- How to grow dill at home
- How to grow parsley on a windowsill
Dill and parsley are the most favorite and habitual herbs on our table. If you want to always have fresh greens on hand, be confident in its quality and just make a pleasant hobby, then we suggest creating your own home mini-garden.
In this material you will find 3 step-by-step instructions on how to grow dill and parsley on the windowsill.
How to grow dill at home
Dill is an annual plant, therefore it will not be possible to quickly obtain a crop by planting root crops or bulbs.
- To grow dill from the seeds of the house, you will need 5-8 weeks.
But you can put him in an apartment at any time of the year. True, from October to early spring, dill needs to be lightened with fluorescent lamps. The best time to grow fennel on the windowsill is from March to August. At this time, to care for the plant is easier, and to create additional lighting for this is not required.
.What we need:
- Pot or container with a depth of 15-20 cm and with drainage holes at the bottom.
- Soil for indoor plants and preferably garden soil.
- Water in the spray.
- Fluorescent lamps (if you grow fennel in winter).
- Seeds.
Which varieties are more suitable for growing dill at home: early ripening, mid-ripening or late-ripening?
- If you want to quickly get greens or umbrellas and seeds for conservation, then choose the early varieties Gribovsky or Grenadier. They will harvest quickly, but, unfortunately, it will not turn out rich (4-6 leaves), and soon after the appearance of leaves early-fruited dill will begin to bloom.
- Medium-ripening varieties (Richelieu, Ambrella, Kibray) will give greens about 10 days later, but there will be more (6-10 leaves).
- Late-ripening bush varieties of dill (Alligator, Russian Giant, Buyan) yield a crop later, but the richest on leaves (more than 10). Perhaps, to get fresh greens, this option is the most suitable.
Step 1. Seed preparation
To seed faster and better, they need to be soaked in warm water for 24-48 hours, changing water every 12 hours. Then the seeds that remained on the surface of the water should be taken away and discarded, since, most likely, they are not suitable for planting. All other seeds that fell to the bottom, you need to get it with a sieve or shed through gauze and dry it on it.
Step 2. Soil Preparation
While the seeds are soaked, you can do soil preparation. To begin, fill the bottom of the pot or container with a 2-3 cm drainage layer of expanded clay. As a soil for dill, a mixture of garden land (it is better to prepare it from autumn) and soil for indoor flowers is suitable. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a good garden land, sand the purchased soil with biohumus in the proportion:. Another suitable variant is a mixture of vermicompost with the kokoloknom in the following proportions:. Keep in mind that the better and looser the soil, the more chances you have to get a good result.
Step 3. Seed sowing
Now the land needs to be irrigated with water from the spray, dig into it small grooves with a depth of 1 cm, sow in seeds, then lightly sprinkle them with earth from the edges of the grooves and again moisten the earth with water from atomizer.
- It is important that the grooves are shallow, and the seeds are sprinkled not too tightly.
Now it remains to cover the pot with plastic wrap or a packet and leave to sprout for a week in a dark place where the air temperature does not exceed 18-20 degrees. When there are shoots, pull out the extra sprouts so that between the remaining sprouts the interval is 3 cm, and then put the pot on the sill.
Step 4. Create additional lighting
Dill - this plant comes from the sunny Mediterranean and can not grow without light. And the light for him is much more important than heat. When growing dill at home from March to August, a pot of planting can simply be placed on a well-lit window sill.
- Dill should receive a sufficient amount of sunlight at least 6 hours a day. On cloudy days the plants should be duly lighted with lamps. If in the room where your mini-garden grows, the air temperature exceeds 20 degrees, it is also desirable to highlight it.
To grow fennel on the windowsill in winter, you need to provide him additional lighting fluorescent lamps of the white spectrum, setting them at a height of 50 cm above the crops.
- In winter, artificial lighting of plants with fluorescent lamps should last at least 12 hours a day.
Step 5. We care for the harvest
Well, that's all, it remains only to provide the plant with proper care and wait 30-40 days before harvesting the first harvest. Here are some rules and tips that will help you during this period:
- In summer, dill should be watered frequently, avoiding drying of the soil, and in winter - moderately, waiting for the drying of the soil after the last watering.
- To make the dill juicy, sprinkle it with water every day.
- For irrigation use only standing water at room temperature, otherwise the dill will fall ill and turn yellow. In winter, it is possible to use water thawed from snow.
- The ideal temperature for growing dill on the windowsill is + 15- + 18 degrees. Minimum permissible: +8 degrees. Maximum permissible: +25 degrees.
