Do I need ionization in a humidifier and is it worth overpaying for additional features?

A variety of climatic devices provides an opportunity to create such an atmosphere in the house that will be most favorable for those living in it. Manufacturers are constantly working to improve humidifiers, equipping them with additional features. These can be multi-colored backlights, the presence of a hygrometer, aromatization, automatic connection, termination of work at a given time of day, and, of course, ionization.

If everything is clear with most of the tasks that the device allows you to solve, then questions arise about the ionization function, do you agree? In the material below, we will analyze whether ionization is needed in a humidifier and what it is. We will also talk about the principles of operation of various humidifiers, what benefits the additional function provides users with and decide whether it is worth overpaying for additional functions.

The content of the article:

  • Features of the air ionization process
    • Indications for using the ionization function
    • When is ionization contraindicated?
  • instagram viewer
  • Types of humidifiers with ionization
    • Features of classic humidifiers
    • Should I use steam appliances?
    • Benefits of Ultrasonic Humidifiers
  • Do I need to pay extra for the ionization function?
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Features of the air ionization process

To understand why ionization is needed in a room air humidifier and what it is in general, it is worth studying the features of the process. So, in nature, ionization occurs naturally. In nature, the ionization process is associated with powerful discharges of electricity (thunderstorms), as well as cosmic radiation. It is especially sharply felt in the mountains, on the sea coast, in a coniferous forest.

In fact, ionization is the process of knocking out individual electrons from gas molecules. At the end of the reaction, two charged molecules (negative and positive) are obtained from two neutral molecules.

Air ionization

Ionization is a natural process that constantly occurs in nature, improves air quality, reduces the level of oxygen vacuum. To run it in the apartment requires the use of special devices

Along with air ionizers there are also universal devices on sale, for example, air humidifiers equipped with an ionizer. They are able to provide the necessary humidity, air purification in the room.

When figuring out when to use the ionization function in a room humidifier, keep in mind that ionized air helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to an excess of oxygen, metabolic processes are activated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the likelihood of blood clots is reduced.

Another important plus that ionization provides in a home humidifier is the deposition of dust. It is difficult to track visually, however, everyone understands that it is much easier to wipe the floor and wipe the dust from the surface of the furniture than to deal with the consequences of getting it into the lungs.

Humidifier with ionizer

Scientists have recorded that a decrease in the level of occurrence, exacerbation of lung diseases, including asthmatic attacks, problems with the digestive tract, occur during the period of increasing the concentration of ions in the air

According to information from open sources, humidifiers with an air ionization function will provide a number of undoubted advantages:

  • improved sleep quality - healthy, good rest significantly improves the overall quality of life;
  • metabolic acceleration - allows you to look great, facilitates the course of various diseases, somewhat relieves symptoms;
  • increase in working capacity, concentration of attention;
  • optimization of the immune system;
  • good rest - allows you to increase the overall emotional state, the level of vitality, which helps in the fight against depression, neurosis.

For some diseases, it is sometimes recommended to carry out ionization of the air in the room.

Indications for using the ionization function

Air containing a large amount of negative ions is indicated in the cases listed below.

In the user's bronchial asthma, provoked by allergens, the air filled with particles with a negative charge makes it possible to notice an improvement after the first ionization.

In some situations, positively charged particles provide the best effect. Serious improvement is noted after 12 ionization procedures.

Air ionization in the apartment

A large amount of time spent at the computer, TV, leads to deionization. The lack of ions in the air leads to a decrease in the rate of redox processes, inhibition of the activity of the immune system

With neuroses, an increase in the number of ions in the air contributes to a general improvement in the patient's condition. An increase in the rate of wound healing was also noted at a high concentration of air ions.

When is ionization contraindicated?

Despite the many undoubted advantages, there are also contraindications.

Doctors do not recommend using the ionization function in the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Accelerated metabolism can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases, sluggish infections. It is not recommended to carry out ionization in the room where the patient with oncology lives.
  2. ionized air can harm a patient with a high fever. It can rise even more.
  3. Exists individual intolerance a large number of air ions in the air, increased sensitivity to them.

When using additional functions in a humidifier, it is important to listen to your well-being. If during the operation of the device there is a headache, other unpleasant sensations, it is better to refuse ionization.

Types of humidifiers with ionization

Humidifiers equipped with an ionization function, in fact, combine two different devices:

  • the humidifier increases the amount of moisture in the room to the specified parameters;
  • The ionizer saturates the air of the room with air ions.

