The best air vents: rating of automatic, manual air bleed devices, overview, quality, price

Air accumulates in closed water or heating circuits over time. The reason for this, for example, is the release of gas bubbles during temperature changes. Air locks impede the movement of the coolant, destroy pipes and interfere with the operation of the entire system. Air vents are used to bleed air.

The best air vents

The content of the article:

  • What to look for when choosing?
  • Overview of the best automatic 
    • Uni-fitt 1/2″ with side outlet 
    • UNI-FITT 1/2″
    • Uni-fitt 1/2″ O-ring 
    • Heizen automatic 1/2″
    • AQUALINK automatic 1/2″
    • Heizen 1/2″
    • TIM BL5814 
    • AQUALINK float 1/2″
    • VALTEC VT502NH
    • Oventrop1/2″
  • Overview of the best manual
    • Itap 194 1/8″
    • Emmeti 1/2″
    • Emmeti turnkey 3/8″
    • Torido turnkey 3/4″
    • Torido turnkey 1/2″
    • Torido 1/2″
    • STI 10 3/8″
    • CTM THERMO3/4″ (with wing)
    • Glavkhoztorg 1/2
    • Icma manual 1/2″
    • CTM THERMO 1/2″
    • Icma, 3/4″

What to look for when choosing?

To select an air release valve, carefully study the technical documentation, look at the operating parameters and working conditions:

  1. Manufacturer country. Despite the fact that a large number of products are manufactured in China, valves are mainly purchased from Russian or European production. Chinese have proven themselves not from the best side. After installing such an air vent, the coolant often leaks. As a result, the pressure in the pipes decreases and smudges form on the floor. Sometimes such air vents get stuck, and the internal elements often become unusable.
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  2. View of the shutter of a manual air vent. The second name of such valves is the Mayevsky crane. They come with a handle and locking screw. Manual air vents are more convenient, especially for hard-to-reach places. However, if children live in the apartment, a valve with a screw is more reliable. There is a danger that children will turn the air vent knob and be scalded by hot heat transfer fluid during the heating season.
  3. Type of air vent. Valves are divided into manual and automatic. The first are simple and practically do not break. Automatic ones include a shut-off valve, which facilitates the replacement of a faulty air vent.
  4. Air vent cover. Choose brands with anodized coating, not subject to corrosion.
  5. Availability of additional features. For example, models with air bubble traps are available. Brands of air vents with advanced features are more convenient, but also more expensive.
  6. Valve specifications. For example, when choosing, always pay attention to the diameter of the thread of the air vent.

After choosing a valve, an important point is the correct installation of the air vent in the water supply system.

Overview of the best automatic 

An automatic air vent is used to release gases from heating systems and other closed circuits without human intervention. With the help of these valves, you can solve the problem of air jams in pipes, even for people who do not understand plumbing at all. Excess gas enters the inside of the air vent, pushes the valve back and exits. After that, the water raises the built-in float and the inlet gate closes.

Uni-fitt 1/2″ with side outlet 

The Italian-made vent removes gases from heating and other closed systems. Withstands pressure up to 10 bar, maximum temperature up to 100 ˚С. Made from nickel plated brass. Attaches to the system with a thread. The air vent has a bottom connection and a side outlet. Typically used in conjunction with isolation valves. The heat carrier is non-freezing liquids and water. The shut-off valve is made of silicone, the cap is made of polyethylene. Height - 64 mm, diameter - 56 mm.

Uni-fitt 12


  • warranty - 3 years;
  • reliability;
  • low price.


  • There is no O-ring on the thread.

Price: 356 rubles.


The automatic tap from Italy has a bottom connection and a top outlet. It is applied to removal of air jams in the closed water supply. For convenience, the air vent is combined with shut-off valves. It is used in heating systems with water or non-freezing heat carriers. The air vent is made of nickel-plated brass with a polyethylene cap and a silicone shut-off valve.

The temperature of the heat carrier is up to +110 ˚С. The maximum liquid pressure is 10 bar. The air vent is connected in the upper plane of the heating system strictly vertically. Installation with 1/2″ threaded connection. Diameter - 31 mm, length - 76 mm.



  • warranty - 3 years;
  • Nickel-plated coating protects against corrosion;
  • reliable;
  • auto.


  • there is no o-ring on the thread.

Price: 368 rubles.

Uni-fitt 1/2″ O-ring 

Made in Italy, has bottom connection and top outlet. Removes gases from closed systems with water or non-freezing coolant. Additionally, shut-off valves are purchased for successful bleeding. The body is made of nickel plated brass. The cap is made of polyethylene, the shut-off valve is made of silicone.

