Do-it-yourself outdoor furniture: garden, for summer cottages, ideas, photos, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Outdoor furniture made from different materials is comfortable. They often choose simple models that can be made without having special skills.

DIY outdoor furniture

The content of the article:

  • What material to choose for country furniture?
  • Implementation Options
  • Making natural stone furniture
  • Wicker garden furniture options
  • Wooden garden furniture
    • Shop
    • Table
    • Deckchair
    • garden sofa
    • Rocking chair
    • Bench
    • folding chair
    • Picnic table
    • Baby swing
    • sun lounger

What material to choose for country furniture?

So that garden furniture does not collapse due to exposure to the sun, moisture and other negative factors, you need to choose and prepare the material correctly.

Common options:

  1. More often they make different furniture from wood, given the easy methods of processing it. For outdoor items, all parts are impregnated with moisture-resistant compounds. Suitable for boards, beams, pallets, stumps, etc.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Differs in durability and durability metal furniture. But when working with this material, it is necessary to provide protection against rust.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  3. instagram viewer
  4. When making furniture for a summer residence with your own hands from stone, simple processing options are used. They get outdoor tables, benches that will not collapse for a long time. The downside is the high weight, which makes it difficult to transfer to another place.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  5. Furniture woven from wicker or rattan looks beautiful. The material resists moisture well, but for the winter it is advisable to bring such items from the outdoor area into the barn or onto the veranda.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Implementation Options

Outdoor furniture surprises with its variety. Before proceeding to manufacture, analyze interesting options:

  1. A simple bench made of polished timber will decorate a shady corner of the garden.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Skills in working with natural materials will come in handy. Unusual sets of garden furniture are obtained from sanded varnished stumps and snags.
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  3. A wooden outdoor set of a table, benches under a canopy fits comfortably into the landscape.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  4. On the veranda you can install a table and outdoor semi-chairs made of wooden planks.
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  5. Ensembles of furniture from pallets for summer cottages attract with convenience and ease of manufacture. Sofas, on which soft mattresses and pillows are laid, are conducive to relaxation. This design will emphasize the loft style.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  6. For a romantic setting, wicker outdoor rattan furniture is made.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  7. An unusual nuance to any site brings a corner bench. Supports for this type of furniture are wooden pots with flowering plants.
  8. You can make a comfortable outdoor bench. Most often, wood is used for this furniture.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  9. The frame for an outdoor sofa can be chairs connected by planks and bars.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  10. For a garden tree trunk, a circular bench becomes an unusual attribute.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  11. A log of large diameter easily turns into an outdoor bench if you choose a corner segment from it.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  12. Quickly allow you to create an outdoor dinette reel freed from the cable.
  13. Polished large saw cuts of wood look unusual in the manufacture of furniture. Such a table becomes an elegant decoration of the landscape.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  14. For a comfortable stay, it is easy to make a mobile deck chair, for the seat of which a dense fabric is used.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  15. You can make such an outdoor piece of furniture from wooden slats.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  16. Perform sun loungers of different sizes, providing, for example, a comfortable continuation for the legs.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  17. Cozy wooden rocking chairs will provide relaxation.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  18. Country swing will allow to have a rest to all family members.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Interesting: DIY furniture from pallets

Making natural stone furniture

If a stone is chosen for the manufacture of a street bench or table, the available methods of work are used:

  1. Taking the stump for the base, make a countertop of several flat cobblestones. They are fastened with cement, having received durable furniture.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Gabions look interesting. Most often they are used as a base. Putting a wooden shield on top, they get an unusual outdoor table. Nearby, benches are made using a similar technology to create a set of furniture.
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  3. By bonding stones of different sizes with cement, you can lay out a spacious outdoor sofa.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Wicker garden furniture options

Before starting to make beautiful wicker furniture, they study different schemes. They will allow you to correctly complete all stages of the work.

It is more convenient for novice craftsmen to start mastering the art of weaving with rattan ribbons. For decoration take a stool.


