Metal stairs to the second floor in a private house: types, diagrams, drawings, assembly and drawing instructions

When building a two-story cottage, it is impossible to do without the installation of an interfloor staircase. Choose a reliable design and think over its design. A metal staircase is the first thing that comes to mind.

Simple assembly does not require additional labor. You can implement the project together with a friend. He will help with physical strength and support with a funny joke.

metal staircase

A properly designed metal staircase will become a reliable portal for moving to the second floor and a decoration for your interior.

The content of the article:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of metal stairs
  • Types of stairs
    • marching stairs
    • Spiral staircase
    • metal ladder
  • Guide types
  • Schemes and drawings
    • Necessary tools for taking measurements
    • Material and tool for creating a drawing
    • What parameters you need to know to build a drawing
    • Nuances
  • Self-assembly of a homemade marching staircase made of metal
    • Straight metal stairs
    • On a straight stringer
    • Metal ladder on straight rails.
    • broken kosour
    • Screw design for small spaces

Advantages and disadvantages of metal stairs

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A metal staircase to the second floor made of profile pipes surpasses wood products in terms of technical characteristics. Among the obvious advantages, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. The good imagination of the master will give the metal staircase the most unusual shape. It will easily become a central object that attracts the eyes of friends, relatives and other guests.
  2. The metal frame, assembled in compliance with all engineering construction standards, will provide the owner with a reliable and safe structure for interfloor movement. Proper assembly will guarantee that in the coming years your building will do without additional repairs and restoration.
  3. Metal is a rather malleable material and with sufficient experience of the master, it is possible to create forms from it that please the eye and warm the soul. The combined model, assembled from several materials, will decorate any type of interior.
  4. One of the advantages of metal structures is the speed of assembly. A master with experience in the design and installation of stairs operates according to a proven scheme, checking the correctness of the actions according to the drawings with the exact dimensions.
  5. The design of a metal staircase does not require reference to the construction of a house. Assembly can be carried out both before and after its completion.
  6. Metal stairs are versatile and can be assembled both indoors and from the outside of the house. High strength indicators, beautiful design will help the metal staircase to become a decoration of the house, regardless of where it is installed.
  7. For self-assembly, it is not at all necessary to attract a lot of people. One assistant is enough.
  8. The high strength of the metal allows you to create the simplest staircases with the installation of a single guide in the center of the structure. The reliability of the metal staircase leaves no room for doubt. It can support the weight of more than one person.

It is not always possible to place massive metal structures inside the house. In addition, a beautiful design can complement the exterior design of the house.

Even the listed advantages do not guarantee complete impeccability. A metal staircase has its drawbacks:

  1. Sometimes, increasing the reliability of a metal staircase, you have to make sacrifices with a partial loss of the beauty of the design. The metal staircase consists of massive parts. Only preliminary consideration of every detail will help to place a metal staircase without compromising the design of the room.
  2. To obtain complex bends and bizarre shapes, the master needs experience and a professional tool to carry out the work.

After analyzing the pros and cons of metal stairs, you can finally discard all doubts about choosing the best design for freely overcoming the interfloor space.

metal ladder

A metal staircase is reliability. It takes several times less time to assemble it than a wooden model of the same size.

Read the article: Staircase to the attic.

Types of stairs

A profile pipe is a versatile material and is used for the manufacture of various types of structures. Let's look at a few of the most popular.

marching stairs

The staircase consists of one or more marches. The separation of spans is carried out by horizontal platforms of square or rectangular shape. They suggest a place for a short rest when carrying heavy things. In private homes, they are used to install voluminous flower pots or small pieces of furniture. These ladders are of two types:

  1. Sometimes in a private house you can meet single-march structures. Such types require more free space for installation. If space is limited, then when installing single-flight stairs, you have to increase the angle of inclination, while sacrificing operating comfort. To make climbing steep stairs easier, side rails and handrails must be installed. The advantage of single-flight metal stairs is that free space is formed under them, which is not entirely correct to leave ownerless. To save space, the owners collect capacious storage cabinets under the stairs. It is more convenient to use single-flight metal stairs from the street side of the building. Then the space under the flight of stairs can remain free. Although, by placing an electrical panel under it, you will not harm the design of the outside of the building.
  2. Multi-flight structures are more mobile and allow you to mount metal stairs in a more limited space. The design accommodates two or more mid-flight spans, which are placed perpendicular to each other. All multi-march models can be further divided into two categories.
One-flight ladder

A single-march metal structure takes up a lot of free space. If a large house is chosen for its installation, then this is not scary, but what if space is limited in it?