The temperature of the heat carrier used is not more than 110 ˚С. Pressure - no more than 10 bar. An air vent is installed in the upper part of the heating system strictly vertically. Length - 73 mm, width - 39 mm. The diameter of the threaded connection is 1/2″.

Uni-fitt 12


  • nickel plated;
  • guarantee - 3 g;
  • rubber gasket on the threaded connection;
  • automatic mode of operation.


  • high price.

Price: 368 rubles.

Heizen automatic 1/2″

Chinese-made outlet with an angled float type connection. Used for automatic venting of gases in closed water heating systems or non-freezing liquids such as ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. The air vent is made of high quality brass alloy covered with a nickel-plated film.

It has a float design combined with a lever mechanism. It is used in radiators, convectors, heating risers. Diameter - 1/2″. The operating temperature of the coolant is up to 120 ˚С. Fluid pressure - 10 bar.

Heizen automatic 12


  • side connection and top placement of the outlet channel simplify the installation of the trap;
  • the air vent is less sensitive to the quality of the coolant due to the spring-loaded spool pad;
  • automatic, does not require human intervention.


  • short warranty period - 1 year.

Price: 398 rubles.

AQUALINK automatic 1/2″

The Chinese-made float-type trap works in automatic mode without human intervention. The material of the air vent is not subject to corrosion due to the use of high quality nickel-plated brass. The strong case maintaining a high pressure of the heat carrier. The 1/2″ threaded connection is suitable for most heating devices. The coolant temperature does not exceed 120 ˚С. Direct connection. Warranty - 2 years

AQUALINK automatic 12


  • improves heat transfer by bleeding off the air plug, which prevents the pipe from being filled with coolant;
  • improves fluid circulation;
  • eliminates noise in pipes;
  • prevents corrosion of the internal parts of the pipes due to the accumulation of gases.


  • quickly fails.

Price: 434 rubles.

Heizen 1/2″

Float type Italian-made trap. It works automatically when an air plug accumulates in the pipe, without requiring human intervention. The body of the air vent is made of high quality brass and covered with a nickel-plated film, as a result of which it is not subject to corrosion. Due to the density of the material, the trap can withstand high pressure in the pipes. It is used for closed systems with water or non-freezing coolant. The 1/2″ thread fits most heaters. The connection type is direct. The operating temperature of the coolant is up to 120 ˚С.

Heizen 12


  • removes the plug accumulated in the upper part of the radiator, improving the heat transfer of the heater;
  • the heating system evenly warms up due to the removal of air cavities;
  • getting rid of noise in pipes;
  • warranty - 6 years;
  • protection against corrosion of the internal cavities of pipes arising from air bubbles.


  • there is no o-ring on the thread.

Price: 501 rubles.

TIM BL5814 

Automatic direct connection device, including a safety valve that allows you to replace the elements of the air vent without draining the coolant from the system. Made from high quality brass. Gives the chance of bleeding of gases from system without participation of the person. The highest temperature of liquids is 100 ˚С.

The 1/2″ threaded connection is suitable for most heaters with water or non-freezing glycols as the heat carrier. The highest pressure in the system is 10 bar. The air vent is used in heating systems, water supply systems, as well as in air conditioners.

TIM BL5814 


  • eliminates buzz in pipes;
  • protects against corrosion of pipes, as it removes the air bubble;
  • vertical working position;
  • the presence of a check valve.


  • no nickel plating.

Price: 327 rubles.

AQUALINK float 1/2″

A Chinese-made automatic type drain that allows you to remove air plugs from closed water channels with water or non-freezing coolant without human intervention. The body of the air vent is made of high quality nickel-plated brass. Supplied with sealing ring. Inside the body is a steel spring and a polypropylene float. The highest coolant temperature is 110 ˚С. Fluid pressure - up to 10 bar. The diameter of the threaded connection is 1/2″. Float design with lever mechanism.

AQUALINK float 12″


  • reliability;
  • prevents corrosion of pipes caused by air accumulation;
  • automatic bleeding of gases;
  • eliminates hum in pipes.


  • warranty - year;
  • overcharge.

Price: 968 rubles.


This is a direct automatic type float air vent that removes excess air from a closed heating system. It is applied to any liquids which are not aggressive to surfaces. A filter is installed in front of the tap to ensure long-term operation of the valve. The air vent is repairable if necessary.

The shut-off valve helps to carry out work without the need to drain the coolant. The body is made of high strength brass. Inside is a steel spool spring with a nylon retainer. The air vent kit includes a rubber gasket. Withstands a liquid pressure of 10 bar and the highest carrier temperature of +110 ˚С. The diameter of the threaded connection is 1/2″. Lateral outlet valve.


  • works up to 30 years;
  • eliminates noise in pipes;
  • protects against corrosion of pipes due to bleed air.


