional interior designers have long appreciated these essential holders. Unfortunately, our small apartments cannot boast of extra space. Sometimes there is simply nowhere to expand it, but the microwave, such a necessary attribute of our time, still wants to. Often, of all the placement options, only the most unreliable remain - on the refrigerator, windowsill or washing machine.

And then the wall mount for the microwave comes to the rescue. It is very profitable to use it: it saves space, additionally protects the device from small children, the stove is placed safely, it will not fall or slide to the side.

Microwave oven on a bracket

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Operating principle

The bracket for microwave ovens on the wall consists of two metal corners of different lengths. One side through a hole is attached to the vertical part of the room, and the second (longer) is a stand for the stove - it can be retractable or fixed. Also, the supports differ from each other in design and method of attachment to the wall.

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Most often, you can find one-piece structures on sale in which the length of the front supports is constant. But recently, transformer holders have appeared. The front panels are hidden and movable, and their length can be changed at your request due to the sliding departure mechanism.

The non-retractable microwave hanger is designed for specific microwave models. But the retractable ones are suitable for almost all devices, since the bracket can be adjusted. But the retractable mechanism will fail faster due to moving parts. And it always costs more.

Microwave on a hanging shelf

How to choose the right bracket

When choosing brackets for your microwave oven, the most important thing is maximum load. Information about this can always be found on the price tag or in the instructions. When determining your microwave weight limit, remember that expensive multifunctional items are always heavier than simple models.

Be sure to add a few kilograms to the weight of an empty microwave, taking into account the dishes and food you cook. The data in the data sheet does not include products that are placed inside. Therefore, if you are only going to warm up, you should add an extra kilogram. And if the technical characteristics allow for cooking (for example, chicken), the weight load on the bracket should be increased to 5 kg.

Other important characteristics: the position in space occupied by the bracket, the design of the device and its size.

Measure the actual dimensions of the instrument before purchasing. There should always be a gap of 15 to 25 cm between the microwave oven and the wall. When purchasing a pendant holder, add its distance to the depth of the microwave and make sure there is enough space. Remember that the depth is different for each microwave. And if the length is easy enough to adjust (by placing the corners of the holders wider), then the depth in an unregulated device cannot be changed in any way.

Pay attention to the overhang of the corner, which is fixed and adjustable. The latter is more versatile and microwaves of all sizes are installed on it. And the first is more reliable, since there are no wearing parts in the design.

Often the color of the supports is important to match the interior of your kitchen. If the microwave is chrome-plated or in high-tech style, then a bracket of the same color will do, which will form a single whole with the device. Also check out the photos of contrasting holders, classic white or self-printed.

Preference should be given to a well-known manufacturer, with a guarantee for welded and mechanical joints. For well-known brands, it is 5-7 years old and information about this is in the instructions. Otherwise, a microwave oven that has collapsed from a height will not only not save money when buying a bracket from an unknown manufacturer, but will also force you to spend money on new equipment.

What is the difference between microwave brackets

There are several types of bracket. The average weight that they can withstand is 30-45 kg.

  • Simple, ergonomic and common designs. They are two identical corners attached at a short distance from each other. Such holders are quite cheap and can be purchased at a price of 450 rubles.
  • Additional wall guide with 2 corners moving freely along it. In this case, the width of the microwave oven can be anything.
  • The best and most expensive mounts are swivel ones that resemble a shelf on a handle. With this microwave stand on the wall, you can change the position of the appliance in space. They use a special alloy, with a very durable top layer that does not lend itself to deformation. Inside, the metal is half-empty and lightweight,

Microwave Oven Bracket

How to install

  1. Steel bolts of the required diameter and length should be purchased. Make sure that the bolt heads do not protrude too far above the supports. The wall itself must be concrete or brick, capable of withstanding a large weight, with a layer of plaster no more than 5 mm.
  2. Choose a place for the microwave oven. The main thing is that the device is not close to the gas stove. If you have schoolchildren, try to accommodate their height so that they can reach the appliance on their own. It is advisable that an electrical outlet is located nearby, the wires do not hang down, and there are no hidden highways (electrical wires or other divorces) in the wall.
  3. Use a level to draw horizontal lines on the wall with a pencil. Make indentations with a drill or hammer drill in the required places. There must be at least 4 of them. Place plastic dowels in the holes. The depth of the holes is always slightly greater than the length of the dowels.
  4. The last step is to fix the corners of the bracket with screws, put washers on them and place the microwave. Check that the fasteners are secure, see if the structure is loose and if your bracket is level. Now all that remains is to connect the device to the outlet.

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