Interesting! So that the place under the stairs is not wasted, housekeeping men equip small workshop rooms under it. It is suitable for small low-dynamic work.

  • With a platform. The designs have a clear division into separate marches. Platforms in multi-level metal stairs give additional rigidity, which cannot but affect the reliability of the structure. For convenience, mid-flight stairs with a platform are more practical.
  • Running steps. A variant in which, instead of large platforms, steps of a rotary type are mounted. To make the turn more comfortable, the craftsmen mount two or more winder steps. Winder steps have a trapezoidal shape with an extension to the outside and a narrowing closer to the wall. This form looks more attractive - the turning steps are more compact and do not burden the overall appearance of the stairs. However, at the same time, the movement on the steps is made less safe. This point must be taken into account if elderly people live in the house.
Multi-flight staircase

Such a metal staircase looks attractive, but inconvenient for climbing the stairs to the second floor.

The internal space of some private houses does not allow the installation of comfortable and at the same time large flights of stairs with an intermediate platform. It is for such situations that models with winder steps were invented.

Spiral staircase

This variety is a great option for rooms with limited space. For the installation of a spiral metal staircase, two square meters of free space is sufficient, while a large area is required for mid-flight structures. Even if we are talking about the version with winder steps.

The appearance of the spiral staircase is very attractive. It is able to become an ornament of almost any interior. The main thing is to design wisely and think over even the smallest design details.

Despite the attractive design and compact placement, the metal staircase with a screw has a number of shortcomings that cannot be fixed. They are the disadvantage of the presented form:

  1. Most often, such structures have a narrow span of steps. It involves the rise of people of standard build. For a large person, the rise will be limited to the side railings. Of course, the problem can be solved by expanding the span, but in this case, more than a dozen valuable centimeters will have to be taken away from the interior space of the room.
  2. It is impossible to try to raise a wardrobe to the second floor or a sofa along such a ladder. Firstly, this is a continuous turn, and secondly, again cramped conditions for movement.
  3. As a rule, standard models have a steep stairway up. If for a young healthy person this problem does not seem significant, then in the case of a user whose age has stepped over the fifth decade, this drawback will seem to be the main one.
Spiral staircase

Unfortunately, the structure limits freedom of movement. If on a mid-flight metal staircase you can even disperse together, then to do this on a spiral model, you need to try very hard. We don't even have to talk about moving furniture.

Given all the above disadvantages, a spiral staircase cannot be called the main means for climbing to the second floor, if the internal space allows you to place a more convenient structure. The model can be installed as an additional decorative piece of furniture.

Attention! To raise furniture to the second floor, you definitely need to think about this moment and create a separate overall and practical metal staircase.

There is another version of the model - this is a revolving staircase, where each step is made according to the type of a trapezoidal winder design - with a narrowing in one part and an expansion in the other part.

The flight of stairs of the turntable is wide, and there is enough space not only for the free movement of the owners of the house, but also for lifting large furniture. The same forms of the degree will not cause any discomfort when climbing to the second floor.

Attention! It must be understood that for planning, marking and developing drawings, a turning staircase will require more care and take a lot of time. The finished product will decorate a private house and delight its owners with its convenience.

spiral staircase

A large number of small details, turning radius and other nuances make the master carefully think over the future design of the metal staircase with a screw. The slightest flaws will be very clearly visible, and therefore unacceptable.

metal ladder

In a private house, you will need a stepladder to ennoble your site. In order not to buy it in the store, you can assemble it yourself.

A ladder is a ladder with two supporting spans. Used for garden care or small chores. At the request of the owner, they can be equipped with steps on both sides or on one, to save material.

The steps are made of a profile pipe of a smaller section than the support posts. For convenience, metal linings are mounted on top of the pipes. Thus, the width of the step increases.

The lower end parts of the support posts are closed with plastic plugs. this will prevent clogging of the inside of the pipe with lumps of dirt. To save money, it is enough to weld metal plates.

Attention!It must be understood that an additional part added to improve the design increases the initial weight. Thus, improving the product on the one hand, you can worsen its performance on the other.

metal ladder

A homemade stepladder made of a metal profile pipe will make life easier for an amateur gardener.

To make a step ladder at home, you will need to prepare the following list of materials:

  • profile pipe - on racks 40x40 mm or 50x50 mm, on steps 20x20 mm;
  • hinge - specialized (more preferable) or for mounting interior doors;
  • end caps for profile pipes - stores offer plastic models;
  • bolts - for fixing special hinges.

