Wilo pump specifications

Wilo pump specifications

For many years, when installed, the heating system in the industry used pumping equipment. Private buildings were heated in a molecular way, but over time, circular pumping units began to be used more and more often, which made it possible to quickly heat the room. Pumping devices increase the power of circulating water in a closed circuit, which increases the heating efficiency.

Such a device is designed for continuous operation, so the selected model must meet high requirements. Wilo circular pumping devices can satisfy them, its highest build quality and excellent technical characteristics guarantee operational advantages. Market consumers actively use German-made products.


  • Wilo pumps
  • Features
  • Manufacturer Information
  • Official site
  • Varieties
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Criterias of choice
  • Specifications
  • Prices
  • Reviews

Wilo pumps

The main component in the heating circuit and the hot supply is the circular pump. It has a compact structure, which is mounted directly into the hot water pipe or heating system. The device performs the function of forced movement

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coolant in a closed system, that is, circulation or recirculation occurs.

This unit makes it possible to rapidly and evenly heat the room compared to the molecular method. Buildings with an area of ​​over 100 square meters. m. can not do without such a pumping device, which allows you to create a comfortable microclimate in cold weather.

For the manufacture of the case, stainless alloys are used (cast iron, aluminum, brass, bronze and steel). The rotor that rotates the electric motor is made of steel or ceramic. The impeller (impeller) is equipped with a rotor shaft. When the device is in operation, a reduced pressure is created on the nozzle, which promotes the absorption of liquid.

During the operation of the impeller, a centrifugal force arises, causing compression, resulting in heating the coolant and distributing it through the pipeline of a hot water supply or heating system contour.

Wilo Pump Specifications


  • Constructive. If the products are manufactured by a German manufacturer, one of the design features is the long-term operation of the unit, which does not require maintenance. This is due to the use of quality material in the manufacture. For example, durable gray cast iron is used to make the case, and internal parts, such as the shaft, are stainless steel. Graphite is used to make bearings. Pressure is regulated by three switching steps. The maximum temperature of heating the liquid can reach up to + 110 ° С. If we talk about industrial models, then the temperature threshold may be greater. Household models withstand pressure of 10 bar, industrial - 16.
  • Technical. The use of modern circular pumping units allows to increase the efficiency and heat transfer of the heating circuit. To reduce fuel consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, pipes with a smaller diameter can be used for the layout. The quality of work does not change, but the savings will be in everything. The equipment operates continuously, which ensures the reliability of the element. Wilo also thought about the economics of energy consumption. For example, functioning full day, the consumption of some models is 250 watts. The silent operation of the unit is explained by the lack of a fan inside.

Manufacturer Information

Circular pumping devices, which are installed in the heating system, simply flooded the domestic market. Here you can find both high-quality goods and Chinese fakes, which do not please with their long service life.

One of the manufacturers is Wilo - a German concern. It is also called the "heart" in modern heating. Pumps entering the sales market are distinguished by reliability, performance, quality and power. Models are provided for industrial and civil buildings.

The global manufacturer of Vilo produces pumping equipment for air conditioning, ventilation, and heating systems.

In the western part of Germany, in the city of Dortmund, is the head office. The company was founded in 1872, then it had a different name. It was the name Vilo that appeared in 2002, when the merger of the two companies took place. It is represented in 60 countries of the world.

Official site

Official website address: http://www.wilo.de/home/#.VpKkV01vWpc


Wilo Star-RSD, Star-RS - Models are characterized by low power, but are reliable and affordable. Ideal for private homes in the heating system. Regulate heating in rooms with a total area of ​​200-800 square meters. m. Efficiency is regulated by a manual switch.

Wilo Star-RSD Pump

Startos eco used in boiler rooms, where their power is 25 kW or more. Units are equipped with an electronic control system. This model is widely used in small cottages. They work with the coolant even when the temperature is negative and this can be called its main feature.

Pump Startos ECO

TOP-S and TOP-RL - Models of this class are designed for heating large areas - 1400 square meters. m. Their productivity is great, since dual and three-phase units are used.

Pump TOP-S

TOP-Z it is convenient to apply when the coolant has the ability to deposit calcium and magnesium salts. This class copes with low water quality, which ensures uninterrupted operation of the heating system.

Pump TOP-Z

German pumps are divided into devices with dry and wet rotors. The latter classes are optimally used for small rooms where internal heating installation is used. Here, the engine is cooled due to the coolant that pumps the pump. This process explains the silent operation of the system.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • No heat loss during evaporation.
  • Resistance to corrosion.
  • Automatic control system.
  • Silent operation of the unit.
  • Small dimensions.
  • Simple connection.
  • The presence of a multi-stage protection system.
  • No deposition of salts from the coolant due to the high pressure in the pipeline.
  • Long service life.
  • Reliability.
  • Maximum water consumption up to 5 meters in one hour (on some models).
  • Blocking current resistant motor.
  • A wide range of temperatures (-10 ° С to + 110 ° С).
  • The device is comfortable in operation.
  • Create a head height of up to 8 meters.
  • Profitability.


Dependence on electricity.


Criterias of choice

Choosing the power of the device, you should start from the area of ​​the room that you are going to heat. The second selection criterion is the speed that the circular pump will generate.


  • The rotor speed is regulated by three gearshift stages.
  • Docking with a pipe is done by flange or thread.
  • Temperature range -10 ° С - + 110 ° С.
  • Permissible pressure is 6, 10, 16 bar.
  • Various engine protection functions.
  • Cover made of heat-insulating material.
  • Resistance of the motor to blocking.
  • Electronic control.


The cost of modifying the pump from Wilo Top-S, ranging from 6869 rubles. up to 50 659, and Wilo Star-RS - 1803-5949 rubles.


Buyers have different attitudes to purchased pumps. He is completely satisfied with some, others, for some reason not.

For 4 years now, I purchased a Wilo Star-RS pump for 5949 rubles. I can evaluate it like this - set and forget. I have a private house in two floors, with a total area of ​​170 square meters. m, and so, the pump pumps 3 cubes in one hour. A warranty card for 2 years was attached to the product, which I did not even use. It's nice that you do not need to service the equipment.

The rotor speed is regulated by three switching modes, which is very convenient. In cold and frosty times, I can add power, while not touching the gas regulation on the boiler. I consider mounting as a threaded connection to be a big plus. You can always replace the device with simple operations: close the two valves and use the union nuts to remove the pump. I consider its advantages as quality and reliability, but did not find any flaws.


A few years ago decided to replace a gas boilerimmediately thought about buying a pump. All family members decided to install such a thing, only I was against it. I was persuaded, and we safely bought for 4200 rubles. Wilo Star-RS 30/6. All relatives explained that there would be great gas savings if the pump was turned on, which would drive the heated water and thereby, gas would not be consumed. Beauty and more!

To my question about saving electricity, I did not receive an answer. Relatives of this, for some reason did not think, since thoughts were occupied only by gas.

The general decision was to purchase two units that operate independently of each other. The pump is powered by electricity, and the boiler is powered by gas. So it turns out, if there is no electricity, we sit in a dark room and in the cold.

The only plus, I think, is the quick heating of the house. At night, I hear the vibration in the pipes, from the operation of the device, other members of the family do not notice this.

I want to recommend to everyone not to take similar products, not only this model. The system already coped with the heating system. Saving gas in kopecks, and electricity consumption has increased much, we have not paid so much before. Do not believe how I save this fairy tale.


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