When choosing a device, it is important to consider that humidifiers differ in the principle of operation. There are traditional, steam, ultrasonic models.

Humidifier with ionizer in the apartment

Devices that provide humidification and ionization allow you to save money, because instead of two devices, it is enough to purchase one, but with wide functionality.

Features of classic humidifiers

In a traditional humidifier, a fan blows air through a fan blows air through wet, porous material. Evaporation of moisture occurs naturally.

Traditional Humidifiers

A classic humidifier is the simplest, most inexpensive solution. The device is often equipped with an ionizer, which expands the functionality of the device, increases its attractiveness to buyers.

Most classic models are equipped with an ionization function, equipped ultraviolet lampsthat disinfect the air.

The benefits of using them include:

  • economy - low cost of the device is perfectly combined with minimal costs in the process of use;
  • low noise;
  • high efficiency - rapid increase in humidity, high-quality air purification.

Among the minuses is the lack of precise control, since the adjustment of the evaporation of the liquid is carried out “by eye”. If the humidifier has replaceable antibacterial filters, you will have to constantly buy them.

Should I use steam appliances?

Their name corresponds to the principle of work. The water is heated to a boil, steam enters the room, raising the level of humidity.

Steam humidifier

Steam humidifiers are high performance appliances that are rarely equipped with filters. The ionizer in them is used in tandem with ultraviolet light to purify the air flow.

A steam humidifier cannot purify the air because it does not have filters. However, it is often used to flavor a room, less often as an inhaler.

The benefits of a steam humidifier include:

  • high performance, which is combined with the affordable cost of the device;
  • no replacement filters and other consumables that increase the cost of operating the device;
  • low requirements for poured liquid - you can use tap water;
  • nozzles for inhalationsupplied with individual models.

The disadvantage of a steam humidifier is high energy consumption, noisy operation, and an increase in air temperature. In addition, hot steam can be a source of danger.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Humidifiers

Air humidification is carried out as a result of breaking water molecules into tiny particles. Water splashes are picked up by the fan and moved outside the device.

ultrasonic humidifier

An ultrasonic humidifier is a high-tech device that is equipped with a large number of functions, including ionization. By choosing such a device, the user receives a full-fledged climate system

Ultrasonic devices operate at frequencies that are absolutely safe for humans. Often they are equipped with hygrometers, provide the ability to adjust the humidity automatically or manually.

The advantages of such models are:

  • high performance with minimal energy consumption;
  • wide range of humidity, which the device is able to provide (40-70%);
  • low noise;
  • the presence of an air filterfor thorough cleaning of the air streams.

In addition to the high cost, ultrasonic devices impose strict requirements on the liquid poured into the tank. It is recommended to use well-purified, and preferably distilled water. For more information about the pros and cons of ultrasonic humidifiers, we have covered in next article.

Do I need to pay extra for the ionization function?

The difficult ecological situation in large cities, industrial zones has a negative impact on the air in our apartments. The situation is aggravated by tightly closed plastic windows, as well as the constant use of computers and televisions.

In combination, all of the above factors can ruin the health of a modern person, bring him out of psychological balance. Children are especially sensitive to negative influences.

Humidifier with ionic function for domestic use

An air humidifier equipped with an ionization function provides an opportunity to “solve” environmental problems associated with dryness, a lack of negative ions at the level of one’s apartment

A humidifier with an ionization function is able to correct all the negative points, because as a result of its work:

  • rises significantly indoor air humidity;
  • the level of dust, allergens in the room is reduced due to cleaning;
  • eliminates static electricity;
  • the air is saturated with negative ions.

As a result of the use of humidifiers with additional functions, a good rest is provided, the energy level of those living in the apartment is significantly increased.

Are you thinking about buying a humidifier? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with rating of the best humidifiers according to users.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Today, an air humidifier with an ionization function is available to most users. Choosing devices with different principles of operation, it is easy to choose the option that suits your budget. In the proposed video, experts will share their opinion about ionization, its harm or benefit:

The following video will tell about the functions of humidification, ionization, air purification in household appliances:

When choosing modern climate control equipment, keep in mind that the introduction of additional functions is often dictated by necessity. The presence of an ionizer will help reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic fields created by household appliances, improve indoor air quality, and ensure good rest.

Perhaps you already have an ionic humidifier and enjoy using modern technology at home. Share your impressions, tell us what you liked and what you didn't like. Maybe you are faced with a choice: is it worth paying more for additional functionality? Ask our experts and other users in the comments to this article.

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