  1. Such an outdoor piece of furniture is made from 4 bars fastened into a frame. From below, the legs are fixed with self-tapping screws.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Reinforce the frame with a strong braid, which is fixed with a stapler with side bars.
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  3. Long and shorter strips of rattan are laid tightly. They follow the correct order by placing two short (fixed on the bars of the seat), and then one long (fixed on the back of the crossbar between the legs) strip.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  4. For weaving, ribbons also alternate. After one long segment there are two short tapes. In the first row, they pass through every two strips, then from above, then from below. Each subsequent row involves a shift by one lane.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  5. After completing the design of the seat of the street stool, the ends of the interwoven tapes are fixed with a stapler.
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  6. The sides are plaited with a long ribbon in a checkerboard pattern. The tape is increased in the process of work using a soldering iron.
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  7. The sidewalls are braided approximately to the middle, fixing the ends of long ribbons on the legs below.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  8. Braid furniture legs separately.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

In finished form, they get a beautiful street stool.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Wooden garden furniture

Analyzing the drawings and photos of different types of wood furniture, you can understand the sequence of operations, which facilitates the work. Take into account that finished items need to be painted, varnished or other protective material. This procedure will save outdoor furniture sets from rapid destruction.


Simple bench designs suitable for recreation can be made in many ways.

From planks and timber

For a street shop, the basic dimensions are maintained, given the convenience of this type of furniture. You can make it from a bar 5 x 10 cm, as well as wooden boards 6–8 cm wide (for lintels) and 12–15 cm (for the seat). Their thickness is 5–6 cm.


  1. From wide boards make 3 blanks of the desired length for the seat.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. The beam on the legs is cut into 4 parts. The height is made such that it is comfortable to sit.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  3. Then the boards prepared for the furniture seat are laid out on a sheet of plywood, leaving small gaps, on a flat area.
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  4. Cut off 3 crossbars from a narrow board. Their length should be such that the jumpers fasten the seat blanks, reaching the middle of the extreme parts. Two side jumpers are attached to each bar with self-tapping screws. Their location corresponds to the place where the legs will be. In the middle between them, a third crossbar is fixed.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  5. The legs are installed, checking the exact vertical, to the ends of the two extreme crossbars. Attached to self-tapping screws.
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  6. Cut out two more crossbars from a wider board. They are fixed between the legs for stability.
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  7. From a wide board cut a longitudinal cross. Its length is the distance between the extreme sections of the jumper holding the legs. Screw on with screws.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

To ensure safety and comfort, all furniture details must be sanded. It is more convenient to perform this procedure for each fragment separately in the process of assembling a street shop.
Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

from a log

If there is a dry trunk 3.6 m long with a diameter of 60–70 cm, it takes a little time to make a street bench.

Sequence of operations:

  1. Take off the bark. Clean the surface of dirt.
  2. Sawing a log for furniture into three parts. The length of one of them is 2.4 m, and the other two for the bases are made 60 cm each. The medium, longer piece must be sawn in half along the center longitudinal line.
  3. The sides of the short logs are cut off a little. On the half of the log, retreating from the edges by 45 cm, recesses are made on the underside. They must match in shape and size with the smoothed sidewalls of the bases.
  4. Grind all prepared parts for a street shop. Lay the bases on the ground with one smooth side down. Half of the trunk is placed on them, combining the recesses with the chumps. A few nails are driven in for a good fixation of the furniture.
Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

From a profile pipe

A reliable version of a street shop is obtained by using a profile pipe for the base.


  1. The parts cut out of the pipe are welded in the shape of a rectangle.
  2. Inside them, a transverse metal jumper is welded to the sidewalls, having previously prepared holes in it.
  3. A wooden polished board is laid, which is attached through the holes to the self-tapping screws.
Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions


One of the most common outdoor furniture options is a table. It is easy to make it from available materials with your own hands.


  1. Prepare material. Suitable boards 50 wide and 25 cm thick. Dimensions of the future outdoor table: length - 150 cm, width - 60 cm, height - 85 cm.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Assemble the furniture frame. We need two longitudinal (150 cm) boards. For the crossbars, to get a table width of 60 cm, cut off two parts 55 cm long. Fasten all the blanks for the outdoor table with self-tapping screws, getting a rectangle. During the assembly process, the corners are controlled. They must be straight. For the legs, 4 parts are sawn off. Their size is correlated with the planned table height of 85 cm. Each leg is fixed with 4 self-tapping screws in the corners of the frame on both sides.
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  3. Jumpers are cut out, which are attached between the legs just above their center, providing the necessary rigidity.
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  4. By screwing the jumpers from opposite sides, they also prepare the base for the shelf.
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  5. The furniture frame is polished. Then they cut and fix the boards for the countertop and the shelf with self-tapping screws.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

The finished outdoor table is polished. Then it can be painted, stained or varnished.
Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions


The word "chaise lounge" is translated from French as "long chair". This is a comfortable piece of furniture designed for a comfortable relaxed stay. For manufacturing, simple street options are used.