  • body cannot withstand high pressure.

Price: 463 rubles.


Automatic vent of direct type, which allows you to bleed air from closed systems without human intervention. The outlet valve is located at the top. Used for heating and cooling with water or other non-freezing liquids. Provides uninterrupted operation at a liquid pressure of not more than 10 bar and a temperature of not more than 110 ˚С. The composition includes an automatic shutter that allows you to repair the trap without draining the fluid from the system. The body is made of high strength brass. The diameter of the threaded connection is 1/2″.



  • reliable;
  • long service life;
  • eliminates buzz in pipes;
  • protects system elements from corrosion by bleeding air.


  • high price.

Price: 1854 rubles.

Read the article: Closed heating system: diagrams and installation features of a closed-type system

Overview of the best manual

Air vents for manual heating systems are used as air vents from the top of pipes and radiators. Previously, ordinary ball valves were used to bleed gases in batteries, through which, after removing the air lock, hot water could flow out calmly. Subsequently, they were replaced by valves with a locking device. Only air and a few splashes of coolant escaped through them. Below is a rating of manual air vents.

Itap 194 1/8″

An Italian-made vent removes gases from a closed-circuit heating system. The body of the air vent is made of durable chrome-plated brass. Equipped with a revolving handle made of acetate resin. Withstands the highest carrier temperature of 90 ˚С. Fluid pressure - 10 bar. The diameter of the threaded connection is 1/8″. Has quality certificates. Water and non-freezing substances, such as glycols, are used as heat transfer fluids. Air is released by turning the knob. The trapper warranty is 2 years.

Itap 194 18


  • eliminates air jams that interfere with the normal circulation of the coolant;
  • relieves excess pressure for successful connection of the boiler;
  • protects pipes from corrosion due to air pockets.


  • high price.

Price: 292 rubles.

Emmeti 1/2″

An Italian-made manual vent valve bleeds air from heating systems and other closed circuits. This contributes to the successful operation of the heaters and the correct circulation of the heat carrier. The vent is mounted directly on the heating radiator and is used when the level of outgoing heat decreases. The reason for this is the formed air plugs, which are manually bled using an air vent.

A special key or screwdriver is used to unscrew the screw in the center of the device to bleed air from the radiator. The diameter of the threaded connection is 1/2″, suitable for any heating devices. Not repairable, because it is made in a cast form. When bleeding, it sprays a little to the side, so you need to be careful, cover the hole with a rag or container.

Emmeti 12


  • ease of use;
  • reliability;
  • contributes to the successful operation of heating systems.


  • non-durable sealing ring.

Price: 120 rubles.

Emmeti turnkey 3/8″

The manual Italian-made air vent is designed to bleed air in heating systems using water or non-freezing materials as a heat carrier. In order to remove the plug from the pipes, it is necessary to unscrew the screw in the center of the trap using a special wrench or screwdriver. Wait until all the air is out of the system. The valve is attached directly to the radiator. The thread diameter is 3/8″. The highest temperature is up to 110 ˚С. Fluid pressure - 10 bar. The body is made of brass.

Emmeti turnkey 38


  • durable brass body, resistant to corrosion;
  • long period of operation - 30 years;
  • quickly removes air pockets.


  • sometimes the plastic cover breaks.

Price: 333 rubles.

Torido turnkey 3/4″

The manual type device is designed to bleed air from heating systems, such as batteries and radiators with water or non-freezing coolant. To bleed the gas with a wrench or a screwdriver, unscrew the nut in the center of the air vent until the air is completely out. Then it is twisted again. Withstands operating pressure in the system of 10 bar and operating temperature up to 110 ˚С. Fits directly into the radiator with a 3/4″ thread. The body is made of high strength brass.

Turnkey Torido 34


  • ease of operation;
  • long service life;
  • rapid air bleeding.


  • high price.

Price: 370 rubles.

Torido turnkey 1/2″

Hand-held device made in Italy is designed to remove air bubbles in heating systems with water or non-freezing coolant. The 1/2″ threaded connection is suitable for many brands of heaters. In order to bleed air, the nut in the center of the valve is unscrewed with a wrench or screwdriver. The operating temperature of the coolant is up to 110 ˚С. The air vent can withstand a pressure in the system of not more than 10 bar. The body is made of high strength brass.

Turnkey Torido 12


  • durable case;
  • ease of operation;
  • reliability;
  • protects heating systems from corrosion by bleeding air;
  • eliminates hum in pipes.


  • often have to change the o-ring.

Price: 261 rubles.

Torido 1/2″

The Italian-made hand-held device is designed to remove air bubbles from heating circuits filled with water or non-freezing coolant. No special wrench or screwdriver is needed to use the air vent.

