How to make a wood splitter from a washing machine motor

Tired of chopping wood with an ax? We suggest you make a homemade wood splitter with a motor from the washing machine. This simple mechanism will easily cope with the split of large logs and promptly prepare firewood for the winter.

To make a machine for chopping firewood, you will need a minimum of parts. Therefore, the output is a productive and inexpensive design.

Content of the material:

  • 1Classification of wood splitters
  • 2What you need to create a wood splitter from a washing machine
    • 2.1How does the device for harvesting firewood
    • 2.2What tools will you need for a wood splitter
  • 3How to make a wood chipper: drawings, instructions
    • 3.1Assembling the structure

Classification of wood splitters

Stitching machines in the household can greatly facilitate life. It will no longer be necessary to split the heavy chocks themselves - it's enough to replace the deck with a wood splitter, and it will quickly split it into pieces. You will only have to collect and store.

Before manufacturing it is necessary to be defined with a design of the mechanism. For this, check the classification of the wood splitters:

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  • In the field of operation, they can be divided into private or used for large enterprises.
  • By the way the tree is bookmarked, the devices are divided into horizontal, vertical and mixed.
  • Depending on the type of engine: petrol, electric, mixed.
  • By the method of installation: stationary and mobile.
  • Type of work depending on the mechanism: hydraulic, screw (cone), rack.

The mechanism of the device for sawing wood is made with an electric motor or a gasoline engine.

In the article we will consider how to make a screw-type wood splitter by our own hands. Its design is most simple in assembly, so the device will be cheap.

With the help of such a machine, you will prepare several cubic meters of firewood for 2-3 hours, while working manually will spend 3-4 days.

What you need to create a wood splitter from a washing machine

The screw-type wood splitter has a metal cone, which splits logs during rotation. In addition, there is a frame (frame) - the whole structure is attached to it. Also the engine and the drive mechanism, which causes the cleaver to move.

How does the device for harvesting firewood

The electric motor is started, driving a small pulley. Due to the drive belt, the turns are transferred to the large pulley, and from it to the shaft, where the cone for sawing and chopping firewood is fixed. When you bring a log, the cone cuts into it and splits it into pieces.

What tools will you need for a wood splitter

For the manufacture of a chipper you will need:

  • welding machine with electrodes for 3 mm;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • pliers;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • grinding wheel;
  • file;
  • an anvil and a vice;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

When preparing materials, purchase a cone. It is very difficult to make a part on your own. On its surface, a special thread is made for splitting firewood. It should not be deep and with a short step. Then the cone is heated in the oven and cooled.

Buy a tempered cone in the online store. There you can also buy a set for a homemade machine: shaft, bearings, pulleys and belt.

If you have the opportunity, then all the details, except the cone, you can make yourself.

Before making the device for sawing a slab, a detailed drawing must be prepared with the calculation of all the elements of the structure. The components of the wood splitters are listed in the diagram.

How to make a wood chipper: drawings, instructions

The whole mechanism must rest on the frame or frame, which must be made. You will need:

  • Metal corner in size, m by 4 cm.
  • A metal sheet measuring 90 by 45 cm.
  • Suspension of the cardan VAZ 2102, 03 - 07. Or you can find another suitable part.

Assembling the frame:

  1. With the help of the grinder you need to cut a corner into such parts: two on 140 cm, four by 20 cm, one by 45 cm.
  2. Cook the structure in the shape of the letter "P" from two corners of 140 cm and one 45 cm.
  3. Leave from the top 90 cm and weld the cardan. Between the cardan element and the joint (piece of 45 cm) lay a metal sheet and weld.
  4. From the remaining four pieces of 20 cm make the legs. For ease of movement, install the wheels.

The platform of the bed is divided into two parts - working and power. On the power side, the engine and the rest of the electronics are installed. The working part is a table made of metal sheet.

Assembling the structure

On the suspension, install the shaft and put a large pulley on one side. It is recommended to heat the shaft with a soldering iron during the pressing process - to securely install the pulleys.

Then proceed as follows:

  • On the motor shaft, slide the small pulley. Position and secure the motor under the hanger. Since the structure will strongly vibrate, it must be firmly fixed.
  • Small and large pulleys are combined with a belt.
  • On the other end of the shaft, put on the bearings and fix them with screws on the metal table top.

Before installing the conical part, you need to connect and check the motor. It is desirable to choose an asynchronous engine, but you can also collector. The diagram below shows how to properly connect an old-style asynchronous electric motor:

The following scheme involves more modern engines:

For direct motor rotation, follow the diagram below:

If you need the motor to rotate in the opposite direction, then swap the wires as shown in the picture:

After connecting the motor to the network, you can see how well the self-made wood splitter works. If everything is fine, you can install the cone and get to work.

Note! When feeding the log onto the cone, place it vertically, otherwise with horizontal movement, parts of the wood may become stuck in the mechanism, which will lead to jamming.

In such a simple way, you can adapt the old parts of the washing machine and build useful machinery. Now, harvesting firewood for the winter will not be a burden to you. The main thing - observe the safety precautions.

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