If you plan to make a mobile outdoor deck chair on a light wooden base with a textile seat, prepare the necessary material:

  1. For the back, boards 19 mm thick, 38 mm wide, of the desired length are cut: 1219 mm (2 pcs.), And also 610, 648 mm (1 pc. each). They also cut out one board with a thickness of 19, a width of 64, a length of 610 mm.
  2. The furniture seat will require boards 19 mm thick, 38 mm wide, of the following length: 1118 mm (2 pcs.), 603 mm (4 pcs.), 565 mm (1 pc.). Still need one board with a thickness of 19, a width of 64, a length of 565 mm.
  3. For supporting fasteners, 2 boards with a thickness of 19 mm are cut out. Their width is 38 mm, and the length is 381 mm. They also prepare a wooden rod with a diameter of 12 and a length of 648 mm.
  4. For a textile seat, they take a strong awning fabric (two cuts 1372 x 578 mm), as well as two cylindrical dowels made of wood 12 long and 559 mm long.
  5. Fasteners: bolts with nuts (4 pcs.) 6 x 50 mm; washers (12 pcs.); wood screws 4 x 50 mm; carpentry, PVA or other glue suitable for wood.

Sequence of operations:

  1. Focusing on the drawing, they assemble the frame for the back. An interval of 10 mm must be left between the two upper strips to fix the textile seat.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Then you need to make the seat frame. When fixing the slats, a gap of 13 mm is maintained between them. Between the top boards leave an interval of 10 mm.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  3. The seat and back are folded down. Through pre-prepared holes, they are connected by pre-placing washers with bolts. Nuts can be fixed with Moment glue or paint. This will keep them from spinning too fast.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  4. Using a cylindrical rod and two boards 19 x 38 x 381 mm, assemble the back support. Holes are drilled with which the strips are bolted to the back. For the rod, recesses with a diameter of 12 mm are also prepared and fixed in them with glue.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  5. Pieces of textiles are folded, combining the front sides. They are stitched on the inside, stepping back 6 cm from the edges. A small non-stitched area (10–12 cm) is left on the side.
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  6. The textile blank is turned out, straightening the corners. A line is laid along the long sides, which should secure the purl allowances.
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  7. Bend and hem the short sides, forming backstage for the rods. To determine the width of the hem, the fabric is threaded through the gaps left between the slats and the desired tension of the future seat is checked.
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  8. The prepared canvas is threaded into the grooves. Dowels are installed in the wings.
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To ensure comfort, all wooden parts of an outdoor deck chair must first be sanded and then treated with moisture-protecting agents. After drying, the furniture is varnished.
Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

garden sofa

A comfortable outdoor sofa, when made by hand, is a seat equipped with a back and, if desired, armrests. For comfort, soft pillows or mattresses are laid. When sewing, moisture-proof removable covers are chosen. Seats for such furniture, unlike benches, are made wider.


  1. It is necessary to select boards 50 thick and 200 mm wide for work, as well as a bar 100 x 200 mm. Outdoor cushions for this furniture can be bought ready-made.
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  2. 6 parts 82 cm long are cut from the timber.
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  3. Furniture boards need to be sawn into pieces 150 cm long.
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  4. All parts are ground, rounding the edges at the same time.
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  5. Anchors are used, having previously drilled holes for them. These fasteners are connected together by three blanks from a bar. Get two sides.
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  6. Steel corners are screwed to furniture pieces assembled from bars, aligning their lower edge with the joint line.
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  7. The sawn parts from the board are attached to the corners using galvanized self-tapping screws.
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  8. To obtain the desired inclination of the back, mark a line on the sidewalls. The corners are screwed to them, to which the board is then fixed.
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  9. To ensure the protection of furniture from the negative effects of moisture, all surfaces are impregnated with drying oil.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

After drying, it remains to decompose comfortable pillows. A comfortable outdoor sofa is ready.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Rocking chair

Among outdoor furniture options, a rocking chair attracts with a surprisingly comfortable look. If you plan to take this idea as a basis and make a similar item, you need to stop at a simple option.