A stepladder joint is more preferable as it has a stopper, which will make it easier to work in the garden. The part is fixed with bolts. That is, if it breaks, it can be easily replaced with a new part. The rest of the work on assembling the ladder is done by welding.

Guide types

The guide, or kosour, forms the basis of the flight of stairs. Its reliability determines the safety of the operation of a metal staircase. In total, there are several varieties:

  1. One kosour. For manufacturing, profile pipes with a cross section of at least 100 mm or channels are taken. The guide is placed in the middle of the structure. the shape can be broken or straight.
  2. Double kosour. More reliable support for the flight of stairs. Used for massive structures with two or more spans. There are also broken and straight guides.

Schemes and drawings

Difficulties with the construction of a schematic drawing and a full indication of the dimensions on the finished drawing should not arise. Indeed, to assemble a metal staircase at home, detailed drawing is not required at all while maintaining the scale of the schemes.


Schematic sketch of one flight of metal stairs.

Necessary tools for taking measurements

To find out the dimensions of the space allotted for the assembly of a metal staircase and, based on the data obtained, plan a future model, you will need to assemble a set of necessary tools:

  • construction tape measure - the length of the accessory must correspond to the size of the future structure;
  • bubble level, laser - necessary for accurate drawing lines on the surface of the wall;
  • pencil or chalk for drawing defining marks on the surface of walls, floors and ceilings.

The presented set includes only the most necessary tools. The selection is carried out based on the specific situation and the proposed model of the metal staircase.

Material and tool for creating a drawing

To create a drawing and transfer the dimensions of the parts to it, you need to prepare several stationery accessories:

  • ruler up to 30 cm;
  • compass - will be required if it is planned to create a spiral staircase;
  • graphite pencil with a sharply sharpened end;
  • a sheet of paper for drawing a schematic drawing.

When drawing a diagram of a future design, care and accuracy must be exercised. The slightest discrepancy will lead to a decrease in the quality of the structure, which will make moving up the stairs to the second floor unsafe.

Drawing materials

The set of drawing tools can expand or decrease depending on the tasks of drawing details.

What parameters you need to know to build a drawing

The scheme is created on the basis of the measurements made. In order not to exhaust yourself with unnecessary movements, you need to clearly understand where to take measurements and what parameters are important for the correct construction of the drawing:

  1. Height - measurement is made from the floor to the top attachment point of the metal ladder.
  2. Step Height - As a rule, the height of the first step corresponds to the height of subsequent elements.
  3. The width of the step - for the correct setting of the foot, it should not be less than 25 cm.
  4. The distance from the last step to the ceiling of the second floor - the height should be greater than the height of the tallest person in the house.
  5. If the stairs are marching with platforms, then you need to determine the height of all platforms.

Taking measurements from these areas, immediately transfer them to a schematic image on a piece of paper.


When creating drawings, pay attention to some nuances:

  1. Height measurement is carried out in compliance with the angle of inclination, if required by the design model.
  2. The calculation of the structure is made in such a way that the upper platform of the metal staircase falls on the floor of the second floor, and not the ceiling of the first.
  3. Assuming the installation of a metal structure at home, it is necessary to understand that this structure has impressive weight, so it must be mounted on a solid base and attached to walls designed for this load.
staircase details

Installing a metal structure under the base of the floor increases stability.

After the drawing is drawn, check the applied dimensions and proceed directly to the assembly of the structure.

Self-assembly of a homemade marching staircase made of metal

The most difficult stage, requiring mental investment in the result, is now behind us. Ahead of the marking and manufacturing of parts, fitting and assembly of the frame. Of course, you have to sweat, but physical labor is not so terrible. And if it is very difficult, you can always invite a friend.

Attention! Each owner independently chooses the method of assembling a metal structure. The simplest is the assembly for welding. It is less labor-intensive and does not require obtaining the most accurate calculations.

Straight metal stairs

The simplest type of construction that you can assemble yourself at home is a straight flight of stairs on stringers. The kosour is the supporting element of the flight of stairs. It can be made of a metal channel or a profile pipe mounted on an edge.

There are two types of stringers used to assemble flights of stairs:

  • straight;
  • broken.

Both those and others can be assembled into two bowstrings or into one support beam.

On a straight stringer

If a profile pipe was chosen as the supporting element, then its cross section must be at least 150 mm. This size should fall on the widest part. A pipe with a rectangular section is more preferable than a square one. The fact is that a smaller distance between the resistant walls of the pipe creates a more reliable support.

ladder on the stringer

Metal ladder on straight rails.

