Kitchen interior in shades of khaki with brown patina

From time to time, each family is faced with the housing issue. So, when our son grew up, we had questions about how and where we are going to live now. Financial opportunities are severely limited, and we could not afford to buy new housing. Therefore, I had to think about how to build a one-room apartment with minimal costs.

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Housing was found in a nearby new building, square meters in a new house from the developer could be purchased on favorable terms, the interest on the loan is much lower than in similar banks. We decided to buy a one-room apartment. The area is large enough, 54 square meters, and the redevelopment made it possible to obtain a euro-apartment.

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Kitchen plan

The design bureau was engaged in the development of the project, the solution completely satisfied us. The new plan can be seen in the photo.

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Kitchen plan

By the end of 2017, all permits were obtained and we started renovations. We hired a team of builders who did an excellent job in just two and a half months. As a result, we celebrated the new year in a new place. A modern spacious apartment with a separate bedroom, a dressing room and a washerwoman pleases us to this day.

Kitchen plan

Experts helped us decide on a color scheme, select materials for finishing. We made special demands on the kitchen, since we combined this room with the living room. It was important to combine functionality and comfort. Therefore, the choice was made for a kitchen set with straight fronts.

The interior is dominated by white, the headset had to be chosen in a different tone so that it looked harmonious and at the same time did not merge with the rest of the environment. We really wanted cappuccino-colored facades, but they couldn't offer us just such a color. Therefore, we settled on a khaki shade with a brown patina. The color is interesting, unbroken, pleasant.

Kitchen facades

The advantage of the choice was that we have successfully selected the dining group in a single color scheme. The factory works with just such materials and tones. An experienced salon designer Kitchen Chef helped us with the choice of room design and kitchen appliances.

Kitchen view

In the end, it turned out what was intended. It was not easy to realize this, but it is important that all our wishes and my son's were taken into account in full. Until he got married, he will live in this apartment, then we will change, and I will move here.


The total cost of home improvement was about 1.3 million rubles, this amount includes preparation work and the implementation of the redevelopment project, payment for the services of workers, the cost of construction and finishing materials, household technique.

The kitchen, like the whole apartment, turned out to be beautiful, spacious, bright and practical. It's nice to get together on it, invite friends. The abandonment of the traditional white color allowed to give the room individuality and charm. Accommodation is as rational as possible. We are happy with the result.

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