Stylish gray kitchen: color features

Russia, Moscow region, Moscow+79041000555

DIY kitchen repair
Average Time to Read It takes ~ 2 minutes to read

The space is designed in a contemporary style. Facades of pleasant gray shade with a matte surface. Dilutes the basic tone of light gray and white. The floor, countertop and solid frame are made in these colors. All the necessary equipment is kept in one color.

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Black kitchen

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The sink is made of high-strength stone. She has two bowls. The wing is missing. The location is very good: the main bowl is incredibly convenient to use. A dishwashing machine is provided on the right-hand side. The mixer is stone. There is regular and drinking water.

Black kitchen

Top cabinets on one side only. There is still room for the TV.

Apron made from glasson which the drawing is applied. He is typical and unusual at the same time. Looks attractive and complements the interior perfectly.

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Drawers are available in various heights for optimal storage. On the right next to the hob is a basket for bottles and cereals. Drying is provided in the bottom drawer. This retractable type is incredibly convenient. The only drawback is the lack of a pallet, which is necessary for wet dishes, so it must be dry.


The room is quite spacious. There is a spacious area for preparing excellent meals. It is located next to the sink, on the left. There is 50 cm left between the stove and the sink. It's not that much. But the countertop provided to the left of the sink becomes compensation.


Looks stylish built-in refrigerator. If it is optimal in terms of volume, this option will be an excellent, only correct solution.


The first step in creating a new kitchen interior ...

Purchase of furniture


Creation of a design project


Purchasing a new chandelier


Buying curtains


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