If a deterioration in the operation of the heating system is detected, simply turn the knob of the device to bleed the air. The body is made of high-strength brass with a plastic handle. The 1/2″ threaded connection is suitable for most heaters. Withstands carrier temperatures up to 110 ˚С and liquid pressure up to 10 bar.

Torido 12


  • ease of operation;
  • eliminates buzz in pipes;
  • quickly bleeds gases;
  • protects internal parts of pipes from corrosion.


  • sometimes cracks appear on the handle from exposure to high temperatures.

Price: 261 rubles.

STI 10 3/8″

The device is designed to bleed air in closed systems with a water coolant or non-aggressive liquids. The trap body is made entirely of high-strength brass, not subject to corrosion. To bleed gases do not use a special key or screwdriver. All you have to do is turn the knob. Designed for the operating temperature of the coolant up to 110 ˚С and liquid pressure up to 10 bar. The thread diameter is 3/8″.

STI 10 38


  • ease of operation;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • quickly eliminates air pockets leading to pipe corrosion;
  • removes hum in pipes.


  • the brass handle of the air vent is heated at a high temperature of the coolant.

Price: 293 rubles.

CTM THERMO3/4″ (with wing)

The Chinese-made device is designed to remove air from closed heating circuits. Made of high strength brass with a plastic thumb for control. To bleed gases from pipes, you do not need a special wrench or screwdriver. It is enough to turn the lamb until the air starts to come out. The connection diameter is 3/4″. Maintained operating temperature - up to 110 ˚С. The coolant pressure is 10 bar. It is used in systems with non-freezing non-aggressive liquids or water. Warranty - 3 years



  • comfortable handle;
  • durable brass body;
  • ease of operation;
  • quickly removes gases;
  • eliminates hum in pipes.


  • cracks may appear on the handle due to the high temperature of the coolant.

Price: 350 rubles.

Glavkhoztorg 1/2

The Russian-made hand-held device is designed to remove air from closed systems filled with water or with non-freezing liquids. In order to remove the air lock in the pipes, turn the screw in the middle of the upper platform of the air vent with a special key or screwdriver until splashes appear. At the end of the procedure, twist again. The body is made of durable brass alloy with a plastic tip at the top and a rubber seal on the 1/2″ thread. Suitable for most heating appliances.

Glavkhoztorg 12


  • reliable;
  • sealing ring included;
  • easy to use;
  • quickly removes air;
  • eliminates hum in pipes.


  • there is no lamb to unscrew the screw.

Price: 142 rubles.

Icma manual 1/2″

The Italian-made manual valve is designed to bleed air in pipes of closed systems filled with water or non-freezing coolants. Protects against corrosion of the circuit elements due to accumulated air and protects against deterioration of the heat transfer of heating systems. Withstands liquid pressure up to 10 bar and temperatures up to 90 ˚С.

The body is made of brass with a plastic nozzle and a sealing ring. To bleed air with a special key or screwdriver, turn the screw in the center of the upper platform of the air vent. The 1/2″ thread is suitable for use in most heaters.

Icma manual 12


  • reliability;
  • sealing ring included;
  • ease of operation;
  • quickly eliminates air locks and buzz in pipes.


  • operating temperature is not high enough.

Price: 215 rubles.


Mounting kit made in China for radiators with a water coolant or with a filler of non-freezing liquids that are non-aggressive to the materials of the diverter. It is used to eliminate air jams in heating systems. Includes a sealing ring.

To release air, turn the thumb knob on the device body, which eliminates the use of special keys or screwdrivers. The 1/2″ threaded connection allows the valve to be used for most household appliances. Withstands liquid pressure of 10 bar and operating temperature up to 110 ˚С.



  • ease of operation;
  • comfortable handle;
  • sealing ring included;
  • quickly removes air from pipes, eliminating buzz;
  • prevents corrosion.


  • overcharge.

Price: 277 rubles.

Icma, 3/4″

Italian-made manual air vent is designed to bleed air from closed heating systems. The body of the device is made of brass with a plastic nozzle and a sealing gasket. To use, unscrew the screw in the center of the upper plane of the device with a wrench or screwdriver. The diverter is easily screwed onto radiators with a 1/2″ thread. The working pressure of the coolant is 10 bar, the temperature is up to 90 ˚С.

Icma, 34


  • ease of installation and management;
  • reliability;
  • sealing ring included;
  • quickly removes air pockets.


  • there is no knob to control the propeller.

Price: 240 rubles.

As the review shows, the best air vents are produced at the enterprises of Italy and Russia. Although there are good models and Chinese-made automatic and manual types. The use of these valves will eliminate many problems in heating pipes and radiators, such as humming or reduced heat transfer.

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