Sequence of operations:

  1. It is necessary to prepare plywood 3 cm thick. Sheet dimensions - 140 x 120 cm. You will also need 3 boards for jumpers 2 cm thick. Their width should be 15 cm, and the length - 80 cm. To cover an outdoor chair, you need planks (32 pieces) 1.5 cm thick, 3 cm wide, and 120 cm long.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. The pattern for the sidewalls of furniture is drawn in full size. Cut it out of paper. Transferred to plywood.
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  3. Using a jigsaw, cut out two identical parts.
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  4. Fold the parts, fastening with clamps. If necessary, adjust their shape with a milling cutter to achieve a complete match.
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  5. In accordance with the drawing, mark on the inside of the sidewalls the places where the crossbars will be attached. These are 2 x 15 cm rectangles.
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  6. In these rectangles, a piece of plywood is selected to a depth of 5 mm. Fill the grooves with wood glue (you can take PVA), insert jumpers. For reliability, they are fixed with self-tapping screws. There are two fasteners for each trunnion on one side.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  7. Now they take strips 120 cm long, stepping back from the edge of 20 cm, the attachment line. This will allow you to get smooth edges of the skin. Fasten the rails with self-tapping screws with an interval of 10 mm. To maintain accuracy, calibrators are used on both sides of the corresponding thickness.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  8. Carry out furniture upholstery to the very top.
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  9. The heads of the self-tapping screws should be sunk into the wood by about 2 mm. Then the recesses are filled with putty, which is immediately leveled, and after drying, they are also polished.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  10. Cover surfaces with moisture resistant varnish.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

A ready-made outdoor rocking chair will serve as a wonderful place to relax and unwind.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions


If it is planned to make a bench for the outdoor version of wooden furniture, you need to mark the required dimensions on the previously developed scheme.

For work, they choose available ideas, for example, use 6 pallets for a street bench. Of the tools you will need a hacksaw, a screwdriver.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Sequence of operations:

  1. For the seat, 3 pallets are sequentially stacked on top of each other, connecting them with self-tapping screws.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Take another pallet, which will serve as the back of a street bench. From the front side, two extreme boards are removed. One board is removed from the inside.
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  3. Stepping back from the front side 10 cm from the remaining extreme bar, saw off the crossbar.
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  4. From the inside, the cut is made next to the board.
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  5. Install the resulting part, which will serve as the back, on the base.
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  6. Cut out two supports from the remaining boards. They are fixed on the sides of the installed back. It is necessary to tighten two self-tapping screws at the top and bottom.
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  7. They also screw in two self-tapping screws in front to fasten the base and back.
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  8. Now you need to cut the two remaining pallets in half. The insides of two planks are cut next to the bars, and the third extreme is made longer (by 30–35 cm) for subsequent attachment to the back.
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  9. After installation in place, the sidewalls are screwed to the back and base. A board is fixed on top, which will serve as an armrest.
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  10. All surfaces must be sanded and then varnished.
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Near the outdoor bench, you can put a table assembled from pallets.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

folding chair

The compact, easily developing country chair is convenient in application. It can be moved to another place, taken on a fishing trip or to the beach. If you plan to make such a piece of furniture with your own hands, study the most accessible types.

For the proposed outdoor model, you need to prepare a furniture board or thick plywood, wooden bars, metal hinges.


  1. The bars need to be sanded. Then spikes and grooves are prepared along the edges. Assemble the frame in the shape of a rectangle.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. Furniture panels of different sizes are bought or glued from wooden slats. They are fastened together with metal loops. A hole is prepared in a small shield, into which the fingers should be placed when unfolding. Carpentry bolts are screwed on the sides, leaving the desired length. Hats are cut with a grinder.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  3. Insert the assembled structure into the frame. The ends of the screws must be inserted into the longitudinal grooves previously prepared in the bars. A large shield after fixing with screws should not lose mobility.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  4. Check the manufactured piece of furniture in work. The outdoor folding chair is then varnished or painted.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Picnic table

You can assemble a mobile folding table, which is convenient to take with you to nature for a picnic, using available materials.

It is necessary to prepare cylindrical wooden legs (4 pieces) with a diameter of 2.5 cm and a length of 30 cm. For the tabletop, slats (10 pcs.) Are cut out 2 cm thick. their width is 5, and the length is 60 cm. You will also need 2 slats that play the role of tabletop clamps, the same size as the slats. You will need threaded nuts with bolts, strong nylon braid, and a furniture stapler.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions


  1. Furniture legs on one side are treated with sandpaper.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. As a result, the ends are rounded. The slats prepared for the countertop must be rounded and sanded at both ends.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  3. Start assembling the table top. Reiki is laid on a flat horizontal plane. To maintain the same gap, a board 1 cm thick is applied between them. The thread is cut. You need 2 pieces of 60 cm in length. The ends are carefully melted with a lighter flame. As the slats are laid out, a braid is attached to them with a stapler. There are 3 staples for each bar.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  4. Collect consistently the entire countertop.
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  5. In the extreme rails of the countertops, holes are made for the bolts.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  6. The fixing strips are laid on the inside of the tabletop, on which the exact place is first marked, and then holes are made. To check the match, insert a bolt.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  7. The legs, wrapped in a piece of cloth to protect the wood from chipping and deformation, are clamped in a vice. Then, holes are made in the upper end without roundings, where the screw nut will be installed.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  8. Using a polygon wrench, screw nuts into the legs.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  9. Assemble a comfortable outdoor table suitable for a picnic. Check this piece of furniture for stability.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

After unscrewing the legs, the table folds easily. The compact roll fits into a backpack or gym bag.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Baby swing

Rest in the country is not complete without the equipment of the play area, if there are children in the family. One of their favorite pastimes is swings. You can make such a street attraction with your own hands.

To build a child-friendly outdoor swing, you will need two types of timber (10 x 10 cm and 5 x 5 cm), as well as boards 2.5 cm thick and 10 cm wide. We also need mounting plates, a galvanized chain, screws. A metal pipe can serve as a replacement for a beam.


  1. Sawed out of a bar with a diameter of 10 x 10 cm 4 racks. Their height is 195 cm.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. The supports are connected in the shape of the letter "A". For fastening, two jibs are used (from below and from above), cut from a thinner bar 5 x 5 cm. To fix them, the parts are drilled through and tightened with bolts.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  3. Now take a bar 10 x 10 cm. Cut out the crossbar, maintaining a length of 180 cm. Lay on the top stops. Fix with bolts.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  4. Planks 120 cm long are cut from the boards. You need 3 pieces for the seat and back.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  5. On the upper edge, using a jigsaw, a simple pattern is cut out. Sand the cuts with sandpaper.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  6. Fix with screws to the crossbars 5 x 5 cm, 3 boards for the seat, and then the back. They are connected with bolts, maintaining the desired inclination of the back.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  7. Attach two boards on each side to the screws, forming armrests.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  8. Holes are made in the top beam. Bolts are placed in them, having previously passed them through the chain link. From above, placing a metal washer, fix the bolts with a nut.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  9. At the bottom, in the bars of the base of the seat, two holes are made on both sides. Bolts are installed in them, which fix the ends of the chains.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

Suspensions are adjusted, setting the exact horizontal of the seat.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

sun lounger

Unlike a deck chair, a simple sunbed is a type of mobile hard portable bed.


  1. Prepare boards 5 cm thick and 10 cm wide for an outdoor lounger, as well as slats 2.5 thick and 8 cm wide. Saw off two parts (215 and 50 cm long) from boards 10 cm wide. Using self-tapping screws, they make a rectangular frame out of them.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  2. For the furniture seat, slats 8 cm wide are cut. You need 13 blanks. Make them 60 cm long. Screw on with screws. To maintain the same 1-centimeter gap, a bar of the same thickness is applied when fixing each subsequent rail. Legs are attached to the corners. They are cut from slats. To ensure strength, two legs are installed at the bottom. The height of these parts is 35 cm. You can choose another size.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  3. For the backrest, two parts 88 cm long and 3 - 39 cm long are cut out from a board 10 cm wide. A frame is assembled from these blanks. They check that it freely enters the upper open part of the future outdoor lounger with a small gap.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  4. From slats 8 cm wide, 6 parts 88 cm long are cut. They are fixed to the upper frame in the longitudinal direction. The top ends are slightly rounded.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions
  5. To connect the base and backrest, 9 cm recede from the edge of the seat. Make a hole into which a pin is inserted. At the base, at a distance of 9 cm from the stud, a groove is made 5 cm deep. its width is 10 cm. Departing from the first notch 20 cm, make the second groove 5 x 5 cm. A part 10 cm wide, 5 cm thick and 60 cm long in the folded state of the deck chair is laid horizontally in the first recess. If you need to raise the headboard, the bar is moved to the second groove, where it is placed vertically.
    Do-it-yourself garden furniture for summer cottages: ideas, drawings, step-by-step instructions

After sanding, the outdoor lounger can be varnished or painted.

Made from available materials using simple technology and with your own hands, garden furniture fits well into the country landscape. When providing a protective coating, even wooden street kits will not collapse under the influence of moisture.

If you are interested in the options for comfortable outdoor furniture discussed in the article, please tell your friends about them on social networks, bookmark the material. Which of the ideas did you like? Maybe you have already made some of the presented street furniture yourself?

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