- If the soil in which you planted dill was not of good quality, it is recommended to feed it with fertilizers Agrolife (1 rub. / Month. for 1 hour. l. in the upper layer of the earth) or Biohumus (pour in between rows or around stems once every two months at the rate of 2-3 st. l per pot).
- Since the leaves and stalks of dill do not grow after cutting, in order to regularly receive a crop, you need to plant seeds every three weeks.
Below is a video-instruction on how to grow dill on a windowsill in winter.
How to grow parsley on a windowsill
So, the dill was sorted out, it was time for instructions on how to grow parsley on the windowsill. In many respects, the rules for their sowing and nursing are similar, but they are still different, since parsley, although later sprouting, is less demanding for light and soil quality than dill.
In addition, you can grow parsley at home in two ways:
- With the help of sowing seeds.
- With the help of sowing root crops.
Growing parsley from seeds
First you need to select the seeds. What sort of varieties to choose? To grow parsley on a window sill, home gardeners often choose early ripening varieties, which yield yields earlier than others for 10-14 days.
We recommend planting the following early varieties:
- Curly parsley:Moskaruz and Astra.
- Flat parsley:Irinka, Italian hero, Laika, Russian feast, Plain.
Step 1.Wrap the seeds in a damp gauze, leave them for 2-3 days to germinate in a warm place, and then wring the gauze and dry the seeds. If desired, after wringing the gauze, it can be put in the freezer (at a temperature not lower than zero) for a month, then the seeds will germinate faster.
Step 2.Prepare the primer according to Step 2 of the instructions above and moisten it well.
Step 3.Then start landing: "prophesy" grooves depth, -1 cm, sow seeds (quite often), sprinkle them with earth from the edges of the grooves and moisten the earth with water from the spray.
Step 4.Next, leave the crops in the warmth (at a temperature of 19-20 degrees) until the appearance of the first shoots, that is, approximately 14-20 days. At this time, watering should be done every other day in a moderate amount. Cover the capacity of the film at this stage is not necessary.
- To water parsley it is necessary by the constant or boiled water.
Step 5.When the first shoots appear, pull out the extra sprouts so that between the remaining there is an interval of about 4-5 cm.
Shoots of parsley
Step 6.Now that there are young shoots, watering can be slightly increased, but do not allow drying out or, conversely, the overflow of the soil. However, when growing parsley on a windowsill in winter, water it should be moderate, waiting for the drying of the soil.
- Ideally, at this stage, the temperature should be reduced to +15 - +18 degrees, for example, opening the window. At night, the window can be opened at all, in order to lower the temperature to the optimum 10-12 degrees Celsius.
- If the land was purchased, the plants can be periodically fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers or solutions 1 time in one to two months according to the instructions.
- In summer, parsley can be grown on a balcony until the air temperature drops to 0 degrees.
Step 7.Since early spring and in the summer, parsley, growing on the windowsill, suffices sunlight (at least 4 hours. per day), and in winter it needs to be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp. You can set the lamps at a height of 50-60 cm, and they should shine at least 8 hours a day.
Step 8.The first crop can be harvested 2 months after the appearance of the first shoots. Cut the branches should not be under the root, but leaving the 5-centimeter petioles.
Cutting parsley
When parsley is sufficiently grown, it can be cut. It is believed that the optimal "maturity" - twigs 10-12 cm high. The disadvantages of this method: a lot of trouble. In addition, the first harvest will only be a month through,. But this parsley will grow longer than a year!
How to plant parsley root vegetables
How is the cultivation of parsley on the windowsill from root crops better than the first way? First of all, you do not need to wait 2 weeks before sprouting the first shoots.
To do this, prepare a container with a depth of 15-20 cm and the soil according to Step 2 of the first instruction. Then you just need to transfer the parsley to the moist soil, and so that only the heads remain visible. Finally, pour water with water. It is advisable in the first days after the transfer of parsley from the garden to keep it in the coolness on the glassed balcony, and when the shoots appear, transfer the mini-bed to the window sill.
- The best time for forcing the garden parsley into a pot is the end of October, but it is possible at another time. The ideal size of root crops is 5 cm in length and 2-4 cm in thickness.
- If your own beds with parsley you do not, you can buy root vegetables in the store.
- Pour the parsley in moderation, waiting for the drying of the soil.
- When parsley begins to actively grow, start watering it more often and more abundantly.
We offer to look at the visual instruction how to grow parsley on the windowsill (root) in the next video.
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