To create the frame of the steps, corner stops must be mounted on top of the stringer. The most convenient way to do this is to cut a profile pipe of the appropriate size. Otherwise, you will have to assemble from metal plates with a thickness of about 3-4 mm.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the distance from the upper stop, where it is planned to mount the kosour, and to the lower platform. Prepare the profile support: cut to size and weld the thrust pads on both sides.
  2. Having attached the kosour to a permanent place, mark the places for the holes for the installation of fasteners. Drill and insert anchors and bolts into place.
  3. Mount the stringers with full fixation.
  4. Withstanding 90O corner, weld the previously prepared corners to stop the steps. The size should be slightly less than the width of the step.
  5. For greater reliability, the stop corners of the steps are welded together with reinforced rods.
  6. Steps are assembled - vertical and horizontal walls are mounted.
  7. The next step involves the installation of railings and handrails, if required by the design feature.
  8. At the final stage, surface finishing is carried out - decorating steps, painting metal parts, etc.

broken kosour

The method is approximately identical to the previous version, however, not a straight profile is used as a support, but a broken stringer, following the contours of the steps. The advantage of this design is to save more money on the purchase of building material. So, for the manufacture of a kosour, a pipe with a cross section of 40x60 mm is suitable.

broken kosour

A broken stringer is a great option for a soft room design.

Unlike marches on straight supports, a broken stringer takes more time to assemble the bowstring itself. First you need to cut all the details, taking into account the angle of 45O. After assembling the base frame. This should be done on a straight surface to avoid distortion of the structure.

Another plus isnow you do not need to collect stops for steps. They are already prepared and it remains to weld the vertical and horizontal walls.

Screw design for small spaces

The limited area of ​​some houses sometimes does not allow to place a full-fledged flight of stairs. It was for such cases that the spiral staircase was invented. In addition to the fact that the spiral staircase solves the issue of limited space, it also looks better than other models. To assemble it, you need much less parts, which facilitates the appearance.

When planning a future staircase, it is necessary to think over and calculate not only the main dimensions, but also the diameter of the structure. It's pretty easy to define. To do this, you need to know the length of the step and the diameter of the support column. Now you need to add the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the two steps and add the pipe diameter to the resulting one.

At the design stage, the question may arise: how to calculate the number of steps for a particular model? And there is really nothing complicated here. According to the rules of SNiP, the height of the offense should not be more than 15-20 cm.

metal spiral staircase

The height of the step on a metal staircase should not restrict the movement of the moving person.

There are also approximate parameters for the narrow and wide parts of the trapezoid step. In the place where the narrow part adjoins the post, it should be at least 10 cm, the wide part -from 25 to 30 cm. This option is most preferable, as it is able to provide safe, and most importantly -comfortable movement to the second floor.

Step by step installation instructions:

  1. Experienced builders recommend starting the installation of a support column at the stage of building a house. The fact is that in order to increase stability, it is concreted to a depth of 40 cm. It will be much more difficult to do this when the repair is completed in the house.
  2. Next, the steps are prepared: cut to size, sheathed with a frame. In order not to return to this stage again, it is recommended to prepare all the details.
  3. Fastening steps can be carried out both on bolts and by welding. The first option is more practical, the second is more reliable.
  4. Since the spiral staircase has a rather narrow passage, the side railing must be present in the design.

The final stage is the decoration of the flight of stairs. This can be done with wooden elements, stone or surface painting.

Recommendations for the installation of a spiral staircase

Mounting Tips:

  1. A small gap must be left between the wall and the metal staircase.
  2. To maintain the width of the steps, the railing is welded from the outside.
  3. After welding, the seams are ground, primed and painted with a protective coating.
  4. Wooden elements are mounted after complete drying of the painted surface.
  5. Do not experiment if there is no experience in welding.
  6. A properly assembled staircase is a safe and convenient structure.

Only a true master of his craft is able to make a metal staircase that will decorate the house.

Regardless of which metal staircase design is chosen as a permanent structure, it requires a much lower investment than other material options. The finished spiral staircase turns out to be light in appearance and can become an adornment of any interior.

Now you can find many options for flights of stairs for a comfortable ascent to the second floor. For installation, designs for internal installation or outside the house can be selected.

The second option requires less responsibility and skills, so such a staircase is assembled from metal with your own hands without the involvement of outside help. The implementation of the project of the first option requires experience and enough skills to create a safe and at the same time beautiful product.

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