How To Clean Your Microwave Easily: The Best Ways

During the operation of the microwave oven, grease and other contaminants accumulate on the inner surfaces of this household appliance. Some housewives do not clean the equipment, considering this process useless, but it is necessary to do it. A significant accumulation of grease can cause a fire, therefore regular maintenance is required. From our article we will learn how to easily clean the microwave with improvised means and chemicals.

Microwave cleaning

Cleaning nuances

There are a huge number of methods for dealing with stubborn dirt on the surface of a microwave oven, but before carrying out such work, pay attention to the following rules:

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  1. Disconnect household appliances from the mains, unplug the plug.
  2. Do not use metal brushes and hard sponges for work, as well as chemicals with abrasive particles (they can scratch the surface of the household appliance).
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  4. Use a minimum amount of water when washing, as liquid can settle on sensitive parts and cause them to break.
  5. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents to clean the inside and outside of the microwave oven.
  6. If dirt gets into the inside of the appliance, do not disassemble it yourself.

Not every housewife knows how easy it is to clean the inside of the microwave. For this purpose, it is recommended to use special chemical compositions designed to work with the surfaces of microwave ovens or improvised means that every housewife has in the kitchen. Many cleaning products come in cans and spray cans. A similar agent is sprayed over the surface and left for 2-3 hours. After that, the device is wiped with a damp sponge and dry cloth.

The spray must be sprayed carefully, it must not fall into the openings of the magneton grids (these parts can be covered with a sheet of paper). Next, let's take a look at a few budget tools that can be used to clean your microwave oven.

Microwave Wipe

Using folk remedies

Grease appears on the sides of the appliance during cooking. It accumulates here in the form of splashes, which eventually turn into persistent pollution. After cooling, such particles literally adhere to the surfaces, eaten into the coating material. To remove stubborn dirt, it is necessary to destroy their structure. It is recommended to remove greasy stains immediately after detection, while the product has not cooled down.

To do this, take a sponge, pour in a little detergent, squeeze the product until foam appears and wipe the surface. After 5 minutes, the detergent is additionally rubbed in with a soft cloth, rinsed with water and wiped off with a dry towel. This method allows you to remove fresh dirt. How easy is it to clean the inside of the microwave if the fat has eaten into the surface? To do this, you can use proven tools at hand.

Lemon acid

This substance is used to break down fat molecules. Upon contact with dirty stains, the active agent breaks down strong bonds, making cleaning easier. To prepare the product, 10 grams of dry powder is mixed with 50 milliliters of water until completely dissolved. The solution is poured into a special dish and the microwave is turned on.

Next, we transfer the thermostat of the device to normal mode and heat the water for 5 minutes. During this time, part of the liquid will evaporate and end up on the walls of the microwave oven. After that, you need to take a sponge or natural cloth and wipe off the remnants of dirt from the surfaces. Under the influence of citric acid, persistent fat compounds break down and the product is easily peeled off.

Microwave cleaning with citric acid


This substance corrodes even outdated dirt, but you need to work with table vinegar with extreme care so that this substance does not get on the skin or eyes. In a container, vinegar is diluted with 6% concentration with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The bowl with the solution is inserted into the microwave, the heating is turned on and kept for 10 minutes. During this time, the liquid will begin to boil, evaporate, and condense on the inner walls of the household appliance. After turning off the oven, the dishes are taken away and all surfaces are wiped with a sponge and detergent.

Vinegar is used not only for cleaning household appliances, but also for removing unpleasant odors that remain after cooking in the kitchen. To prepare a working solution, you can use table vinegar of 9% concentration, in which case the ratio with water will be 1 to 15.

Cleaning the microwave with vinegar


This substance can be used to destroy various types of dirt, including greasy stains. After applying the solution, not only plaque is removed, but the surface is also cleaned. It becomes cleaner and whiter.

Preparation of the working solution will not take long. All that is needed is to add 10 grams of baking soda to a glass of water. The powder is stirred in a warm liquid until it is completely dissolved. The mixture is poured into a deep container, placed in the microwave and heated for 5-7 minutes. Next, wipe all contaminated surfaces with a dry cloth. All traces of grease should wear off quickly.

Cleaning the microwave with baking soda

Purified water

A similar method is more suitable for new equipment. Filtered water will remove traces of fresh fat from the microwave. For this, a glass of liquid is poured into a special vessel and heated in the device for 20 minutes. During this time, some of the water will evaporate and soften stubborn dirt. At the final stage of work, the dishes are removed and the walls are wiped with a damp cloth. She will collect all the dirt.

Cleaning the microwave with purified water

Use of chemicals

The question of how easy it is to wash the microwave from the inside is relevant for household appliances that have not been cleaned of contamination for years. For this purpose, it is recommended to use special cleaning powders, as well as automotive chemicals. Such solutions contain alkalis and surfactants. Ingredients like these fight stubborn dirt well. With the help of such means, you can quickly return the microwave oven to its original appearance.

Chemicals can damage the surface, so apply a small amount of the solution to an unobtrusive area before basic work. If the paint does not begin to peel off, then the entire inner part of the device is covered with a solution and the agent is left for 5-10 minutes. After that, the dirt is wiped off with a damp sponge.

Use of "Fairy" and other similar means

You will need the following to clean up:

  • dish cleaner;
  • foam sponge;
  • container for soaking;
  • water.

Add a little cleaning agent to the moistened sponge, squeeze the product and foam the solution. We put the sponge in the chamber of the household appliance, set the minimum temperature and hold the washcloth for 25-30 seconds. It is necessary to constantly observe the object so that it does not begin to melt. We take out the sponge from the device and remove the plaque. The softened vapors allow you to quickly deal with light to medium dirt.

Using a cleaning agent

Using a wiper

Disconnect the appliance from the power source, mix the glass cleaner with water in a 2 to 1 ratio. Prepare enough solution so that there is enough liquid to clean the internal and external surfaces of the oven. We moisten the sponge and thoroughly wipe all the parts, soak the stubborn dirt with the solution and let it settle for 5 minutes. At the final stage of work, we gently wipe all surfaces with a clean cloth.

Using a wiper

Preventive actions

To prevent the accumulation of dirt in the microwave oven, it is necessary to wipe the device at the first sign of grease stains. In addition, cover the cooking utensils with a special lid. This will prevent liquid from splashing onto the sides of the appliance, but it may collect in the drip tray. This part is much easier to clean than a microwave chamber. After cooking, leave the appliance door open for at least half an hour to prevent the accumulation of moisture and unpleasant odors.

Preventive actions


Proper maintenance will help to prolong the period of operation of the microwave oven. Equipment must be cleaned from contamination at least once a week. Remove grease or food residues on the walls immediately after cooking. If stubborn dirt is present, use one of the surface cleaning methods.

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